
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


15:1Then sayde Samuel vnto Saul: the Lorde sent me to anoynt the King ouer his people Israel. Now therfore obeye thou the voyce of the wordes of the Lorde.
15:2Thus saith the Lorde of hostes: I haue called to remembraunce that whiche Amalech dyd to Israel how they laye in wayte for them in the way as they came out of Egypte.
15:3Now therfor go & smyte the Amaleckites, & onelye destroy ye all that pertayneth vnto them, & se thou haue no compassion on them. But slay both man & woman, infant & sucklyng, & oxe, shepe, camell & Asse.
15:4And Saul tolde it the people, & nombred them in Telaim two hundred thousand foote men, & ten thousand men of Iuda.
15:5And Saule came vnto a city of the Amaleckites, & fought in a valeye.
15:6But Saul sayde vnto the Kenites go & departe, & get ye doune from amonge the Amaleckytes, leste I destroy you wyth them for ye shewed mercye with Israell when they came out of Egypt. And the kenites departed from amonge the Amaleckites.
15:7And Saul slue the Amaleckites from Heuila to Sur that lyeth before Egypte,
15:8& toke Agag the Kyng of the Amaleckites a lyue, & vtterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the swerde.
15:9But Saule and the people spared Agag, and they left of the shepe and of the oxen and fat thynges and the lambes and al that was good, and wolde not destroy them. But all that was noughte worth an flaggye, that they destroyed vtterlye.
15:10Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Samuel, sayinge:
15:11it repenteth me that I haue made Saul King. For he is turned from me, & hath not parformed my commaundementes, wherfore Samuel was euyl apayde & cryed vnto the Lord all nyght.
15:12And Samuel rose earlye, to mete Saul in the mornynge. And it was tolde Samuel that Saule was come to Carmell, and had set hym vp a pyller of triumphe. And was turned and departed and gone to Galgall.
15:13And when Samuel was come to Saule, Saule sayde vnto hym: Blessed be thou in the Lorde. I haue done the commaundemente of the Lorde.
15:14And Samuel aunswered: what meaneth then the bleatynge of the shepe in myne eares, & the noyse of the oxen whiche I heare?
15:15And Saule sayde: they haue broughte them from the Amaleckytes. For the people spared the best of the shepe and of the oxen, to sacrifyce vnto the Lorde thy God. And the remnaunt we haue destroyed.
15:16But Samuel sayde to Saul: cease and let me tell the what the Lorde hath sayde to me thys nyght. And he sayde vnto him: saye on.
15:17And Samuel sayde when thou waste lytle in thyne owne sighte, wast thou not made the head of the trybes of Israell? And the Lorde anoynted the Kynge ouer Israel.
15:18And then the Lord sent the on a iourneye, & sayde vnto the, se that thou vtterlye destroye those synners, the Amaleckites & fyght agaynste them vntil ye haue vtterlye destroyed them.
15:19And wherfore hast thou now not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde. But dydest turne to the praye & haste wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lord?
15:20And Saule sayde vnto Samuel: I haue obeyed the voyce of the Lorde, and wente the waye which the Lord sent me, & haue brought Agag the Kynge of the Amaleckites. And haue vtterlye destroyed the Amaleckites.
15:21And the people toke of the spoyle, shepe, oxen, and the chiefest of the thynges which shulde haue ben destroyed, to offer vnto the Lorde thy God in Galgal.
15:22Then sayde Samuel: hath the Lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacryfyces & offerynges, as he hath that thou shouldest obeye hys voyce? Beholde, to obeye is better then offeryng, and to geue heade is better then the fat of rammes.
15:23For rebellyousnesse is as the synne of witchcrafte, & stoburnesse is wyckednesse and Idolatrye. Because therfore thou hast cast awaye the worde of the Lorde, therfore hath the Lorde caste awaye the also, from beynge Kynge.
15:24Then sayde Saul to Samuel: I haue sinned, for I haue trespaced the mouthe of the Lorde, and thy wordes, because I feared the people and obeyed theyr voyce.
15:25But now take awaye my synne, & turne agayne wyth me, that I maye worshyppe the Lord.
15:26Then sayd Samuel vnto Saul: I wyll not returne wyth the: for thou hast cast awaye the byddyng of God, & therfore the Lorde hath cast awaye the also, that thou shalt not be Kyng ouer Israel.
15:27And as Samuel turned to go awaye, he caught the lappe of hys coote, and it rente.
15:28Then Samuel saide: the Lorde hath rente the Kyngdome of Israel from the this daye, and hath geuen it to a neyghbour of thyne, that is better then thou.
15:29And therto he that geueth victorye to Israel, wyl not begyle nor repente: for he is not a man, that can repent.
15:30Then he sayd: I haue synned. But yet honoure me before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turne agayne wyth me, that I maye praye vnto the Lorde thy God.
15:31And Samuell turned agayne, and folowed Saule. And Saul prayed vnto the Lord.
15:32Then sayde Samuel: Bryng ye hyther to me Agag the Kynge of the Amaleckytes. And Agag came vnto hym delycately. And Agag said: truly the bytternesse of death cometh on. And Samuel sayde:
15:33As thy swerde hath made wemen chyldelesse, so shall thy mother be chyldlesse among other wemen. And so Samuell hewed Agag in peces before the Lord in Galgal. And then Samuell departed to Ramath.
15:34And Saul went home to hys house to Gabaah Saule.
15:35But Samuel came no more to se Saule vntyll the day of hys death. Neuerthelesse Samuel mourned for Saule, because the Lorde repented that he had made hym Kyng ouer Israel.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.