Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
12:1 | Then sayde Samuell vnto al Israel: beholde I haue obeyed your voyce in all that ye saide vnto me, & haue made you a kyng. |
12:2 | And se youre kyng walketh before you. But I am olde & graye headed: & behold my sonnes are with you & I haue walked before you from my chyldhode vnto thys daye. |
12:3 | Behold here I am: answere me before the Lorde & before his annoynted, whose oxe haue I taken? or whose asse haue I taken? whom haue I done wrong to? or whom haue I pylled? And of whose hand haue I receiued any bribe, to blynde myne eyes therewith? & I wyll restore it you agayne. |
12:4 | And they sayde thou hast done vs no wronge, nor pylled vs, nether hast thou taken ought of any mannes hande. |
12:5 | Then sayde he to them: the Lorde is wytnesse vnto you, and hys annoynted is witnesse thys daye, that ye haue found nought in my handes. And they answered: we are wytnesses. |
12:6 | Then sayde Samuel vnto the people: it is the Lorde that made Moses & Aaron, & which brought youre fathers out of Egypte. |
12:7 | Now therfore stand stil, & let me reason wyth you before the Lorde, of al the ryghtuousnesses of the Lorde which he shewed both you & youre fathers. |
12:8 | After that Iacob was come into Egypte, your fathers cryed vnto the Lorde, & the Lord sent Moses & Aaron, which brought your fathers out of Egypt, & made them dwel in thys place. |
12:9 | Neuerthelater they forgat the Lorde theyr God. And he solde them into the hande of Sisara chyefe captayne of Iabin kynge of Hazor, and into the handes of the Phylystynes and into the handes of the Kynge of Moab, which fought agaynst them. |
12:10 | Then they cryed vnto the Lorde, and sayde: we haue synned, because we haue forsaken the Lorde, and haue serued Baalim & Astharoth. But nowe delyuer vs out of the handes of our enemyes, and we wyll serue the. |
12:11 | And the Lorde sent Ierobaal Badan. Iephthah & Samuel, & delyuered you out of the handes of youre ennemyes on euery syde, so that ye dwelled with out feare. |
12:12 | And for al that when you sawe that Nahas the king of the children of Ammon came against you, ye sayde vnto me: not so, a kynge shall raygne ouer vs, when yet the Lord your god was your Kyng. |
12:13 | Now therfore beholde, the kynge whome ye haue chosen and whome ye haue desyred: se, the Lorde hath geuen you a Kynge, |
12:14 | Oh, that ye wolde feare the Lorde & serue hym, & heare hys voyce, & not disobeye the mouth of the Lorde: and that both ye and the Kynge that raygneth ouer you, wolde folow the Lorde your God. |
12:15 | For yf ye shal not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde, but shall disobeye the Lordes mouthe: then shal the hand of the Lorde be vpon you & on youre fathers. |
12:16 | Now also stande & se thys great thyng which the Lorde wyl do before youre eyes: |
12:17 | is it not now wheteheruest. And yet for al that, I wyl call vnto the Lorde, and he shall sende thunder and rayne. Wherby perceyue and vnderstand how that your wyckednes is great which ye haue done in the syght of the Lorde in askyng you a Kynge. |
12:18 | And when Samuel called vnto the Lorde, the Lorde sent thunder & rayne the same daye. And all the people feared the Lord and Samuel excedynglye. |
12:19 | Then sayde all the people vnto Samuel: praye for thy seruauntes vnto the Lorde thy God, that we dye not: for we haue synned in askyng vs a kynge, besyde all the synnes that euer we dyd. |
12:20 | Then sayde Samuel vnto the people: feare not. And thoughe ye haue done all thys wyckednesse yet departe not from the Lord in any case. But serue hym wyth all your hertes. |
12:21 | Nether turne ye after vayne thynges which cannot delyuer you, for they are but vanities. |
12:22 | But the Lorde wyl not forsake hys people, because of hys great names sake: because the Lorde had begonne to make you hys people. |
12:23 | Moreouer God forbydde that I shulde synne agaynste the Lorde in leuyng praiyng for you and to shewe you the good and ryghte way. |
12:24 | Onelye feare you the Lorde and serue hym truly with all your hertes: for se, he hath done great thynges for you. |
12:25 | But and yf ye shall do wyckedlye, then shall both ye and your King therto peryshe. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.