Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
8:1 | When Samuel was olde, he made his sonnes iudges ouer Israel. |
8:2 | The name of his eldest sonne was Ioel, & the name of the second Abiath whiche were iudges in Bersabe. |
8:3 | Neuerthelesse his sonnes folowed not his steppes: but turned a syde after lucre, & toke rewardes, & peruerted the ryght. |
8:4 | Then all the elders of Israel gathered them together & came to Samuell vnto Ramath, |
8:5 | and sayd vnto him: behold thou art olde, & thy sonnes folow not thy wayes. Now therfor make vs a king to iudge vs, as all other nacions haue. |
8:6 | But the thyng displeased Samuell, when they sayde: geue vs a kynge to iudge vs. And Samuel prayed vnto the Lorde. |
8:7 | And the Lord sayd vnto Samuel: heare the voyce of the people in all that they say vnto the. For they haue not cast the awaye, but me: that I shulde not raygne ouer them. |
8:8 | And as they haue euer done (sence I brought them out of Egypt vnto thys daye, & haue forsaken me, & serued other Goddes) euen so do they vnto the. |
8:9 | Now therfor herken vnto theyr voyce, howbeit yet, testifye vnto them, & shew them the duty of the kyng that shal raygne ouer them. |
8:10 | And Samuel tolde al the wordes of the Lord vnto the people that asked a kynge of hym, & he sayde: |
8:11 | this shalbe the duty of the kyng that shal raigne ouer you: he wil take your sonnes & put them to his charettes & make his horsmen of them, & they must runne before his charet, |
8:12 | & wil make him captaines of them ouer thousandes & ouer fyfties, & wil set them to eare hys grounde, & to gather in hys heruest, & to make instrumentes of warre & apparel for hys charettes. |
8:13 | And he wyll take your doughters & make them the dressers of his ointmentes, & his cookes & bakers. |
8:14 | And he shall take the best of youre feldes, & of youre vyneyardes & of your olyue trees, & geue them to hys seruauntes. |
8:15 | And he shall take the tenth of your seede & of your vines, & geue it to his lordes, & to his seruauntes. |
8:16 | And he shall take the best of your menseruauntes and maydeseruauntes & youngmen, and of your asses, and do his worke with them. |
8:17 | And he shall take the tenthe of youre shepe, & ye shalbe his seruauntes. |
8:18 | And when ye crye out at that time vpon your king, whiche ye shall haue chosen you, the Lorde wyl not heare you at that daye. |
8:19 | Neuerthelesse the people wolde not heare the voyce of Samuel, but dyd saye: naye not so: But there shalbe a kyng ouer vs, |
8:20 | & we wylbe lyke al other nacions. And oure kyng shal iudge vs, & go out before vs, & fyght oure battelles. |
8:21 | And Samuel hearde all the wordes of the people, and rehersed them in the eares of the Lord. |
8:22 | And the Lord said to Samuel: herken vnto theyr voyce, & make them a kynge. Then said Samuel vnto the men of Israell: go euery man vnto hys cytye. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.