
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


11:1Then Nahas the Ammonite came & beseged Iabes in Galaad. And al the people of Iabes sayd vnto Nahas: make a couenaunte wyth vs & we wylbe thy seruauntes.
11:2And Nahas the Amonite said: herto will I make a couenaunt wt you, euen to thrust oute all youre ryght eyes, that I may bring that shame vpon al Israel.
11:3Then said the elders of Iabes: geue vs .vij. dayes respite that we maye send messengers vnto al the coastes of Israell. And then yf there come no man to help vs, we wyll come out to the.
11:4Then came the messengers to Gabaah where Saul dwelte, & tolde his tidinges in the eares of the people. And al the people lyfte vp theyr voyces & wept.
11:5And behold Saul came followyng his oxen oute of the felde, & asked what ayled the people to wepe. And they told hym the tydynges of the men of Iabes.
11:6Then came the spryte of God vpon Saul, when he hearde those tidinges, & he was exceding angrye.
11:7And toke a youke of oxen & hewed them in peces, & sent them thorowout al the coastes of Israel by the handes of messengers saying: whosoeuer cometh not forth after Saul & after Samuel, so shall hys oxen be serued. Then the feare of the Lord fel on the people, & they came out as it had ben but one man.
11:8And when they were nombred in Bezek the children of Israel were thre hundred thousand, & the men of Iuda thyrtye thousand.
11:9And they sayd vnto the messengers that came, so say vnto the men of Iabes in Galaad: to morow by that tyme, the sunne be hote, ye shall haue helpe. And the messengers came & shewed the men of Iabes, & they were glad.
11:10And then the men of Iabes sayde: to morowe we wil come out vnto you, that ye maye do with vs al that pleaseth you.
11:11And on the morowe Saul put the people in thre partes. And they came in vpon the host in the morning watche, & slue the Ammonites, vntill the heat of the day. And they that remayned, shattered, so that two of them were not left together.
11:12Then saide the people to Samuel: what are they that sayd: shall Saule raigne ouer vs? bryng them that we may slay them.
11:13But Saule sayde: there shal no man dye thys daye, for to daye the Lord hath saued Israel.
11:14Then sayde Samuel vnto the people: come & let vs go to Galgal, & renewe the kyngdom there.
11:15And the people went to Galgal & made Saul kyng there, before the Lorde in Galgal. And there they offered peace offerynges before the Lorde. And there Saul and all the people reioysed excedinglye.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.