Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
27:1 | Then thought Dauid in his hert: I maye peryshe one daye or other by the handes of Israell. There is no better for me, then to flee into the lande of the Philistines, that Saul of very dispaire to finde me, may cease to seke me any more in all the coastes of Israhel: for so I maye escape his hande. |
27:2 | And Dauid arose, & he and the syxe hundred men that were with him went vnto Achis, the sonne of Maoch, kynge of Geth. |
27:3 | And Dauid dwelt wyth Achis at Geth, both he & hys men, euery man with his housholde, and Dauid wt hys two wyues: Ahinoam the Iesrahelite and Abigail Nabals wyfe of Carmel. |
27:4 | And when it was tolde Saul that Dauid was fleed to Geth, he sought no more for him. |
27:5 | And Dauid sayde vnto Achis: Yf I haue founde grace in thyne eyes, let me haue a place in some towne in the feldes, that I may dwel there. For what shoulde thy seruaunt dwell in the head citie of the kyngdome with the. |
27:6 | Then Achis gaue him Zikeleg the same day, for which cause Zikeleg pertayneth vnto the kinges of Iuda vnto this daye. |
27:7 | And the tyme that Dauid dwelt in the contreye of the Philistines, was a yeare, and foure monethes. |
27:8 | And Dauid & hys men went & ranne vpon the Gesurites, the Gerzites and Amalekites: whyche nacions were from the begynnyng the enhabyters of the land, as men go to Sur, and so forthe to Egypte. |
27:9 | And Dauid smote the land & left nether man nor woman a lyue, & toke the shepe, the oxen, the asses, camelles, and clothes, and remoued and came to Achis. |
27:10 | And Achis said: haue ye not bene a rouyng thys day? And Dauid answered: yes in the south of Iuda, and in the south of the Iesrahelites, and in the south of the Kenites. |
27:11 | And Dauid saued nether man nor woman alyue to brynge to Geth, for feare leste they shoulde tell on them sayinge: so dyd Dauid & so is his maner all the whyle he dwelt in the contreye of the Philistines. |
27:12 | And Achis beleueth Dauid sayinge: He hath made hym selfe to stynke vnto hys people Israel, and therfore he shalbe my seruaunt for euer. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.