Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
18:1 | And the whole congregacion of the children of Israell came together at Siloh, and set vp the tabernacle of wytnesse there, and the lande was in subieccyon before them. |
18:2 | But there remayned among the chyldren of Israel seuen tribes, which had not their enheritaunce deuyded oute. |
18:3 | And Iosua sayd vnto the children of Israel, how long are ye so slacke to go & possesse the land whych the Lord God of youre fathers hath geuen you? |
18:4 | Bring of euery tribe .iij. men, that I maye sende them. And that they may ryse & walke thorowe the land & distribute it by their enheritaunces, & come agayne to me. |
18:5 | Deuide it into seuen partes. For Iuda shall abyde by theyr coastes in the south, & the house of Ioseph shal stande to their coastes in the north. |
18:6 | Describe ye the lande therfore into seuen partes, & bring the descrypcion to me hether, that I may cast lottes for you here before the Lorde oure God. |
18:7 | The Leuites haue no part amonge you, for the priestshype of the Lorde is theyr enheritaunce. And Gad, Ruben, and halfe the trybe of Manasses haue receiued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordan Eastward, which Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde gaue them. |
18:8 | And the men arose and want their waye. And Iosua charged them that went to describe the lande saying, hence and go thorowe the lande and describe it, and come agayne to me hether: and I will cast lottes for you before the Lorde in Siloh. |
18:9 | And the men departed, and walked thorow the lande and descrybed it by cyties into seuen partes in a boke, and returned to Iosua into the hoste at Siloh. |
18:10 | And Iosua caste lottes for them in Siloh before the Lorde, and there he deuided the land vnto the chyldren of Israel, to eche their porcion. |
18:11 | And the lotte of the trybe of the children of Beniamin came vp accordinge to their kynredes. And the coastes of their lot came out betwene the chyldren of Iuda, and the children of Ioseph. |
18:12 | And their north coastes were from Iordan, & wente vp to the syde of Iericho on the northsyde, and went vp thorowe the mountaines westwarde, and they ended at the wyldernesse of Bethauen, |
18:13 | and went from thence to the southsyde of Lus, other wyse called Bethel, and descended to Atharoth, Adar vpon the hylle that lieth on the southsyde of the neither Bethhoron. |
18:14 | And the west coaste draweth and compasseth southward, euen from the hylle, that lyeth before Bethhoron, and goeth oute at Kariathbaal, which is kariath Iarim, a citye of the children of Iuda, and this is the west quarter, |
18:15 | and the south coaste, goeth from the edge of Kariathiarim westwarde, & goeth oute to the waterwelle, of Nephthoah, |
18:16 | and cometh doune to the edge of the hyll that lyeth before the valeye of the sonne of Hennon, whyche is in the valeye of Raphaim northwarde, and desceuded thorowe the valeye of Hennon vnto the syde of Iebusi southwarde, and goeth doune to the well of Rogell. |
18:17 | And compasseth from the north, and goeth forthe to Ensames, and to the coastes, that lye before the going vp vnto Andomim, and goeth doune to the stone of Bohan the sonne of Ruben, |
18:18 | & then goeth a longe towarde the syde of the playne, northwarde, and goeth doune into the plaine: |
18:19 | and goeth a longe to the syde of Bethhaglah northwarde, and endeth at the pointe of the salt sea north therfrom, and at the ende of Iordan south therfrom. Thys is the south coaste. |
18:20 | And Iordan is their easte coast, this is the enheritaunce of the children of Beniamin with their coastes rounde aboute, & by their kinredes. |
18:21 | And these are the cytyes of the trybes of the chyldren of Beniamin in theyr kynredes: Iericho, Bethhaglah, and the valeye of Kaziz, |
18:22 | Betharabah, Zamarim, and Bethel, |
18:23 | Auim, Pharah, and Ophrag, |
18:24 | Chepar Ammonai, Ophni, and Gabai, twelue cytyes wt their villages, |
18:25 | Gabaon, Ramah, & Beroth, |
18:26 | Mazphah, Caphairah, and Mozah: |
18:27 | Rekem, Iarephel and Tharelah, |
18:28 | Zela, Eleph, and the cytye of the Iebusites, whyche is Ierusalem, Gabaath, and Kariath, fourtene cytyes wyth theyr vyllages. Thys is the enherytaunce of the chyldren of Beniamin in their kynredes. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.