Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
18:1 | And the whole congregacion of the children of Israel came together at Silo, and set vp the tabernacle of witnesse there, and the lande was in subieccion before them. |
18:2 | And there remayned amonge the children of Israel seuen tribes, whych had not yet receaued their enheritaunce. |
18:3 | And Iosua sayd vnto the children of Israel: how long are ye so slacke to come, and possesse the lande which the Lord God of youre fathers hath geuen you? |
18:4 | Geue out from amonge you for euery trybe thre men, that I maye sende them. And that they maye ryse, and walke thorowe the lande and distribute it according to the enheritaunce therof, and come agayne to me. |
18:5 | And let them deuyde it vnto them in to seuen partes. And Iuda shal abyde in their coaste on the south, and the house of Ioseph shall stande in their coastes on the northe. |
18:6 | Descrybe ye the lande therfore into seuen partes, and bryng the descripcion hether to me, and I shall cast lottes for you here before the Lord oure God. |
18:7 | But the Leuites haue no parte among you, for the preasthode of the lorde is their enheritaunce. And God, and Ruben, and halfe the tribd of Manasses haue receaued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordan eastwarde, which Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde gaue them. |
18:8 | And the men arose, & went their waye. And Iosua charged them that went to describe the lande, saying: departe, & go thorowe the lande, and describe it, & come agayne to me, that I maye here cast lottes for you before the Lorde in Silo. |
18:9 | And the men departed, & walked thorowe the lande, & described it by cyties into seuen partes, in a booke, and retourned to Iosua into the hoste at Silo. |
18:10 | And Iosua cast lottes for them in Silo before the Lorde, and there Iosua deuyded the land vnto the children of Israell, to eche their porcion. |
18:11 | And the lotte of the tribe of the children of Beniamin came vp according to their kynredes. And the coaste of their lotte came out betwene the children of Iuda and the children of Ioseph. |
18:12 | And their north coaste was from Iordan, and went vp to the syde of Iericho on the northsyde, & went vp thorowe the mountaynes westward, & they ended at the wildernesse of Bethauen: |
18:13 | and went from thence to the southsyde of Lus (the same is Bethel) & descended agayne to Atrothadar, vnto the hylle that lyeth on the southe syde of the nether Bethhoron. |
18:14 | And the coaste turneth thence, & compaseth the corner of the see southwarde, euen from the hill that lyeth before Bethhoron southwarde, & goeth out at kiriathbaal which is kiriath Iarim, a cytie of the children of Iuda: this is the west quarter: |
18:15 | & the south coaste goeth from the edge of kiriathiarim, and gothe out westwarde, and thence it turneth to the waterwell of Nephthoah, |
18:16 | & commeth downe agayne to the edge of the hill, that lyeth before the valeye of the sonne of Hennon, euen in the valeye of the Giauntes northwarde and descendeth into the valeye of Hennon besyde Iebusy southwarde, and gothe downe to the well of Rogell, |
18:17 | and compaseth from the north, and goeth forth to the well of the sonne, and departeth from thence to the places of Geliloth, which are toward the goyng vp vnto Adomim: & goeth downe to the stone of Bohan the sonne of Ruben: |
18:18 | & then goeth alonge towarde the syde of the playne, northwarde: and goeth downe into the feldes: |
18:19 | and goeth along to the syde of Bethhaglah northwarde, & endeth at the pointe of the salt see north therfrom, euen at the south ende of Iordan. This is the southe coaste. |
18:20 | And Iordan kepeth in this coast on the east syde, and this is the enheritaunce of the children of Beniamin by their coastes rounde aboute thorow out their kynredes. |
18:21 | These were the cyties of the trybes of the children of Beniamin thorow out theire kynredes: Iericho, Bethhaglah, & the playne of Kaziz: |
18:22 | Betharabah, Zamarim, & Bethel: |
18:23 | Auim, Pharah, and Ophrah: |
18:24 | Chepar Ammona, Ophni, & Gabai, twelue cyties with their villages. |
18:25 | Gibeon, Ramah, & Beroth: |
18:26 | Mazphah, Caphairah, and Mozah: |
18:27 | Reken, Iarephel, and Tharelah, |
18:28 | Zela, Eleph, and Iebusi, which is Ierusalem, Gibeath, and kiriath, fourtene cyties with their villages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Beniamin thorowe out their kynredes, |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."