
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


3:1And Iosua rose earlye: and they remoued from Settim, & came to Iordan, bothe he and al the chyldren of Israel, & soiourned there before they went ouer.
3:2And after thre dayes the offycers went thorowe out the hoste,
3:3and commaunded the people, sayinge: when ye se the arcke of the testament of the lord youre God, and the priestes that are Leuites bearyng it: then departe ye from your places & folowe after it.
3:4So yet that there be a space betwene you and it, aboute a two thousande cubytes by measure. And come not nye vnto it, that ye maye knowe the waye by which ye must go: for ye haue not gone by it in tymes past.
3:5And Iosua sayde vnto the people, puryfye your selues, for to morowe the Lord shall shewe wonders amonge you.
3:6Then Iosua spake vnto the priestes saying Take vp the arcke of the Testamente, and go before the people. And they toke vp the arcke of the testament, and wente before the people.
3:7And the Lorde sayd vnto Iosua: This day wyll I begynne to magnifye the, in the syghte of Israell, that they maye knowe howe that as I was wyth Moses, so wyll I be wyth the.
3:8And commaunde thou the priestes that beare the arcke of the testament, saying: when ye are entered a lytle into the water of Iordan then stande styll in it.
3:9Then spake Iosua to the chyldren of Israel sayinge: come hether, & heare the wordes of the Lorde youre God.
3:10And Iosua sayd: Herebye ye shall know, that the lyuyng God is among you, and that he wyll wythout fayle cast oute before you, the Cananites, the Hethites, the Heuites, the Pheresites, the Gergesites, the Amorytes, and the Iebusites.
3:11Behold, the arcke of the appoyntemente of the Lorde of all the worlde shal go before you into Iordan.
3:12And now take you twelue men of the chyldren of Israel, of euerye trybe a man.
3:13And as sone as the sooles of the fete of the priestes that beare the arcke of Iehouah (the Lord of al the world) treade in the water of Iordan, the water of Iordan shall deuyde it selfe: and the waters that commeth from aboue shall stande styll vpon an heape.
3:14And when the people were departed from theyr tentes to go ouer Iordan (the Pryestes bearynge the arcke of the appoyntement before the people)
3:15as sone as they that bare the arcke came vnto Iordan, and the fete of the Pryestes that bare the arcke were dypped in the brym of the water Iordan beyng full ouer all hys banckes all the tyme of harueste:
3:16the water that came doune from aboue dyd stoppe and stode vpon an heape, a great waye from Adam, a cytye besyde Zarthan. And the water that wente doune vanyshed into the sea of the wyldernes called the salte sea as sone as it was deuyded: & the people went ryght ouer agaynst Ierycho.
3:17And the priestes that bare the arcke of the appoyntemente of the Lorde stode styll vpon drye lande, vntyl all the people were cleane ouer Iordan.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.