Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
17:1 | And the tribe of Manasses, whiche was the eldeste sonne of Ioseph receiued a lot. And Machyr the eldest sonne of Manasses, whiche was the father of Galaad (and a man of warre) had Galaad & Basan. |
17:2 | And the reste of the children of Manasses receiued by their kynredes: whyche were the children of Abieser, the children of Helek, the chyldren of Asriel: the children of Sychem, the children of Hepher: the children of Semida. These are the male children of Manasses, the sonne of Ioseph in theyr kynredes. |
17:3 | But Zelaphead the sonne of Hepher, the sonne of Galaad, the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Manasses, had no sonnes saue doughters. And these are the names of hys doughters: Mahela, Noa, Hagla Melcha and Thirza: |
17:4 | which came before Eleasar the prieste, and before Iosua the sonne of Nun, and before the Lordes sayinge: the Lord commaunded Moses to geue vs an enheritaunce among oure brethren. And he gaue them at the mouth of the Lorde, an enheritaunce amonge the brethren of their fathers. |
17:5 | And there felle ten porcyons to Manasses besyde the land of Galaad and Basan, whyche are on the other syde Iordan: |
17:6 | because the doughters of Manasses dyd enherete amonge hys sonnes. And Manasses other sonnes had the lande of Galaad. |
17:7 | And the coastes of Manasses reached from Aser to Machmathah, that lyeth before Sychem, & went a longe on the righte hande, euen vnto the enhabiters of Enthaphuah, |
17:8 | and the lande of Thaphuah belonged to Manasses, which Thaphuah lay in the borders betwene Manasses, and the chyldren of Ephraym. |
17:9 | And the coastes descended vnto the riuer Canah, on whose southsyde Ephraim hath cytyes amonge the cyties of Manasses. For the coastes of Manasses were on the northsyde of the ryuer, and the endes of them was the sea: |
17:10 | so that the south pertayned to Ephraim, and the north to Manasses, and the sea is his border. And they mette together in Aser northwarde, and in Isacar Eastwarde. |
17:11 | And Manasses had in Isacar and in Aser, Bethsean, and her tounes: and the enhabitoures of Dor, with the tounes pertaining to the same, and the enhabitoures of Endor, with the tounes of the same: and the enhabitoures of Thaanath with her tounes, and the enhabitoures of Magedo with the tounes of the same, euen thre countreys: |
17:12 | yet the chyldren of Manasses coulde not ouercome those cytyes: But the Cananites began to dwel in the same lande. |
17:13 | Neuerthelesse assone as the chyldren of Israel were waxed strong, they put the Cananytes to tribute, but expelled them not. |
17:14 | And the children of Ioseph spake vnto Iosua, saying: why hast thou geuen vs but one lot, and one porcion to enheret, seynge we be muche people, and for as muche as the Lorde hath blessed vs so, |
17:15 | and Iosua aunswered them: yf ye be much people, then get you vp to the wood countreye, and prepare for youre selues there in the lande of the Pheresytes and of the Raphaites, yf mounte Ephraym be to narowe for you. |
17:16 | Then the chyldren of Ioseph sayde agayn: the hyll wyll not begoten of vs, for al the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countreye haue charettes of yron, and so haue they that enhabite Bethsean, and the tounes of the same, and they also that dwel in the valeye of Iezreel. |
17:17 | And Iosua aunswered the house of Ioseph, Ephraim and Manasses sayinge: ye be muche people and haue greate power and shall not therfore haue one lotte. |
17:18 | But the hyll shalbe youres, for it is a woode countreye, and ye shall bryng it to fashion, and it shalbe youres euen vnto the endes of it, for ye shalbe able to cast out the Cananites for all their yron charettes, and for all they be so stronge. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.