Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
22:1 | The heauy burthen vpon the valley of vysyons. What haste thou there to do, that thou clymmest vp into the house toppe, |
22:2 | O thou cytye of miracles, sedycyous and wylfull seynge, thy slayne men are neyther kylled wyth swearde, nor deade in battell. |
22:3 | For all thy captaynes gat them to their horses from their ordinaunce, yea they are all together ridden awaye, & fled farre of. |
22:4 | When I perceyued that, I sayde: awaye from me, that I may wepe bitterly. Take no laboure for to comforte me, as thouchinge the destruccion of my people. |
22:5 | For this is the daye of the lord of hostes, wherin he will plage, treade doune, & wede out the valleye of visions, and breake doune the walles with suche a cracke, that it shal geue a sounde in the mountaynes. |
22:6 | I sawe the Elamites take the quyuers to carte and to horse, and that the walles were bare from harnesse. |
22:7 | Thy goodly valleys were ful of charettes, the horse men made them sone to besege the gates. |
22:8 | Then was the couerynge of Iuda put from thence, and then was sene the sege of the tymbre house. |
22:9 | There shall ye se the ryftes in the walles of the cyty of Dauid, whereof there shalbe many. Ye shall gather together the waters of the lower pole, |
22:10 | and tell the houses of Ierusalem, and breake of some of them to kepe the walles. |
22:11 | And ye shal make a pyt betwyxte the two walles of the water of the old pole, and nothing regard him, that toke it in hande, & made it. |
22:12 | And at the same tyme shall the Lorde of Hostes call men to wepinge, mourninge, to baldnesse & puttynge on of sacke clothe. |
22:13 | But they to fulfil their lust and wilfulnes, slaughter oxen: they kyll shepe, they eate costly meate, and drincke wyne, let vs eate and drincke, to morow we shall dye. |
22:14 | Neuerthelesse when the Lorde of Hostes hearde of it, he sayde: yea, yf this wyckednes of yours shalbe remytted, ye must dye for it. This hathe the Lorde of Hostes spoken. |
22:15 | Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Hostes: Go into the treasury vnto Sobna the gouernoure, & saye vnto him: |
22:16 | What hast thou here to do, & from whence comest thou? that thou hast made the a graue here? For he had caused a costly tombe of stone to be made for him selfe, & a place to lye into be hewen out of a rocke. |
22:17 | Beholde, the Lorde shal cast the out by violence, he wyl deck the of another fashyon, & put vpon the a straunge cloth. |
22:18 | He shall carye the into a farre countre, lyke a ball with hys handes. There shalt thou dye, there shal the pompe of thy charettes haue an ende: thou villeyne of the house of the Lorde: |
22:19 | I wyl shut the oute of thyne offyce, and put the from thine estate. |
22:20 | After this wil I cal my seruaunt Eliakim, the sonne of Helkiah, |
22:21 | & aray with him thy cote & gyrde him with the gyrdle, & I wil geue thy power into his hande. He shalbe a father of the cytesins of Ierusalem and of the kinred of Iuda: |
22:22 | I will also laye the keye of Dauids house vpon his shoulders, & yf he open, noman shall shut: and yf he do shut, noman shal open. |
22:23 | I wyl fasten him to a nayle in the place of the moost hye faithfulnesse, and he shalbe vpon the glorious trone of his fathers house. |
22:24 | They shall hange vpon him all the glorie of his fathers house, of the children and childers children, al apparel small and great, al instrumentes of measure & musike. |
22:25 | This shal come to passe (sayeth the Lorde of Hostes) when the nayle that is fastened to the place of the highest faythfulnesse, shalbe pluckt of. And when the weyght that hangeth vpon it, shall fal, be broken, and hewen in peces. For the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.