
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



44:1So heare now, O Iacob my seruaunt, and Israel whom I haue chosen.
44:2For thus sayth the Lord that made the: fashyoned the, and helped the, euen from thy mothers wombe: Be not afrayed, O Iacob my seruaunt, thou rightuous, whom I haue chosen.
44:3For I shall pouer water vpon the drye grounde and ryuers vpon the thurstye. I shall poure my sprete vpon thy sede, and myne encerase vpon thy stocke.
44:4They shall growe together, lyke as the grasse, and as the Willies by the waters syde.
44:5One wyll saye: I am the Lordes. Another will call vnder the name of Iacob. The thyrde shall descrybe wyth hys hande vnto the Lorde, and geue hym selfe vnder the name of Israel.
44:6Moreouer, thus hath the Lorde spoken: euen the Kynge of Israel, and his auenger, the Lorde of Hostes: I am the fyrst & the last, and with out me is there no God.
44:7For what is he, that euer was lyke me, which am from euerlastinge? Let hym shewe hys name, and do where thorow he may be likened vnto me. Let him tell you forth planely thinges, that are past & for to come:
44:8yee and that without any feare or stoppe. For haue not I euer tolde you hytherto, and warned you? Ye can beare me recorde youre selues. Is there any God excepte me? or any maker, that I shuld not knowe hym.
44:9Wherfore all caruers of Idoles are but vayne, & their labour lost. They must beare recorde them selues, that (seyng they came nether se ner vnderstande) they shalbe confounded.
44:10Who shulde now make a God, or fashion an Idole, that is profytable for nothynge?
44:11Beholde, all the felowshyppe of them must be brought to confusyon. Let all the worckmaisters of them come and stande together from amonge men: they must be abashed and confounded one with another.
44:12The smith taketh yron, and tempereth it with hoate coales, and fashyoneth it with hammers, and maketh it with all the strength of his armes: yee sometyme he is faynt for very hunger, & so thurstye, that he hath no more power.
44:13The carpenter, (or ymage caruer) taketh meat of the tymbre: & spredeth forth hys lyne: he maketh it with some coloure: he playneth it, he ruleth it, & squareth it, & maketh it after the ymage of a man, and accordynge to the bewtye of a man: that it maye stande in the temple.
44:14Moreouer, he goeth oute to hewe downe Cedre trees: He bryngeth home Elmes and Okes, and other tymbre of the wod. Or els the Fyrre trees which he planted hym self, & soch as the rayne hath swelled,
44:15whyche wod serueth for men to burne. Of this he taketh and warmeth him selfe with all: he maketh a fyre of it to bake bred. And afterwarde maketh a God there of, to honoure it: & an Idole to knele before it.
44:16One pece he burneth in the fyre, with another he rosteth flesh, that he maye eate roste hys bely full: wyth the thyrde he warmeth hym self, & sayeth: Aha, I am well warmed, I haue bene at the fyre.
44:17And of the resydue he maketh hym a God, and an Idole for hym selfe. He kneleth before it, he worshyppeth it, he prayeth vnto it, and sayeth: deliuer me, for thou art my God.
44:18Yet men nether considre ner vnderstande, because their eyes are stopped, that they can not se: and their hertes, that they cannot perceyue.
44:19They pondre not in their myndes, for they haue nether knowledge ner vnderstandyng, to thyncke thus: I haue brent one pece in the fyre: I haue baked bred with the coles there of, I haue rosted flesh with all, & eaten it: shall I now of the resydue make an abhomynacyon, & fall downe before a rotten pece of wodd?
44:20The kepyng of dust, and folishnesse of herte hath turned them asyde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thyncke maye not I erre?
44:21Consydre this (O Iacob & Israel) for thou art my seruaunt. I haue made the, that thou mightest serue me. O Israel, forget me not.
44:22As for thyne offences, I dryue them awaye lyke the cloudes, and thy synnes as the mist. Turne the agayne vnto me, and I wyl delyuer the.
44:23Be glad ye heauens, whom the Lorde hath made, let al that is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for the Lord shall redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel.
44:24For thus sayth the Lorde thy redemer euen he that fashioned the from thy mothers wombe: I am the Lorde, whiche do all thinges my selfe alone. I onlye haue spred oute the heauens and I only haue layde the foundacyon of the earth.
44:25I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Soth sayers go wronge. As for the wyse, I turne them backwarde, and make their connynge folyshnesse.
44:26But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfill the councell of my messaungers. I saye to Ierusalem: turne agayne: And to the cyties of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places.
44:27I saye to the ground: be drie. And I drye vp thy water floudes.
44:28I saye to Cyrus: thou art myne herd man: so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, & to the temple: be thou fast grounded.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.