Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
5:1 | Nowe wel then, I wyl syng my beloued frende a songe of hys vyneyarde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyard in a very frutefull plenteous grounde. |
5:2 | This he hedged, this he walled rounde about, & planted with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a toure, & made a wyne presse therein. And afterwarde when he loked that it shulde bringe him grapes, it broughte forthe thornes. |
5:3 | I shewe you nowe my cause (O ye Cytesens of Ierusalem & whole Iuda:) Iudge I praye you betwixte me, & my vyneyarde. |
5:4 | What more coulde haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? |
5:5 | Well, I shall tell you how I wyl do with my vineyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perishe, & breake doune the wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote. |
5:6 | I wyl laye it waste, that it shall neyther be twisted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbydde the cloudes, that they shall not raine vpon it. |
5:7 | As for the vyneyarde of the Lorde of Hostes it is the house of Israel, & whole Iuda hys fayre plantynge. Of these he loked for equyte, but se there is wronge: for rightuousnesse, lo, It is but miserye. |
5:8 | Wo be vnto you that ioyne one house to another, & bring one land so nyghe vnto another, tyll ye can get no more grounde. Wyll ye dwel vpon the earth alone? |
5:9 | The Lorde of Hostes roundeth me thus in myne eare: shall not many greater and more gorgyous houses be so waste, that no man shall dwell in them? |
5:10 | And ten akers of vynes shal geue but a Quarte, & .xxx. bushels of sede shall geue but thre. |
5:11 | Wo be vnto them that ryse vp earlye to vse them selues in dronkennes, & yet at nyght are more superfluous wyth wyne. |
5:12 | In those companies are harpes and lutes, tabrettes & pipes and wyne. But they regarde not the worck of the Lorde, and consydre not the operacyon of hys handes. |
5:13 | Therfore commeth my folcke also in captyuite, because they haue no vnderstandynge. Theyr glory shalbe mixte with hunger and theyr pryde shalbe marred for thyrste. |
5:14 | Therfore gapeth hell, and openeth her mouth maruelous wyde: that pryde, boastyng & wysdome, with suche as reioyse therein, may descende into it. |
5:15 | Thus shall man haue a fall, he shalbe brought lowe, & the hygh lokes of the proude layde doune. |
5:16 | But the Lorde of hostes, that holye God shalbe exalted and vntouched, when he shall declare hys equyte and ryghtuosnesse after thys maner: |
5:17 | Then shall the lambes eate theyr appoynted foder, & shall fede plenteouslye in the mountaynes. |
5:18 | Wo be vnto vayne persones, that drawe wyckednes vnto them, as it were with a coorde: & synne, as it were wt a carte rope. |
5:19 | Whiche vse to speake on thys maner: let hym make haste nowe, & go forthe with his worcke, that we maye se it. Let the councell of the holye one of Israel come, and draw nye, that we maye knowe it. |
5:20 | Wo be vnto them that cal euyll good, and good euyll: which make darckenesse lyghte, & lyghte darckenesse, that make sower swete and swete sower. |
5:21 | Wo be vnto them that are wyse in theyr owne syght, and thyncke them selues to haue vnderstandynge. |
5:22 | Wo be vnto them, that are connynge men to suppe oute wyne, and experte to set vp dronckennesse. |
5:23 | These geue sentence wyth the vngodlye for rewardes, but condempne the iust cause of the ryghtuous. |
5:24 | Therfore lyke as fyre lycketh vp the straw & as the flamme consumeth the stubble: Euen so (when theyr rote is full) theyr blossome shall vanyshe awaye lyke duste or smoke: for they despyse the lawe of the Lorde of Hostes, and blaspheme the worde of the holye maker of Israel. |
5:25 | Therfore is the wrath of the Lorde kyndeled also agaynst his people, and he shaketh hys hande at them: yea he shall smyte so, that the hylles shall tremble. And theyr karcases shall lye in the open stretes, lyke myre. After all thys, the wrathe of God shall not ceasse, but he shall stretche hys hande wyder. |
5:26 | And he shall geue a token vnto a straunge people and call vnto them in a farre countrey: and beholde, they shall come hastelye wyth spede. |
5:27 | There is not one faynte nor feble amonge them, no not a slogyshe nor sleperye personne. There shall not one of them put of the gyrdle from hys loynes, nor louse their lachet of his shue. |
5:28 | Theyr arowes are sharpe, and theyr bowes bent. Their horse hoofes are lyke flynt, & theyr cartwheles lyke a stormy wynde. |
5:29 | Theyr crye is as it were of a lyon, and the roarynge of them lyke lyons whelpes. They shal roare and hantch vp the praye, and no man shal recouer it, or get it from them. |
5:30 | In that day they shalbe so fearce vpon them, as the sea. And yf we loke vnto the lande, beholde, it shalbe all darckenesse and sorowe. If we loke to heauen: beholde, it shalbe darcke wyth careful desperacyon. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.