
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


36:1In .xiiij. yeare of Kyng Hezekiah, came Sennaherib kyng of the Assyrians downe, to laye sege vnto all the stronge cyties of Iuda.
36:2And the Kynge of the Assyrians sent Rabsakeh from Lachis towarde Ierusalem, agaynst Kynge Hesekiah, wyth a greuous Hoste, which set hym by the condite of the ouerpole, in the waye that goeth thorowe the fullers lande.
36:3And so there came forth vnto hym Eliakim Helkiahs sonne the Presydent, Sobna the Scribe, & Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary.
36:4And Rabsakeh sayde vnto them: Tell Hezekiah, that the greate kyng of Assyria sayeth thus vnto hym: What presumpcton is this, that thou trustest vnto?
36:5Thou thinckest (peraduenture) that thou hast councell and power ynough to mayntene this warre: or els wherto trustest thou, that thou castest thy selfe of frome?
36:6lo, thou puttest thy truste in a broken staffe of rede (I meane Egypte) whyche he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to hys hande & shutteth hym thorowe. Euen so is Pharao the Kyng of Egypt, vnto all them that trust in him.
36:7But yf thou woldest saye to me: we trust in the Lorde oure God: A goodlye God in dede: whose Hye places and aulters Hezekiah toke downe, & commaunded Iuda & Ierusalem, to worshyppe onely before the aulter.
36:8Abyde the, thou haste made a condycyon with my lorde the kyng of the Assyrians, that he shuld geue the two thousand horses: art thou able to set men ther vp?
36:9Seyng now that thou canst not resiste the power of the smallest prynce, that my Lorde hath, how darrest thou truste in the charettes and horse men of Egipt:
36:10Moreouer, thinckest thou that I am come downe hether, to destroye thys lande without the Lordes wil? The Lord sayde vnto me, go downe in to the lande, that thou mayest destroye it.
36:11Then sayde Eliakim, Sobua & Ioah vnto Rabsakeh: Speake to vs thy seruauntes (we praye the) in the Sirians language, for we vnderstande it well: And speake not to vs in the Iewes tonge, leste the folcke heare, whych lyeth vpon the wall.
36:12Then answered Rabsakeh: Thyncke ye, that the kynge sent me to speake this only vnto you? Hath he not sent me to them also, that lye vpon the wall? that they be not compelled to eate their owne donge, and drincke theyr owne stale wyth you?
36:13And Rabsakeh stode styf, and cryed with a loude voyce in the Iewes tunge: and sayd: Now take hede, how the greate kynge of the Assirians geueth you warning.
36:14Thus sayeth the kynge: Let not Hezekiah disceyue you, for he shal not be able to delyuer you.
36:15Moreouer let not Hezekiah conforte you in the Lorde, when he sayeth: The Lorde without doute shall defende vs, and shall not geue ouer this citie into the handes of The kynge of the Assyrians, beleue hym not.
36:16But thus sayth the king of Assyria: opteyne my fauoure, enclyne to me: so maye euery man enioye his vineyardes and fygetrees, and drincke the water of hys cisterne:
36:17vnto the tyme that I come my selfe, and bringe you into a lande that is like youre owne: wher in is wheate and wyne, whyche is both sowen wyth sede, and planted wyth vyneyardes.
36:18Let not Hezekiah dysceyue you, when he sayeth vnto you: the Lorde shall delyuer vs? Myght the Goddes of the Gentiles kepe euery mans lande, from the power of the Kinge of the Assyrians?
36:19Where is the God of Hemath and Arphad? Where is the God of Sepharnaim? And who was able to defende Samaria out of my hande?
36:20Or which of all the Goddes of the landes, hath delyuered their countre out of my power, so that the Lorde shuld delyuer Ierusalem fro my hande?
36:21Vnto this Hezekiahs messaungers helde their tunges, & answered not one worde: for the Kyng had charged them, that they shulde geue hym none answere.
36:22So came Eliakim Helkiahs sonne the President, Sobna the Scrybe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretarye vnto Hezekiah with rente clothes, and tolde him the wordes of Rabsakeh.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.