Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
30:1 | Wo be to those shrynkynge children (sayeth the Lorde) whiche seke councell, but not at me: whiche take a webbe in hande but not after my wil: that they may heape one synne vpon another. |
30:2 | They go doune into Egypte (and aske me no councell) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and comforte in the shadowe of the Egypcians. |
30:3 | But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre confusyon, & the comfort in the Egypcyans shadowe shalbe your owne shame. |
30:4 | Youre rulers haue bene at Zoan, and youre messaungers came vnto Hanes. |
30:5 | But ye shall al be ashamed of the people that maye not helpe you, whiche shall not brynge you strength or comforte, but shame and confusyon. |
30:6 | Youre beastes haue borne burthens vpon theyr backes towarde the Southe, thorow the way that is full of parell and trouble, because of the lyon & lyones, of the Cockatryce & shutynge dragon. Yea the Mules bare youre substaunce, & the Camels brought your treasure vpon their croked backes, vnto a people that can not helpe you. |
30:7 | For the Egipcians helpe shalbe but vayne and lost. Therfore I tolde you also, that your pryde shulde haue an end. |
30:8 | Wherfore go hence, and wryte them thys in theyr tables, & note it in a boke: that it may remayne by theyr posteryte, & be styll kept. |
30:9 | For it is an obstynate people, vnfaythful children children that will not heare the lawe of the Lord. |
30:10 | They darre saye to the Prophetes: Intromytte youre selues with nothynge, and vnto the Sothsayers: tell vs of nothynge for to come, but speake frendlye wordes vnto vs, & preache vs false thinges. |
30:11 | Treade oute of the waye, go out of the path, turne the holye one of Israel from vs. |
30:12 | Therfore thus sayeth the holye one of Israel: In as muche as ye haue caste of youre bewtye, and comforted youre selues with power and nymblenesse, and put youre confidence therin: |
30:13 | therfore shal ye haue this myschefe agayne for youre destruccyon and fall, lyke as an hye wall, that falleth because of some ryft (or blast) whose breakynge cometh sodenly. |
30:14 | And youre destruccyon shalbe lyke as an earthen pot, whiche breaketh no man touching it, yea and breaketh so sore, that a man shall not fynde a sheuer of it to fetche fyre in, or to take water wyth all oute of the pyt. |
30:15 | For the Lorde God, euen the holy one of Israell hath promysed thus: Wyth styll syttynge and rest shall ye be healed, in quyetnesse & hope shall youre strength lye. |
30:16 | Notwithstandynge ye regarde it not, but ye wyll saye: No, for thus are we constrayned to fle vpon horses. And therfore shall ye fle, we muste ryde vpon swift beastes, and therfore youre persecutours shal yet be swyfter. |
30:17 | A thousand of you shall fle for one, or at the moste for fyue, whiche do but only geue you euyll wordes? vntyll ye be desolate, as a shyp mast vpon an hye mountayne, and as a beaken vpon on hyll. |
30:18 | Yet standeth the Lorde waytynge, that he maye haue mercye vpon you, and lyfteth hym selfe vp, that he maye receyue you to grace. For the Lorde God is ryghtuous. Happy are all they that wayte for him. |
30:19 | For thus (O thou people of Syon and ye citisens of Ierusalem) shall ye neuer be in heauynes, for doutlesse he wyll haue mercy vpon the. As sone as he heareth the voyce of thy crye, he wyl helpe the. |
30:20 | The Lorde geueth you the bread of aduersite, and the water of trouble. But thyne instructer flyeth not farre from the, yf thyne eyes loke vnto thyne instructer, |
30:21 | and thyne eares harken to his worde, that cryeth after the, and sayeth: thys is the waye, go thys, and turne neyther to the right hande nor to the lefte. |
30:22 | Moreouer yf ye destroye the syluer worckes of youre Idoles, and caste awaye the golden coppes that ye deckte them wythall (as fylthynes) & saye get you hence: |
30:23 | Then wyll he geue rayne to the sede that ye shall sowe in the earthe, and geue you bread of the encrease of the earthe, so that all shalbe plentuous and aboundaunt. Thy cattel also shall he fede in the brode medowes, |
30:24 | yea thyne oxen & Mules that tyll the grounde, shall eate good fodder, which is purged with the fanne. |
30:25 | Goodly ryuers shall flowe out of all hys mountaynes and hylles. In the daye of the greate slaughter when the towers shall fall, |
30:26 | the mone shall shyne as the sunne, and the sunne shyne shalbe seuen folde, and haue as much shyne, as in seuen dayes besyde. In that daye shall the Lorde bynde vp the brosed sores of hys people, and heale theyr woundes. |
30:27 | Beholde the glory of the Lord shal come from farre, hys face shal burne, that no man shalbe able to abyde it, hys lyppes shall wagge for verye indignacyon, and hys tonge shalbe as a consumynge fyre. |
30:28 | His breath like a vehement floude of water, whiche goeth vp to the throte. That he may take away the people, whiche haue turned them selues vnto vanite, and the brydle of erroure, that lyeth in other folkes chawes. |
30:29 | But ye shall synge, as the vse is in the night of the holy solempnyte. Ye shall reioyse from youre herte, as they that come with the pype, when they go vp to the mounte of the Lorde, vnto the rocke of Israel. |
30:30 | The Lorde also shall set vp the power of his voyce, and declare his terryble arme, wyth hys angry countenaunce yea and the flamme of the consumynge fyre, with earthquake, tempest of wynde, and haile stones. |
30:31 | Then shall the Assyryans feare also, because of the voyce of the Lorde, which shall smyte him with the rodde. |
30:32 | And the same rodde which the Lorde wil sende vpon hym, shall moue the whole foundacyon with trompet, with noyse of warre and battell to destroye. |
30:33 | For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yea euen for Kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, the noryshing thereof is fyre & woode innumerable, whiche the breathe of the Lorde kyndleth, as it were a matche of brymstone. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.