Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
45:1 | Thus sayeth the Lorde vnto Cyrus his anoynted, whom he ledeth by the righthande: that the people maye fal downe before hym: I will lowse the gyrdle of kynges: that they shall open the gates before thy face, & not to shut their dores. |
45:2 | I wil go before the, & make the croked streyght I shall breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres. |
45:3 | I shall geue the the hyd treasure & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou maiest knowe that I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name: |
45:4 | & that for Iacob my seruauntes sake and for Israel my chosen. For I called the by thy name, & ordened the or euer thou knewest me: |
45:5 | Euen I the Lorde, before whom there is none other: for without me, tere is no God. I haue prepared the or euer thou knewest me |
45:6 | that it myght be knowne from the rysyng of the sunne to the goynge downe of the same, that all is nothing without me. For I am the Lord, & there is els none. |
45:7 | It is I that created the lyght and darcknes, I make peace & trouble yee euen I the Lorde do all these thinges. |
45:8 | The heauens aboue shall droppe downe, & the cloudes shall rayne ryghtuousnes. The earth shall open it self, & brynge forth health, & therby shall ryghtuousnes florishe. Euen I the Lorde shall brynge it to passe. |
45:9 | Wo be vnto hym that chydeth wyth hys maker, the potsherde with the potter: Sayeth the claye to the potter: What makest thou? or thy worcke serueth for nothynge? |
45:10 | Wo be vnto hym, that sayeth to his father: Why begettest thou? And to hys mother: why bearest thou? |
45:11 | Thus sayeth the Lorde, euen the holy one & maker of Israel: Aske me of thynges for to come, concernynge my sonnes: and put me in remembraunce, as touchyng the worckes of my handes: |
45:12 | I haue made the earth, & created man vpon it. Wyth myne handes haue I spred forth heauen, and geuen a commaundment for all the Host therof. |
45:13 | I shall wake hym vp with ryghtuousnesse, & ordre all hys wayes. He shall buylde my cytye, and lett out my prisoners: and that nether for gyft nor rewardes, sayeth the Lorde of Hostes. |
45:14 | The Lorde hath sayde moreouer: The occupiers of Egypte, the marchauntes of the Morians and Sabees, shall come vnto the with trybute, they shalbe thyne, they shall folowe the, & go with cheynes vpon their fete. They shall fall downe before the, and make supplicacyon vnto the. For God (without whom there is none other God) shall be with the. |
45:15 | O how profunde art thou O God, thou God & Sauioure of Israel? |
45:16 | Confounded be ye, and put to dishonour: go hence together with shame, all ye that be worckmaysters of erroure: (that is worshippers of Idols) |
45:17 | But Israell shalbe saued in the Lorde, which is the euerlastinge saluacion: They shall not come to shame ner confusyon, worlde without ende. |
45:18 | For thus sayeth the Lorde: euen he that created heauen, the God that made the earth, that fashioned it, & sett it forth: I haue not made it for naught, but I made it to be enhabited Euen I the Lorde, wythout whom there is none other. |
45:19 | I haue not spoken secretely, nether in darcke places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I sayde vnto the sede of Iacob: seke me. I am the Lord, which when I speake, declareth the thing that is ryghtuous & true. |
45:20 | Let them be gathered and come together, lett them drawe nye hyther, that are escaped of the people: Haue they eny vnderstandynge, that set vp the stockes of their Idols, & praie vnto a God, that cannot helpe them? |
45:21 | Lett men drawe nye, let them come hyther, & aske councell one at another, and shewe forth: What is he, that tolde this before? or who spake of it, euer sence the begynnynge? Haue not I the Lorde done it: wythout whom there is none other God? the true God and Sauioure, and there is els none but I? |
45:22 | And therfore turne you vnto me (all ye endes of the earth) so shall ye be saued, for I am God, and there is els none. |
45:23 | I sweare by my selfe, out of my mouth commeth the worde of ryghtuousnesse, and that maye no man turne: but all knees shall bowe vnto me, and all tunges shall sweare by me, |
45:24 | sayinge: Verelye in the Lorde is my ryghtuousnes and strength. To hym shall men come: but all they that thyncke scorne of hym, shalbe confounded. |
45:25 | And the whole sede of Israel shalbe iustyfyed, and praysed in the Lorde. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.