Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | It happened in the time of Ahaz the sonne of Ioatham, whiche was the sonne of Oziah kyng of Iuda: that Razin the kyng of Syria, and Phakeh the sonne of Romeliah, kynge of Israel wente vp towarde Ierusalem to besege it, but wanne it not. |
7:2 | Nowe when the house of Dauid (that is Ahaz) hearde worde thereof, that Syria and Ephraim were confederate together: hys herte quaked (yea and the hertes also of hys people) lyke as a tree in the felde, that is moued wyth the wynde. |
7:3 | Then sayde God vnto Esay: go mete Ahaz (thou and thy sonne Sear Iasub) at the heade of the ouer pole, in the fote pathe by the fullers grounde, |
7:4 | and saye vnto hym: Take hede to thy selfe and be styll, but feare not, neyther be fayntharted, for these two tales: that is: for these two smokynge fyre brandes, the wrathe and furyousnes of Razin the Syryan and Romelyes sonne: |
7:5 | because that the kynge of Siria Ephraim & Romelyes sonne haue wickedlye conspyred agaynst the, |
7:6 | sayinge: We wyll go doune into Iuda, vexe them, and bryng them vnder vs, and set a kynge there, euen the sonne of Tabeel. |
7:7 | For thus sayth the Lorde GOD therto, It shall not so go forthe, nether come so to passe: |
7:8 | for the head cytye of the Syryans is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Razin. And after fyue and threscore yeare, shall Ephraim be no more a people. |
7:9 | And the chefe cytye of Ephraim is Samaria, but the heade of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte wyth you. |
7:10 | Moreouer, God spake vnto Ahaz, saying: |
7:11 | requyre a token of the Lorde thy God, whether it be towarde the depthe benethe or towarde the heyght aboue. |
7:12 | Then sayde Ahaz: I wyll requyre none, neyther will I tempte the Lorde. |
7:13 | The Lord aunswered: Then heare to, ye of the house of Dauid: Is it not ynough for you, that ye be greuous vnto men, but ye muste greue my God also? |
7:14 | And therfore the Lorde shall geue you a token of hym selfe: Beholde, a vyrgyn shall conceyue and beare a sonne, and shall call hys name Emmanuel. |
7:15 | Butter and honye shall he eate, that he maye knowe the euyll, and chose the good. |
7:16 | But or euer the chylde come to knowledge, to eschue the euyll and chose the good: The lande (that thou arte so afrayde for) shalbe desolate of both her kynges. |
7:17 | The Lorde also shall sende a tyme vpon the, vpon thy people, and vpon thy fathers house (suche as neuer came sence the tyme that Ephraim departed from Iuda) thorowe the kynge of the Assyryans. |
7:18 | For at the same tyme shall the Lorde whistle for the flies that are aboute the water of Egypte, and for the bees in the Assyryans lande. |
7:19 | These shall come, and shall lyght all in the valeys, in the vawtes of stone, vpon all greue thynges, and in all corners. |
7:20 | At the same tyme shall the Lorde shaue the hearre of the heade and the fete and the beerd cleane of, with the rasoure that he shall paye them wyth all beyonde the water: namelye wyth the kynge of the Assyryans. |
7:21 | At the same tyme shall a man lyue wyth a cowe, and two shepe. |
7:22 | Then because of the aboundaunce of mylcke, he shall make butter and eate it. So that euerye one whiche remayneth in the lande, shall eate butter and honye. |
7:23 | At the same tyme all vyneyardes (thoughe there be a thousande vynes in one, and were solde for a thousande syluerlynges) shalbe turned to brears and thornes. |
7:24 | Lyke as they shall come into the lande wyth arowes and bowes, so shall al the land be come brears and thornes. |
7:25 | And as for all hylles that nowe are hewen doune, thou shalt not come vpon them, for feare of brears and thornes. But the catell shall be dryuen thyther, and the shepe shall fede there. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.