Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
58:1 | And therfore crye now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce like a trompet, and shewe my people their offences, and the house of Iacob their synnes. |
58:2 | For they seke me daylye and wyll knowe my waies, euen as it were a people that did right & had not forsaken the statutes of their God. They argue with me concerninge right iudgement, and wil pleate at the lawe with their God. |
58:3 | Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seist it not? we put oure lyues to straytnesse, & thou regardest it not? |
58:4 | Beholde, when ye fast, your lust remayneth still: for ye do no lesse vyolence to youre detters: lo, ye falle to stryfe and debate, and to smite hym wyth youre fyst that speaketh vnto you. Ye fast not (as som tyme) that your voyce might be hearde aboue. |
58:5 | Thyncke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a man shoulde chasten him self for a daye, and to writhe his head aboute lyke an hoke in an hearry cloth, and to lye vpon the earth? Shoulde that be called fasting, or a daye that pleaseth the Lord. |
58:6 | But this fastyng pleaseth not me, til the tyme be thou louse him out of bondage, that is in thy daunger: that thou breake the ooth of wicked barginnes, that thou let the oppressed go fre and take from them all maner of burthens. |
58:7 | It pleaseth not me, tyll thou deale thy breade to the hungry, and brynge the poore fatherlesse home into thy house, when thou seyste the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face from thyne owne fleshe. |
58:8 | Then shall thy lighte breake forthe as the morninge, and thy healthe floryshe ryghte shortlie: thy righteousnesse shall go before the, and the glorye of the Lorde shall embrace the. |
58:9 | Then yf thou callest, the Lorde shall answere the: yf thou cryest, he shall saye: here I am. Yea, yf thou layest awaie thy burthens, and holdest thy fingers, and ceasest from blasphemous talkinge, |
58:10 | yf thou hast compassyon vpon the hongrye, and refresshest the troubled soule: Then shall thy light sprynge oute in the darcknesse, and thy darckenesse shalbe as the noone day. |
58:11 | The Lord shal euer be thy gyde, and satisfye the desire of thyne herte, and fyl thy bones with marye. Thou shalt be like a freshwatred garden, and lyke the founteyne of water, that neuer leaueth running. |
58:12 | Then the places that haue euer bene waste, shalbe buylded of the: there shalt thou lay a foundacion for many kinredes: thou shalt be called the maker vp of hedges, and the buylder againe of the waye of the Sabboth. |
58:13 | Yea yf thou turne thy fete from the Sabboth, so that thou do not the thynge whyche pleaseth thy selfe in my holy daye: then shalte thou be called vnto the pleasaunt, holy, & gloryous Sabboth of the Lorde, where thou shalt be in honoure: so that thou do not after thyne owne ymaginacion, neyther seke thine owne wyll, nor speake thyne owne wordes. |
58:14 | Then shalt thou haue thy pleasure in the lord whyche shal carye the hye aboue the earthe, & fede the wt the heretage of Iacob thy father for the lordes owne mouthe hath so promised. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.