Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
26:1 | Then shal thys songe be sung in the lande of Iuda. We haue a stronge cyty, the walles and the ordynaunce shal kepe vs. |
26:2 | Open the gates, that the good people maye go in, whiche laboureth for the truthe. |
26:3 | And thou, whiche art the doar & hast the matter in hand, shalt prouyde for peace, euen the peace that men hope for in the. |
26:4 | Hope styl in the lord for in the Lorde God is euerlastyng strength. |
26:5 | For why, it is he, that bringeth low the hye mynded citesins, & casteth doune the proude cytyes. He casteth them to the grounde, yea euen into myre that they may be troden |
26:6 | vnder the fete of the symple, and wyth the steppes of the poore. |
26:7 | Thou (Lorde) consydrest the path of the ryghteous, whether it be ryghte, whether the waye of the ryghteous be ryght. |
26:8 | Therfore (Lorde) we haue a respecte vnto the waye of thy iudgementes, thy name & thy remembraunce reioyse thy soule. |
26:9 | My soule lusteth after the all the nyght longe, and my mynde hasteth frely to the. For as soone as thy iudgemente is knowne to the worlde, then the inhabytours of the earth learne rightuousnesse. |
26:10 | But the vngodly (though he haue receyued grace) yet lerneth he not ryghtuousnesse, but in the place where he is punished, he offendeth, & feareth not the glorye of the Lorde. |
26:11 | Lorde, they wyll not se thyne hye hande, but they shall se it, and be confounded: when thou shalte deuoure them with the wrathe of the people, & wyth the fyre of thyue enemyes. |
26:12 | But vnto vs, O Lorde, prouyde for peace: for thou worckest in vs all oure worckes. |
26:13 | O Lord oure God thoughe soith Lordes haue domynacyon vpon vs as knowe not the: yet graunt that we maye hope onelye in the, and kepe thy name in remembraunce. |
26:14 | The malycyous Tyrauntes when they dye, are nether in lyfe nor in the resurreccyon, for thou vysytest them and rootest them oute, and destroyest all the memory all of them. |
26:15 | Agayne, thou increaceste the people, O Lorde, thou increaceste the people, thou shalte be praysed and magnyfyed in all the endes of the worlde. |
26:16 | The people that seke vnto the in trouble, that same aduersite which they complayne of is vnto them a chastening before the. |
26:17 | Lyke as a wyfe wyth chylde (when her trauyle commeth vpon her) is ashamed, cryeth and suffreth the payne: Euen so are we O Lorde, in thy sight. |
26:18 | We are with chyld, we trauyle, & beare, & with the spryte we bring forth healthe, where thorowe the earth is vndestroyed, and the inhabytours of the worlde perysh not. |
26:19 | But as for thy dead men and oures, that be departed, they are in lyfe and resurreccion. They lye in the earthe, they wake, & haue ioy: for thy dewe is a dew of lyfe and light. But the place of the malycyous Tyrauntes is fallen awaye. |
26:20 | So go now my people into thy chambre, & shut the dore to the, and suffre now the twincklynge of an eye, tyll the wrathe be ouerpaste. |
26:21 | For beholde, the Lorde wyl go out of his habitacyon, and vpset the wyckednesse of them that dwell vpon earthe. He wyl dyscouer the bloud that she hath deuoured, she shal neuer hyde them, that she hath murthered. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.