Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
4:1 | Then went Booz vnto the gate and sat him doune there: and beholde, the kinsman of which Booz spake, came by. Vnto whom he sayde: come and sytte doune here, and called him by his name. And he turned in and sat doune. |
4:2 | Then he toke ten men of the elders of the cyty and said, syt ye doune here. And they sat doune. |
4:3 | Then he sayde vnto the kynsman: Noemi that is come againe out of the countreye of Moab, will selle a parcell of lande, which was oure brother Elimelecs. |
4:4 | And I thought to do the to wete and bidde the bye it before the enhabitoures and elders of my people, yf thou be disposed to calenge it: but and yf thou wilt not purchase it, then tell me that I maye wete it. For there is none to calenge it saue thou, and I nexte the. And the other answered, I wyl purchase it. |
4:5 | Then sayde Booz, what daye thou byeste the feld of the hand of Noemi, thou must take also Ruth the Moabyte the wyfe of the death to stere vp the name of the deed vpon his enheritaunce. |
4:6 | Then sayde the kynsman: I can not purchase it for marring of myne own enheritaunce: take thou my ryghte to the, for I cannot purchase it. |
4:7 | Now this was the maner of olde tyme in Israell concerninge purches and chaunging, for to stablyshe al thing: that a man must plucke of his showe and geue it hys neyghboure, and thys was a wytnesse in Israel. |
4:8 | And the kinsman saide to Booz, bye it thou: and so drue of his showe. |
4:9 | Then sayd Booz vnto the elders, and vnto all the people: ye are witnesses this day, that I haue bought al that was Elimelecs, and al that was Chilions & Mahelons, of the hand of Noemi. |
4:10 | And moreouer Ruth the Moabite the wyfe of Mahelon, do I take vnto me to wife, to stere vp the name of the deed vpon his enheritaunce, that his name be not put out from amonge his brethren, and from the gate of hys cytye: ye are wytnesses this daye. |
4:11 | And al the people that were in the gate, & the elders said: we are witnesses: the Lorde make the woman that is come into thine house lyke Rahel & Lea, which twayne dyd builde the house of Israel: that she maye do vertuously in Ephrathah, & be famouse in Bethlehem, |
4:12 | and that thyne house be like the house of Pharez, whom Thamar bare vnto Iuda, euen of the seed, which the Lorde shall geue the of this young woman. |
4:13 | And so Booz toke Ruth, and she was his wyfe. And he went in vnto her, and the Lord gaue that she conceyued and bare a sonne. |
4:14 | And the wemen saide vnto Noemi: blessed be the Lorde, the which hath not lefte the wythout an heyre this day that shal haue a name in Israel, |
4:15 | and that shal bring thy lyfe agayne and cherishe thine olde age. For thy doughter in law, which loueth the, hath borne him that is better to the then seuen sonnes. |
4:16 | And Noemi toke the childe and layed it in her lappe, & became nourse vnto it. |
4:17 | And her neyghbours gaue it a name sayinge: there is a childe borne to Noemi, and called it Obed: he is the father of Isai, the father of Dauid. |
4:18 | This is the generacyon of Pharez, Pharez begat Hezron, |
4:19 | Hezron begat Ram, Ram begat Aminadab, |
4:20 | Aminadab begat Nahason, Nahason begat Salmon, |
4:21 | Salmon begat Booz, Booz begat Obed, |
4:22 | Obed begat Isai, Isai begat Dauid. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.