Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | When he had ended al his saynges in the audience of the people, he entred into Capernaum. |
7:2 | And a certayne Centuryons seruaunt was sycke and redye to dye, whom he made much of. |
7:3 | And when he heard of Iesu, he sent vnto hym the elders of the Iewes, besechinge hym that he woulde come & heale his seruaunte. |
7:4 | And they came to Iesus and besought hym instauntlye saiynge: He is worthye that thou shouldest do this for hym. |
7:5 | For he loueth oure nacion, and hath bylt vs a synagoge. |
7:6 | And Iesus went with them. And when he was not farre from the house the Centurion sent frendes to him saiynge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy selfe, for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roffe. |
7:7 | Wherfore I thought not my selfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde and my seruaunte shalbe whole. |
7:8 | For I lykewise am a man vnder power, and haue vnder me souldiers, and I saye vnto one, go: and he goeth. And to an other, come: and he cometh. And to my seruaunte, do this: and he doeth it. |
7:9 | When Iesus harde this, he maruailed at him, & tourned him about & saide to the people that folowed hym: I say vnto you, I haue not founde so greate fayth, no, not in Israel. |
7:10 | And they that were sent, turned backe home againe, and founde the seruaunte that was sycke, whole. |
7:11 | And it fortnned after that, that he wente into a cytye called Naim, and manye of hys disciples went with him and much people. |
7:12 | When he came nye to the gate of the cytye, beholde there was a dead man caryed out which was the onlye sonne of his mother and she was a wydowe, and much people of the cytye was with her. |
7:13 | And when the Lorde sawe her, he had compassyon on her and saide vnto her, wepe not. |
7:14 | And he went and touched the coffin, and they that bare hym, stode styll. And he sayde: Yonge man, I say vnto the, aryse. |
7:15 | And the dead sate vp, and began to speake. And he delyuered him to his mother. |
7:16 | And there came a feare on them all. And they glorifyed God saiynge: a greate Prophete is rysen among vs, and God hath visyted his people. |
7:17 | And this rumore of hym wente forth throughout all Iurye, and thoroweout all the regions which lye rounde about. |
7:18 | And the discyples of Ihon shewed hym of all these thinges. |
7:19 | And Ihon called vnto him two of his discyples, and sente them to Iesus saiynge: Arte thou he that shall come? or shall we loke for another? |
7:20 | When the men were come vnto him they sayde: Ihon Baptiste sent vs vnto the saiynge. Art thou he that shall come, or shall we wayte for an other? |
7:21 | And at that same tyme he cured manye of their infyrmytyes and plages and of euyll spirites, and vnto manye that were blinde he gaue syght. |
7:22 | And Iesus aunswered and saide vnto them: Go your wayes and shewe Ihon what thinges ye haue seane and hearde: howe that the blynd se, the halt go, the lepers are clensed, the deafe heare, the dead aryse, to the poore is glad tydinges preached, |
7:23 | and happye is he that is not offended by me. |
7:24 | When the messengers of Ihon were departed, he began to speake vnto the people of Ihon. What went ye out into the wildernes for to se? Went ye to se a rede shaken with the winde? |
7:25 | But what went ye out for to se? a man clothed in softe raiment? Beholde they which are gorgeouslye apparilled, and lyue delicatly are in kinges courtes. |
7:26 | But what went ye forth to se? a Prophete, yea I saye vnto you, and more then a prophete. |
7:27 | This is he of whom it is written: Behold I sende my messenger before thy face, to prepare thy waye before the |
7:28 | For I saye vnto you: a greater Prophete then Ihon, amonge womens children is ther none. Neuerthelesse one that is lesse in the kingdome of God, is greater then he. |
7:29 | And all the people that hearde and the publicans iustifyed God, and were baptysed with the baptime of Ihon. |
7:30 | But the Phariseis and scribes despised the counsel of God againste them selues, and were not baptysed of him. |
7:31 | And the Lorde sayed: Wherunto shall I lyken the men of this generacion, and what thinge are they? |
7:32 | They are lyke vnto chyldrin syttyng in the marcked place, & cryenge one to an other, and saiynge: We haue pyped vnto you and ye haue not daunsed: we mourned to you, & ye haue not wept. |
7:33 | For Ihon Baptyste came, neyther eatinge breade nor drincking wyne, and ye saye: he hath the deuyll. |
7:34 | The sonne of man is come and eateth and drincked, and ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotten, and a drincker of wine, a frende of publicans and synners. |
7:35 | Yet is wysdome iustyfyed of all her chyldren. |
7:36 | And one of the pharyseis desyred hym that he wolde eate with him. And he wente into the pharyseis house and sate doune to meate. |
7:37 | And beholde a woman in that citye which was a synner, assone as she knewe that Iesus sate at mete in the phariseis house, she brought an alabaster boxe of ointment, |
7:38 | and she stode at his fete behinde him wepinge, and began to washe his fete with teares, and dyd wype them wyth the heares of her head, and kyshed his fete, and annoynted them with oyntment. |
7:39 | When the pharysey which bade him, sawe that he speake within him selfe saiyng. If this man were a Prophete, he woulde surely haue knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him, for she is a synner. |
7:40 | And Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him: Simon I haue some what to saye vnto the. And he sayed: Maister saye on. |
7:41 | There was a certayne lender, which had two detters, the one ought fyue hundred pence: and the other fyfty. |
7:42 | When they had nothinge to paye, he forgaue them both. Which of them tell me, wyll loue him most. |
7:43 | Simon aunswered and saide: I suppose, that he to whom he forgaue moste. And he sayde vnto hym: Thou haste truly iudged. |
7:44 | And he turned to the woman, and sayde vnto Symon: Seist thou this woman? I entred into thy house, and thou gauest me no water to my fete, but she hath washed my fete with teares and wyped them wyth the heyres of her head. |
7:45 | Thou gauest me no kisse: but she, sence the tyme I came in, hath not ceased to kisse my fete. |
7:46 | Myne head with oyle thou dyddest not anoynte, but she hath annointed my fete with oyntmente. |
7:47 | Wherfore I saye vnto the manye synnes are forgeuen her, for she loued much. To whom lesse is forgeuen, the same doth lesse loue. |
7:48 | And he sayde vnto her, thy synnes are forgeuen the. |
7:49 | And they that sate at meate with him, began to saye with in them selues: Who is this which forgeueth synnes also? |
7:50 | And he sayde to the woman. Thy fayth hath saued the. Go in peace. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.