
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


6:1It happened on an after saboth, that he wente through the corne fyelde, and that his disciples plucked the eares of corne and eate, and rubbed them in their handes.
6:2And certayne of the pharyseis sayde vnto them: Why do ye that whiche is not lawfull to do on the saboth dayes?
6:3And Iesus aunswered them and sayde: Haue ye not read what Dauid did when he him selfe was an hongred, and they which were with hym:
6:4how he wente into the house of God and toke and eate the loues of halowed breade, & gaue also to them which were with him, which was not lawfull to eate, but for the priestes onlye.
6:5And he sayed vnto them: The sonne of man is Lorde of the saboth daye.
6:6And it fortuned in another saboth also, that he entred into the synagoge and taught. And there was a man whose righthande was dried vp.
6:7And the scrybes and pharyseis watched him, to see whether he would heale on the saboth daye, that they myght fynde an accusacion against him.
6:8But he knewe their thoughtes, and sayde to the man which had the withered hande: Rise vp and stande forth in the middes. And he arose and stepped forth.
6:9Then sayde Iesus vnto them: I wyll axe you a question: Whither is it lawfull on the saboth dayes to do good or to do euyl? to saue lyfe, or for to destroye it?
6:10And he behelde them al in compasse, and sayde vnto the manye: Stretche forth thy hande. And he dyd so: & his hande was restored, and made as whole as the other.
6:11And thei were fylled full of madnes, and communed one with another, what they might do to Iesus.
6:12And it furtuned in those dayes that he went out into a mountaine for to praye, and contynued all night in prayer to God.
6:13And assone as it was daye, he called his disciples, and of them he chose .xij. whiche also he called Apostles:
6:14Symon whom he named Peter, & Andrewe his brother, Iames and Ihon, Philippe and Bartelmewe,
6:15Mathewe and Thomas, Iames the sonne of Alpheus, and Simon called Zelotes,
6:16and Iudas Iames sonne, and Iudas Iscarioth which same was the traytour.
6:17And he came doune with them & stode in the playne fyelde with the companye of hys discyples, and a great multytude of people out of all partyes of Iurye and Ierusalem & from the sea coste of Tyre and Sydon, which came to heare hym, and to be healed of their disceases,
6:18and they also that were vexed with foule spyrytes, and they were healed.
6:19And all the people preased to touche hym, for there wente vertue out of hym, and healed them all.
6:20And he lyfte vp his eye vpon the disciples, and sayde: Blessed be ye pore: for yours is the kyngdome of God.
6:21Blessed are ye that honger nowe: for ye shalbe satisfyed. Blessed are ye that wepe nowe for ye shall laughe.
6:22Blessed are ye when men hate you, and thruste you out of their companye, and rayle, & abhorre youre name as an euill thinge, for the sonne of mans sake.
6:23Reioyse then, and be glad: for behold your reward is great in heauen. After this maner their father entreated the prophetes.
6:24But wo be to you that are riche: for ye haue therin your consolacion.
6:25Wo be to you that are full: for ye shal honger. Wo be to you that nowe laugh: for ye shall wayle and wepe.
6:26Wo be to you when all men prayse you: for so dyd their fathers to the false prophetes.
6:27But I say vnto you which heare: loue your enemyes. Do good to them which hate you.
6:28Blesse them that coursse you. And praye for them which wrongfully trouble you.
6:29And vnto hym that smiteth the on the one cheke, offer also the other. And him that taketh awaye thy gonne, forbyd not to take thy cote also.
6:30Giue euerye man that axeth of the. And of hym that taketh awaye thy goodes, axe them not again.
6:31And as ye woulde that men should do to you: so do ye to them likewyse.
6:32Yf ye loue them which loue you, what thanke are ye worthy of? For the verye synners loue their louers.
6:33And if ye do for them which do for you, what thanke are ye worthye of? For the verye synners do euen the same.
6:34If ye lende to them of whom ye hope to receiue, what thanke shall ye haue: for the very synners lende to synners to receiue much againe.
6:35Wherfore, loue ye your enemyes, do good and lende, lokinge for nothynge againe, and your rewarde shall be greate, and ye shalbe the children of the hyest for he is kinde vnto the vnkinde and to the euyll.
6:36Be ye therfore mercifull, as your father is mercyfull.
6:37Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged. Condemne not, and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeue you, ye shalbe forgeuen.
6:38Geue, and it shalbe geuen vnto you: good measure, pressed doune, shaken together and runninge ouer, shal men geue vnto your bosomes. For with what measure ye mete with the same shall men mete to you agayne.
6:39And he putteth forth a symylytude vnto them: Can the blinde leade the blinde? Do they not both then fall into the dyche?
6:40The discyple is not aboue his maister. Euery man shalbe perfecte if he be as his mayster is.
6:41Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers eye, and consyderest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye?
6:42Either howe canst thou saye to thy brother? Brother, let me pul out the moote that is thine eye: When thou perceyuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye? Ypocryte, cast out the beame that is in thine owne eye fyrst, and then shalt thou se perfectlye to pul out the mote out of thy brothers eye.
6:43It is not a good tre that bryngeth forth euyll frute: neither is that au euil tre that bringeth forth good frute.
6:44For euery tre is knowen by his fruite. Neyther of thornes gather men fygges, nor of bushes gather they grapes.
6:45A good man out of the good treasure of his hert bringeth forth that which is good. And an euil man out of the euyll treasure of his herte bringeth forth that which is euyl. For of the aboundaunce of the herte, his mouth speaketh.
6:46Why call ye me Maister Maister, and do not as I byd you?
6:47whosoeuer commeth to me, and heareth my saiynges, and doth the same, I wyll shewe you to whom he is lyke.
6:48He is lyke a man which builde an house and digged depe and layde the foundacion on a rocke. When the waters arose, the floud bet vpon that house, and coulde not moue it for it was grounded vpon a rocke.
6:49But he that heareth and doeth not, is lyke a man that without foundacion bylt an house vpon the earth, against which the floude dyd beate and it fell by and by, and the fall of that house was greate.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.