
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


12:1And when Rehoboam had stablyshed the kingdome, & made it stronge he forsoke the law of the Lorde, & all Israell wyth hym,
12:2wherfore the fyft yeare of kynge Rehoboam, Sesac the kynge of Egypte came vp agaynste Ierusalem, because they had transgressed agaynst the Lord,
12:3with twelue hundred charettes and thre skore thousande horsmen. And the people were wythout nombre that came wyth him oute of Egypte, with them of Lybia, and the Succhites and the blackemores.
12:4And they toke the stronge cytyes that were in Iuda, and came to Ierusalem.
12:5Then came Semeiah the Prophete to Rehoboam & to the Lordes of Iuda that were gathered to Ierusalem for feare of Sesac, & saide to them: thus sayth the Lorde: ye haue left me, & therfore wyll I leue you also in the handes of Sesac.
12:6Wherevpon the Lordes of Israel & the kyng humbled them selues and sayde: the Lorde is ryghteous.
12:7And when the Lord saw that they submytted themselues, the worde of the Lorde came to Semeiah, sayinge: they meke them selues, and therfor I wyl not destroy them. But I wyll delyuer them somewhat, & my wrath shall not falle vpon Ierusalem.
12:8Neuerthelater they shalbe hys seruauntes, to know what dyfference is betwene my seruice and the seruyce of the kyngedomes of other landes.
12:9And Sesac kynge of Egypte came to Ierusalem, and toke awaye the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and the treasures of the kynges house, & shortlye he toke all. And he toke also the shyldes of goulde whiche Salomon made.
12:10In steade of whiche kynge Rehoboam made shyldes of brasse, & put them in the kepyng of the capytaynes of hys garde whiche wayted in the gate of the kynges house.
12:11And as ofte as the kynge wente to the house of the Lorde, the garde wente, and fet them, & brought them agayne vnto the garde chambre.
12:12And so because he humbled hym self, the wrath of the Lorde turned from hym, & destroyed not al together. And therto there were manye good thynges yet in Iuda.
12:13And kinge Rehoboam waxed myghtye in Ierusalem, and raygned. And Rehoboam was .xli. yeare olde when he was made kynge, and he raygned .xvij. yeares in Ierusalem the citie which the Lorde had chosen out of all the trybes of Israell to put hys name there. And his mothers name was Naamah an Ammonite.
12:14And he dyd euyll: for he prepared not hys herte to seke the Lorde.
12:15The actes of Rehoboam fyrst and last are written in the sayinges of Semeiah the Prophete, & of Ado the sear of vysyons, so muche as hys genealogye, and the perpetuall warre that was betwene Rehoboam & Ieroboam during theyr lyfe.
12:16And Rehoboam layd him to slepe wt his fathers, & was buried in the citie of Dauid and Abiah hys sonne raygned in hys steade.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.