Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
4:1 | And he made an aulter of brasse .xx. cubytes longe & .xx. cubytes broade & ten cubytes hye. |
4:2 | And he caste a brasen sea of ten cubytes from brym to brym, & round in compase & fyue cubytes hye: and a lyne of .xxx. cubytes myght haue compased it rounde about. |
4:3 | And the fashyon of oxen dyd compase it rounde about vnder it: that is to wete, two rowes of oxen cast when it was caste, dyd compase that sea which was ten cubytes wyde, rounde aboute. |
4:4 | And it stode also vpon twelue oxen: of which thre loked North thre West, thre Southe and thre East, and the sea vpon them aboue an hye, and the hynder partes of them inwarde. |
4:5 | And the thickest of it was an handebreade, and the brym lyke the brym of a cuppe, with floures of lylyes. And it receyued & helde the thousande bathes. |
4:6 | And he made ten lauers: & put fyue on the ryght hande & fyue on the left, to washe with all. And in them they thruste the fleshe of the burntofferynges. But the sea was for the priestes to washe in. |
4:7 | And he made ten candelstyckes of goulde in the fashyons, and put them in the temple: fyue on the ryghte hand & fyue on the lefte. |
4:8 | And he made also ten tables, and put them in the temple: fyue on the ryght syde and fyue on the lefte. And he made an hundred basens of goulde. |
4:9 | And he made the courte of the priestes, and the great courte and dores to it: and ouerlaid the dores of them with brasse. |
4:10 | And he set the sea in the ryghte syde of the East ende, towarde the Southe. |
4:11 | And Hyram made pottes, shouelles and basens. And Hyram fynyshed the worcke, he made for kynge Salomon vnto the temple of God, |
4:12 | the two pyllers with their scalpes of the two heades that were on the toppes of the pillers: and the two wrethes to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the pillers, |
4:13 | and foure hundred pomegranates for the two wrethes, two rowes of pomegranates for euery wrethe, to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the pyllers. |
4:14 | And he made bottomes, and lauers vpon the bottomes, |
4:15 | & the sea wyth twelue oxen vnder it. |
4:16 | And therto pottes, schouelles, flesh hokes, and all theyr vesselles dyd Hyram Abi make for king Salomon for the house of the Lorde, of bright brasse. |
4:17 | In the playne of Iordan dyd the kyng caste them, in the thicke earthe, betwene Socoth & Zaredatha. |
4:18 | And made of all these vesselles so myghty great aboundaunce, that the weight of brasse coulde not be rekened. |
4:19 | And Salomon made all the vesselles that pertayned to the house of God: the goulden aulter and the tables with the shewe breade vpon them, |
4:20 | the candelstickes with theyr lampes to burne after the maner before the quere, & that of pure goulde, |
4:21 | and the floures and the lampes, and the snoffers were goulde, & that perfecte goulde: |
4:22 | and the dressynge knyues, basens, spones and censers of pure goulde. And the ynner dores of the place moost holye, and the dores of the temple to, were goulde. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.