Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | And when Salomon had made an ende of praying, there came doune fyre from heauen & consumed the burntofferyng and the sacryfyces. And the glorye of the Lorde fylled the house: |
7:2 | that the priestes coulde not go into the house of the Lorde, because the glorye of the Lord had fulfilled the house of the Lorde. |
7:3 | And all the children of Israell saw how the fyre came doune and the glory of the Lorde vpon the house, & stouped with their faces to the earth vpon the pauement & bowed them selues & confessed vnto the Lord, that he was good, and that hys mercye lasted euer. |
7:4 | And the kynge and all the people offered offerynges before the Lorde. |
7:5 | So that kynge Salomon offered .xxij. thousand oxen, and an hundred and twentye thousand shepe. And so the kynge & all the people halowed the house of God. |
7:6 | And the priestes wayted on theyr offices, and the Leuites with instrumentes of musycke of the Lorde which kinge Dauid made to confesse vnto the Lorde that hys mercye lasteth euer, when Dauid gaue prayse thorowe theyr handes. And the priestes blewe trompettes faste by them: and all Israell stode. |
7:7 | Moreouer Salomon halowed the myddle of the courte that was before the Lorde: for there he offered burntofferynges and the fat of the peaceofferynges, because the brasen aulter which Salomon had made, was not able to receyue the burntofferynges and the meat offerynges and the fatte. |
7:8 | And Salomon kepte a feast the same ceason of seuen dayes, and all Israel with hym, an exceadynge great congregacyon, euen from Hemath vnto the ryuer of Egypte. |
7:9 | And the eyght daye they made a gatheryng. For they kept the halowyng of the aulter seuen dayes, & the feast seuen dayes. |
7:10 | And the .xxiij. daye of the seuenth moneth, he let the people departe into theyr tentes, glad & merye in herte for the goodnesse that the Lord had shewed to Dauid, to Salomon & to Israel hys people. |
7:11 | And so Salomon fynyshed the house of the Lorde & the kynges house and al that came in his hert to make in the house of the Lorde and in hys owne house, and that prosperouslye. |
7:12 | And the Lorde apeared to Salomon by nyght, and said to him: I haue hearde thy peticyon & haue chosen thys place for my self to be an house of sacryfyce. |
7:13 | Moreouer yf I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne, or yf I commaund the locustes to deuoure the lande, or yf I send pestilence among my people: |
7:14 | yet yf my people that are named after my name, shall humble themselues & make intercessyon & seke my presence, & turne from their wicked wayes, then wyll I heare from heauen and be mercyfull to theyr synnes, & wyl heale theyr lande. |
7:15 | Therto myne eyes shalbe open & myne eares attente vnto the prayers made in thys place. |
7:16 | And fynally I haue chosen and sanctyfyed this house, that my name be there for euer, & myne eyes & myne herte shalbe there perpetuallye. |
7:17 | And yf thou shalte walke before me as Dauid thy father walked, to do accordynge to all that I haue commaunded the, & shalt obserue myne ordynaunces & my lawes: |
7:18 | then I wyll stablyshe the seate of thy kyngedome, accordynge to the couenaunt I made with Dauid thy father, saying: thou shalt haue euer one or other that shall rule in Israel. |
7:19 | But and yf ye turne awaye & forsake myne ordinaunces & my commaundementes which I haue set before you, and shal go & serue other Goddes & bowe youre selues to them: |
7:20 | then wyll I plucke them vp by the rotes oute of my lande which I haue geuen them, & wyll cast thys house which I haue sanctyfyed for my name out of my syght, & wyll make a prouerbe & a tale of it amonge all nacyons. |
7:21 | And this house that is so hye, shalbe a wonder to al that passeth therby, that they shall saye: why hath the Lorde dealte on thys fashyon with thys lande and with this house? |
7:22 | And it shalbe aunswered them because they forsoke the Lorde God of theyr fathers whiche brought them oute of the lande of Egypte, and caught holde on other Gods, and bowed to them, and serued them: euen therfore broughte he on them all thys euyll. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.