Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
32:1 | After these deades & trueth Sennaherib kynge of Assur came and entred into Iuda and pitched against the stronge cytyes, and thought to drawe them to hym. |
32:2 | And when Hezekiah sawe the Sennaherib was come, and that he was purposed to fyght agaynst Ierusalem: |
32:3 | he toke councell with hys capitaynes & men of might, to stoppe the water of the fountaynes that were wythout the cytye: & they were content to helpe hym. |
32:4 | And so there gathered muche people together and stopte al the welles and the broke that ranne thorow the middes of the lande, entendynge that the kynges of Assur shoulde not fynde much water when they came? |
32:5 | And he wente to lustelye & buylt vp the walle where it was broken, and made toures aboue vpon, and yet another wall wythout, and repayred Melo the cytye of Dauid, and made many dartes & shyldes. |
32:6 | And he sete Capitaynes of warre ouer the people and geathered them to geather into the large strete of the gate of the citie & spake ientelye to them, saying. |
32:7 | Plucke vp youre hertes and be stronge. Be not afrayed or in any wyse discouraged for dreade of the kyng of Assur, and of the great multitude that is with hym: for there is one greater with vs then with him. |
32:8 | With him is an arme of flesh: But with vs is the Lorde oure God for to helpe vs and to fyght oure batayles. And the people were well couraged with the wordes of Hezekiah kynge of Iuda. |
32:9 | After that Sennaherib kynge of Assur sent of his seruauntes to Ierusalem (he hym self liinge before Lachis & all hys kyngdom with hym) vnto Hezekiah kyng of Iuda & vnto all Iuda that were at Ierusalem sayinge. |
32:10 | Thus sayth Sennaherib kynge of Assur: where in do ye trust, O ye that are be seged in Ierusalem? |
32:11 | Hezekiah deceyueth you, to delyuer you to deeth, hongre, & thrust, sayng: the Lord oure God shall rydde vs out of the hande of the kynge of Assur. |
32:12 | Is yt not that Hezekiah that put downe his hylaulters and his other aulters, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem sayinge: before one aulter ye shall bowe your selues and vpon that offer also. |
32:13 | More ouer haue ye not hearde what I and my fathers haue done vnto the people of all landes? were the Gods of the people of other landes able to saue theyre landes out of my hand? |
32:14 | which of all the Gods of those nacyons that my fathers destroyed was yt, that could delyuer his people out of myne hande, that youre God should be able to deliuer you out of myne hande? |
32:15 | Wherfore now lett not Hezekiah deceyue you ether perswade you of thys fashyon, nor yet beleue hym. For as no God amonge so manye nacyons and kyngdomes, was able to rydde hys people out of myne hande & the hande of my fathers: euen so moche lesse shall youre God kepe you oute of myne hande. |
32:16 | And yet moare dyd his seruauntes speake agaynst the Lorde God and agaynst his seruaunt Hezekiah. |
32:17 | And therto he wrote a letter to raile on the Lorde God of Israel & spake therin sayinge: as the Gods of the nacyons of other landes haue not delyuered theyr people out of myne hande, no moare shall the God of Hezekiah delyuer hys people out of myne hande. |
32:18 | And they cryed wyth a lowde voyce in the iewes speache vnto the people of Ierusalem that were on the walles to feare them and to dysmaye them, that they myght haue taken the cytye. |
32:19 | And they spake agaynst the God of Ierusalem, as agaynst the Gods of the nacyons of the erth, whyche are the worcke of the handes of men. |
32:20 | But Hezekiah the kynge and the prophete Isaiah sonne of Amoz prayed concernynge that thynge and cryed vp to heauen. |
32:21 | And the Lorde sent an angell & destroyed all the men of warre and the Lordes & capitaynes of the hoste of the kyng of Assur, that he turned hys face wyth shame towarde hys owne lande. And when he was come into the house of his God, he was there ouerthrowen wyth the swerde euen by them that issued oute of hys bowelles. |
32:22 | And so the Lorde saued Hezekiah and the enhabyters at Ierusalem oute of the handes of Sennaherib kynge of Assur and of all other, and mayntained them on all sydes. |
32:23 | In so muche that many brought presentes vnto the Lorde to Ierusalem and precyouse gyftes to Hezekiah kynge of Iuda: so that he was magnifyed in the sight of al nacyons from thence forth. |
32:24 | In those dayes Hezekiah was sycke vnto the deeth and besought the Lorde: whiche answered him and shewed hym a wonderful miracle: |
32:25 | But Hezekiah dyd not according to the curtesy shewed him, for his hert arose: & therfore came there wrath vpon him & vpon Iuda and Ierusalem. |
32:26 | Not withstanding Hezekiah mekened him selfe for that a rysing of hys herte, both he and the enhabyters of Ierusalem. Wherfore the wrath of the Lord fel not vpon them in the dayes of Hezekiah. |
32:27 | And Hezekiah had exceadinge muche rychesse & honoure. And he gathered him treasure of syluer, golde, precyouse stones, spyces, shildes & of al maner pleasaunt Iuelles: |
32:28 | & made store houses for the fruites of corne, wyne & oyle: & stables for all maner of beastes, and foldes for shepe. |
32:29 | And he made hym tounes, because he had catel of shepe & oxen great aboundaunce. For God had geuen him substaunce exceadyng muche. |
32:30 | And the sayde Hezekiah stopped the vpper water sprynges of Gihon & brought them doune to the West syde of the cytye of Dauid. And Hezekiah prospered in al hys worckes. |
32:31 | But when the Ambassadoures of the Lordes of Babylon were sent to hym to enquyre of the wondre that chaunsed in the land, God lefte hym: to tempte hym, that all that was in hys herte myght be knowen. |
32:32 | The rest of the dedes of Hezekiah and hys goodnesse are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophete the sonne of Amoz in the boke of the kynges of Iuda and Israell. |
32:33 | And then Hezekiah layde hym to reste wyth hys fathers: and they buryed hym in the hyeste sepulchre of the sonnes of Dauid: and Iuda and the enhabiters of Ierusalem dyd him worshippe at his deeth. And Manasseh his sonne raigned in his steade. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.