Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
6:1 | Then Salomon sayde: the Lorde hath spoken it, how that he wyll dwel in darckenesse. |
6:2 | And I haue buylt an habitacyon for the and a place to dwell in for euer. |
6:3 | And the kynge turned hys face, & blessed the hole congregacyon of Israel, and all the congregacyon of Israel stode. |
6:4 | And he sayde: blessed be the Lorde God of Israell which spake wyth hys mouthe to my father Dauid, & hath fulfylled it wyth handes, for God sayde: |
6:5 | sence the tyme I broughte my people oute of the lande of Egypte, I chose no cytye amonge all the trybes of Israell to buylde an house in, that my name myght be there, nether chose I any man to be a ruler ouer my people Israel. |
6:6 | But nowe I haue chosen Ierusalem to haue my name there, & haue chosen Dauid to be ouer my people Israell. |
6:7 | And it was in the herte of Dauid my father to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel: |
6:8 | But the Lorde sayde to Dauid my father: for as muche as it was in thyne herte, to buylde an house for my name, thou dyddest well that thou haddest it in thine herte. |
6:9 | Notwithstandyng thou shalt not build the house, but thy sonne whiche shall Issue oute of thy loynes, he shall buyld an house for my name. |
6:10 | And the Lorde hath made good his saying that he hath spoken. For I arose in the roume of Dauid my father, & sate on the seate of Israel, as the Lorde promysed, & haue buylt an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel. |
6:11 | And therein I haue put the arcke wherin the couenaunte of the Lorde made with the chyldren of Israel, is. |
6:12 | And he stepte forthe before the aulter of the Lord in the presence of all the congregacion of Israel, and stretched out his handes, |
6:13 | now Salomon had made a brasen pulpyte of fyue cubytes longe, and fyue cubytes broad, and thre of heyght, and had set it in the middes of the greate courte, vpon that he stept & kneled doune vpon hys knees before all the congregacyon of Israel & stretched oute hys handes to heauen |
6:14 | & sayde: Lorde God of Israel there is no God lyke the eyther in heauen or in earth, whiche kepest couenaunt & sheweste mercy vnto thy seruauntes that walck before the with all theyr hertes. |
6:15 | Which hast kepte with Dauid my father that thou promysedest him: thou saydeste it wyth thy mouthe, and haste fulfylled it with thyne hande, as it is to se this day. |
6:16 | Now Lord God of Israel kepe wt thy seruaunt Dauid my father, that thou promisedest him saying: thou shalt not be without one or other in my sight that shall sitte vpon the seate of Israel. Of this condicion yet, yf thy children will take hede to theyr waies to walcke in my lawe, as thou hast walcked before me. |
6:17 | Nowe Lorde God of Israel, let thy sayinge be true, whiche thou saydest vnto thy seruaunte Dauid. |
6:18 | How be it in very dede, can God dwel wt man on earth? Behold, nether heauen or heauen aboue all heauens is able to containe the: howe shuld the house then which I haue built for the do it? |
6:19 | But turne to the praier of thy seruaunte & to his supplicacion (O Lord my God) to herken vnto the voyce & prayer which thy seruaunte maketh before the. |
6:20 | That thyne eyes be open ouer this house daye & nyght, & ouer the place of which thou hast said, that thou woldest put thy name there: to herken vnto the prayer which thy seruaunte prayeth at thys place: |
6:21 | herken therfore vnto the prayers of thy seruaunt & of thy peole Israel, whiche they praye in thys place. But heare thou it oute of thy dwellyng place heauen: & when thou hearest it be mercyfull. |
6:22 | If a man synne agaynst his neybour, & an adiuracyon be layd to hys charge, to adiure him with al, & the adiuracion come before thine aulter in thys house: |
6:23 | then heare thou from heauen, & worcke & iudge thy seruauntes, that thou rewarde the euyll, and bring his waye vpon hys heade, & iustify the ryghteous & geue him accordynge to hys ryghteousnesse. |
6:24 | Lykewyse yf thy people Israel be put to the worse before theyr enemies, because they haue synned agaynste the: Yet yf they turne and confesse thy name, and make intercessyon & praye before the in thys house, |
6:25 | then heare thou from heauen and be mercyful vnto the synne of thy people Israel, and brynge them agayne vnto the lande which thou gauest to them and to theyr fathers. |
6:26 | If heauen be shut vp, that there be no raine, because they haue synned agaynste the: yet yf they praye at thys place, and confesse thy name and turne from theyr synnes at thy scourgynge: |
6:27 | then heare thou from heauen, and be mercyfull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes, & of thy people Israel, that thou shewe them a good waye to walke in, and sende rayne vpon thy lande whiche thou haste geuen vnto thy people, for an enherytaunce. |
6:28 | If there chaunce darthe in the lande, pestilence, burnynge or smytynge of corne, grashoppers or caterpyllers, or that theyr enemies besege them in the cytyes of theyr owne land, or what soeuer plage or syckenesse it be. |
6:29 | Then all the supplicacyons and prayers that shalbe made of all men amonge all thy people Israell, whiche shall knowe euery man his owne sore and hys owne greffe, & shal stretche oute theyr handes towarde thys house: |
6:30 | thou shalte heare from heauen thy dwellyng place and shalte be mercyfull, and geue euery man accordynge vnto all hys waye, euen as thou shalte knowe euery mannes herte: for thou onelye knoweste the hertes of the chyldren of Adam: |
6:31 | that they maye feare the, and walke in thy wayes as long as they lyue vpon the earth whiche thou gauest to oure fathers. |
6:32 | Therto a straunger which is not of thy people Israel, yf he come from a farre lande for thy greate names sake, and thy myghtye hande, and stretched oute arme, and therfore come & praye at thys house: |
6:33 | thou shalte heare hym from heauen thy dwellyng place, & shalt do accordyng to all that the straunger calleth to the for. That all the nacyons of the earthe maye knowe thy name, and feare the, as doth thy people Israell: and that it maye be knowen how that this house which I haue buylt, is called after thy name. |
6:34 | When thy people shall go oute to warre, agaynste theyr ennemyes the waye that thou shalte send them. If they pray to the, the way towarde thys cytye whiche thou haste chosen and house whiche I haue buylt for thy name: |
6:35 | then heare from heauen, theyr supplicacyon & prayer, and helpe them in theyr ryghte. |
6:36 | If they shall synne agaynste the (as there is no man but that he shall synne) & thou be angrye wyth them, and delyuer them to their enemyes, and they layde them away captyue vnto a lande ferre or neare, |
6:37 | yet yf theyr hertes come to them agayne in the lande where they be in captiuite, and turne and praye vnto the in the land where they be in captiuite, saying: we haue synned & haue done euyl & wickedly |
6:38 | & turne agayne to the, wyth all theyr hertes & all theyr soules, in the lande of theyr captyuite where they be kepte in bondage, and so praye towarde theyr lande which thou gauest vnto theyr fathers, and cytye which thou hast chosen, and to thys house whiche I haue built for thy name: |
6:39 | Then heare from heauen thy dwellyng place, their supplicacyon & prayers & iudge theyr cause, and be mercifull vnto thy people, though they haue synned against the. |
6:40 | So now my God let thyne eyes be open & thyne eares attente vnto the prayers made in thys place. |
6:41 | And now vp Lorde God in thy restynge place: both thou and the arcke of thy strengthe, and let thy priestes put on vyctorye and thy saynctes reioyse in goodnesse. |
6:42 | And Lorde God turne not away the face of thyne anointed. But remembre the mercyes promysed to Dauid thy seruaunte. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.