Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
16:1 | In the .xxxvi. yeare of the raygne of Asa, came Baasa kyng of Israel agaynst Iuda and built Rumah, to the entent that he woulde let uone that pertayneth to Asa kynge of Iuda haue passage in and oute. |
16:2 | Whervpon Asa fet oute syluer and goulde oute of the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and of the kynges house, & sent it to Benhadad kynge of Siria that dwelt at Damasco, and sayde. |
16:3 | There is a confederacion betwene me and the, and so was betwene my father & thine, wherfore I haue sent the siluer and goulde, that thou go and breake thyne appoyntment wyth Baasa kynge of Israel, that he maye departe from me. |
16:4 | And Benhadad graunted vnto kyng Asa, and sent the captaynes of hys armye agaynste the cities of Israell. And they bet Aion, Dan, Abelmaim and all the store cities of Nephtali. |
16:5 | And when Baasa hearde that, he left buyldinge of Ramah & let his worcke cease. |
16:6 | And then Asa the kinge toke all Iuda, and caryed away and stones & tymbre of Ramah, wherwhyth Baasa was a buyldynge: and he buylt therwyth Gabaa and Marphah. |
16:7 | At that same tyme Hanani the sear, came to Asa kyng of Iuda & sayde to hym: because thou trustest in the king of Siria, and trustest not in the Lorde thy God therfore is the host of the kynge of Siria escaped oute of thyne hande. |
16:8 | Were not the blacke Mores, and they of Libya a great host wyth exceading many charettes and horsemen? And yet because thou trustedest in the Lorde, he delyuered them into thyne handes. |
16:9 | For the eyes of the Lorde beholde all the earthe, to strength the hertes of them that are hole with him. Herin thou hast done folyshly, and therfore from henceforth thou shalt haue warre. |
16:10 | Whervpon Asa was wrothe with the sear and put hym in the conuertynge house, for he was dyspleased wyth him because of that. Moreouer Aza oppressed certayne of the people the same ceason. |
16:11 | The dedes of Aza bothe fyrst and last, are written in the boke of the kynges of Iuda & Israel. |
16:12 | And the .xxxix. yeare of his raigne Asa fel sycke on hys fete, and that his disease exceaded. And therto in his sycknesse he asked no counsel of the Lorde, but of Physycyons. |
16:13 | And at the last Asa fel on slepe wyth hys fathers, and dyed when he raygned .xli. yeare. |
16:14 | And they buryed hym in his owne sepulchre whiche he had made in the citie of Dauid, and layde hym in the bedde whyche he had filled with swete odoures of dyuerse kyndes, made by the crafte of the potecaryes. And they dyd exceadynge greate coste aboute buryeng of hym. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.