Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
17:1 | And Iehosaphat his sonne raigned in his stead, and was mightyer then Israel. |
17:2 | And he put souldioures in all the stronge cities of Iuda, and set rulers bothe in the lande of Iuda, and also in the cytyes of Ephraim, whyche Asa his father had wonne. |
17:3 | And the Lorde was wyth Iehosaphat, because he walked in the olde wayes of his father Dauid, & sought not Baals, |
17:4 | but sought the Lorde God of his father, and walked in hys commaundementes, and not after doynges of Israel. |
17:5 | Therfore the Lorde stablyshed the kyngedome in his hande, and all Iuda brought him presentes, that he became exceadinge ryche and gloriouse. |
17:6 | And his herte was corageous in the wayes of the Lorde, & he put doune yet more of the hilalaulters and groued out of Iuda. |
17:7 | And the thirde yeare of hys raigne he sent of his Lordes: Benhail, Abdiah, Zachariah, Nathanael and Michaah to teache in the cyties of Iuda: |
17:8 | and with them, Semeiah, Nathaniah, Zabadiah, Asahel. Semiramoth, Iehonathan, Adoniah, Thobiah, and Thobodoniah Leuites: and with them Elisama & Ioram priestes. |
17:9 | And they taught in Iuda, and had the boke of the law with them, & went aboute thorowout all the cytyes of Iuda and taught the people. |
17:10 | And the feare of the Lorde fel vpon al the kyngedomes of the landes that were rounde aboute Iuda, that they durst not warre with Iehosaphat. |
17:11 | And the Philistines brought Iehosaphat gyftes and tribute siluer. And therto the Arabians brought hym of shepe, seuen thousand and seuen hundred rammes, & seuen thousande & seuen hundred he gottes. |
17:12 | And so Iehosaphat he prospered and grue vpon hye. And he buylt in Iuda, castels and store cities. |
17:13 | And he had great substaunce in the cyties of Iuda, & fyghtynge men and men of myghte in Ierusalem. |
17:14 | And this is the order in the houses of their fathers, of the capitaynes ouer thousandes in Iuda: Ednah the captayne, and with hym of fyghthynge men thre hundred thousande. |
17:15 | And nexte to him Iehohanan a captayne and with him two hundreth & .lxxx. thousand. |
17:16 | And by his side Amaziah the sonne of Zechri willynge vnto the Lord, & with him two hundred thousand myghty men. |
17:17 | And of the children of Beniamin, Eliada was a man of might, and had with hym armed with bowes & shyldes two hundred thousande. |
17:18 | And by his syde Iehosabad wyth whome were an hundred & .lxxx. thousande trimmed for warre. |
17:19 | These waited on the kynge, besydes those whyche the kinge had put in stronge cities thorowout al Iuda. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.