
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


12:1And it came to passe, that when Rehoboam had stablysshed the kyngdome, and became myghtye, he forsoke the lawe of the Lorde, and all Israel with him.
12:2And it fortuned, that in the fyfte yeare of kynge Rehoboam, Sesac the kyng of Egypte came vp agaynst Ierusalem, because they had transgressed agaynst the Lorde
12:3wt .xii.C. charettes, and .lx.M. horsmen. And the people were without nombre, that came with hym out of Egypte Lubim, Sukkim, and the blackmores.
12:4And they toke the stronge cyties in Iuda, and came to Ierusalem.
12:5Then came Semeia the prophete to Rehoboam & to the Lordes of Iuda, that were gathered together within Ierusalem for Sesac, and sayd vnto them: thus sayd the Lord, ye haue left me, & therfore haue I also left you in the handes of Sesac.
12:6Wherupon the lordes of Israel and the kynge humbled them selues, and sayde, the Lorde is ryghteous.
12:7And whan the Lorde sawe that they submitted themselues, the worde of the Lorde cam to Semeia, sayinge: They submitte them selues, therfore I wyll not destroye them. But I wyll delyuer them somwhat, and my wrath shall not burne vpon Ierusalem by the hande of Sesac.
12:8Neuerthelesse, they shalbe hys seruauntes, to knowe what difference is betwene my seruice, and the seruice of the kyngdomes of the worlde.
12:9And so Sesac kynge of Egypte came to Ierusalem, and toke awaye the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and the treasures of the kynges house: he toke euen all. And he caryed awaye the shyldes of golde, which Salomon made.
12:10In steade of which, kynge Rehoboam made shyldes of brasse, and commytted them to the handes of the captaynes which had the ouersyght of the fotemen, and that kept the entraunce of the kynges house.
12:11And it came to passe, that when the kynge entred into the house of the Lorde, the garde came & fet them, and brought them agayne vnto the garde chambre.
12:12And when he humbled hymselfe, the wrath of the Lorde turned from hym, that he wolde not destroye all together. And in Iuda all was well.
12:13And so kyng Rehoboam waxed myghty & raygned in Ierusalem. And Rehoboam was .xli. yere olde, when he began to raygne, & he raygned .xvii. yeres in Ierusalem, the cytie which the Lorde had chosen out of all the trybes of Israel to put his name there. And hys mothers name was Naama an Ammonitesse.
12:14And he dyd euyll, because he prepared not hys hert to seke the Lorde.
12:15The actes also of Rehoboam, fyrst and last, are they not wrytten in the sayinges of Semeia the prophete, and of Iddo the fear which noted the genealogie? and there was warre alwaye betwene Rehoboam & Ieroboam.
12:16And Rehoboam slept wt his fathers, and was buryed in the cytie of Dauid, and Abia his sonne raygned in his steade.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."