Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
5:1 | And so was all the worcke that Salomon made for the house of the Lorde fynyshed. And when the worcke that Salomon made in the house of the Lorde was fynyshed: then Salomon brought in the gyftes dedicate by Dauid hys father, the syluer and the goulde and all the Iewelles, and put them amonge the treasure of the house of God. |
5:2 | Then Salomon gathered the elders of Israell together and all the heades of the tribes and auncyent Lordes amonge the chyldren of Israell, vnto Ierusalem, to brynge the arcke of the couenaunt of the Lorde oute of the cyty of Dauid which is Zion. |
5:3 | And all the men of Israell resorted vnto the kynge in the feaste of the seuenthe moneth. |
5:4 | And when all the elders of Israell were come, the Leuites toke vp the arcke. |
5:5 | And the priestes of the Leuytes brought away the arcke & the tabernacle of wytnesse, and all the holy vesselles that were in the tabernacle. |
5:6 | And king Salomon and all the congregacyon of Israel that were assembled vnto hym before the arck, offered shepe and oxen, so manye that they coulde not be tolde or numbred for multitude. |
5:7 | And the priestes broughte the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde vnto hys place in the quere of the temple & place moste holye: euen vnder the wynges of the Cherubes, |
5:8 | that the Cherubes stretched oute theyr wynges ouer the place of the arcke, & couered the arcke and her staues aboue on hye. |
5:9 | And the staues of the arcke were so longe, that they were sene a lytle before the quere, but not farre wythoute. And there it remayneth vnto this daye. |
5:10 | More ouer there was nothinge in the arcke saue the two tables whiche Moses put therein at Horeb, when the Lorde made a couenaunte with the chyldren of Israell, after they were come oute of Egypte. |
5:11 | And when the priestes were come oute of the holye place (for all the priestes that were founde, sanctyfyed them selues and dyd not wayt by course.) |
5:12 | But the Leuites euery one of them that were vnder Asaph, Heman and Iduthun, and among theyr chyldren and brethren, were arayed in bysse and sang wyth Simbales, Psalteryes, and harpes standyng East from the aulter, and wyth them an hundred and .xx. priestes blowynge trompettes. |
5:13 | And the trompette blowers & the syngers so agreed, that it semed but one voice in praysing & thankynge the Lorde. And as the voyce of the trompettes, symbales and instrumentes of melodye arose, & as they praysed the Lord, how that he was good and that hys mercye lasteth euer, the house of the Lorde was fylled with a cloude, |
5:14 | so that the priestes coulde not endure to mynyster by the reason of the cloude. For the glorye of the Lorde had fylled the house of God. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.