Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
21:1 | Iehosaphat layd him to reste wt hys fathers, and was buryed with his fathers in the cytie of Dauid, and Iehoram his sonne raygned in hys roume: |
21:2 | whiche Iehoram had other brethren, sonnes of Iehosaphat, Asariah, Iehiel, Zachariah, Asariah, Michael and Zephatiah. All these were the sonnes of Iehosaphat kynge of Iuda. |
21:3 | And their father gaue them many great gyftes in syluer, goulde & other preciouse thinges with stronge cytyes in Iuda: but the kingedom he gaue to Iehoram, because he was the eldest. |
21:4 | And when Iehoram was vpon the kingdom of his father & setelde, he slue al his other brethren with the swerde, & dyuerse of the lordes of Israel therto. |
21:5 | Iehoram was .xxxij. yeare olde when he beganne to raygne, & he raigned .viij. yeare in Ierusalem. |
21:6 | And he walked in the waies of the kinges of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab (for a doughter of Ahab was his wife) & he wrought euil in the eyes of the Lord. |
21:7 | How be it, the Lord would not destroy the house of Dauid, because of the couenaunt that he had made wt Dauid, & as he promised to geue a light to hym & to hys sonnes for euer. |
21:8 | In hys dayes the Edomites departed from vnder the hand of Iuda & made them a king. |
21:9 | And Iehoram went forth with his Lordes & all his charettes with him, & rose by nyghte & layd on the Edomites. Which compased him in, & the captaynes of his charettes. |
21:10 | And so Edom departed from vnder the hande of Iuda vnto thys day. That same time also dyd Cobnah departe from vnder his power, because he lefte the Lord God of his fathers. |
21:11 | Moreouer he made hilaulters in the mountaynes of Iuda & caused the enhabiters of Ierusalem to commit adultery, & he thrust Iuda out of the waye. |
21:12 | And there came a writting to him from Eliah the prophet of this tenoure. Thus saith the Lord God of Dauid thy father: because thou walkedest not in the wayes of Iehosaphat thy father, and in the waies of Asa king of Iuda, |
21:13 | but walkest in the waies of the kinges of Israel, & hast made Iuda & the dwellers of Ierusalem go a whoringe, like to the whoring of the house of Ahab, & had therto slaine thy brethren that were thy fathers house, which were better then thou. |
21:14 | Therfore behold the lord wil smyte the wyth a mightye plage in thy folke, in thy chyldren, in thy wiues and in thy goodes. |
21:15 | And thou shalt haue muche dysease thorowe infirmitye in thy bowelles, vntil thy bowelles fal out by reason of thy sycknesse, daye by daye. |
21:16 | And the Lorde stered vp agaynst Iehoram the spyryt of the Philistines & the Arabians the border on the blacke Mores. |
21:17 | Which came against Iuda & al to tare the lande, & caryed away al the substaunce that was found in the kinges house, & therto his sonnes & his wiues: so that there was neuer a sonne lefte him saue Iehoa has hys youngest sonne. |
21:18 | And after all that, the Lorde smote him in hys bowelles with an incurable disease. |
21:19 | And in processe of tyme, euen about the ende of two yeare hys guttes fell out by reason of his sycknesse, & so he dyed of euil diseases. But they made him no bonefire lyke the bonefires of his fathers. |
21:20 | When he beganne to raygne, he was .xxxii. yeare old, & raigned in Ierusalem .viij. yeare. And he walked not pleasauntly, & they buryed him in the cyty of Dauid, but not in the sepulchre of the kinges. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.