Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
16:1 | Then came the worde of the Lorde to Iehu the sonne of Hanani agaynst Baasa sayinge: |
16:2 | for as muche as I exalted the out of the dust & made the captayne ouer my people Israel, and thou hast walked in the waye of Ieroboam, and hast made my people Israell synne, to angre me wyth their synne: |
16:3 | therfore I wyl make cleane ryddance of Baasa and of al his house, and wil make his house like the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat. |
16:4 | And he that dieth of Baasa in the citie, hym shall dogges eate, and him that dieth in the feldes, shall the foules of the ayre eate. |
16:5 | The reste of the deades of Baasa, & what he dyd, and his power, are wrytten in the boke of the historyes of the kynges of Israel. |
16:6 | And Baasa fell on slepe wyth hys fathers & was buryed in Therzah. And Elah hys sonne raygned in hys steade. |
16:7 | And therto thorow the Prophete Iehu the sonne of Hanani, the word of the lorde came against Baasa & agaynste hys house, because of al the wyckednesse that he did in the sight of the lorde in angerynge hym wyth the workes of his handes, that he shoulde be lyke the house of Ieroboam, because he had kylled Nabat. |
16:8 | The .xxvi. year of Asa king of Iuda beganne Elah the sonne of Baasa to raygne ouer Israell in Therzah, and contynued two year. |
16:9 | And hys seruaunt Zamri captayn of halfe his charettes, conspyred against him, as he was in Therzah drinkynge of strouge dryncke, in the house of Arza stuard of his house in Therzah. |
16:10 | And Zamri came and smote hym and killed him the .xxvij. yeare of Asa kyng of Iuda, and raygned in his steade. |
16:11 | And as sone as he was kyng, and sat on hys seate, he slue al the house of Baasa and lefte not a pysser agaynste a wall. And therto he slue all hys kynne and frendes, |
16:12 | and so Zamri destroyed all the house of Baasa, accordynge to the worde of the Lorde whyche he spake to Baasa thorowe Iehu the Prophet, |
16:13 | for all the synnes of Baasa and synnes of Elah his sonne, wherwyth they sinned & made Israell synne, to angre the Lorde of Israel with their vanities. |
16:14 | The rest of the deades of Elah and al he dyd, are wrytten in the chronicles of the kynges of Israel. |
16:15 | The .xxvij. yeare of Asa Kynge of Iuda, Zamry raygned .vij. dayes in Therzah, the people besegynge Gebethon a citie of the Philistines. |
16:16 | And when the people that laye in the seage, hearde saie how Zamri had conspired, and how he had slayne the kinge also: then all Israell made Amri the captaine of the men of warre kynge that same daie ouer Israel euen in the hoste. |
16:17 | And Amri departed from Gebethon and al Israel wyth him, and beseged Therzah. |
16:18 | And when Zamri sawe that the cytye muste nedes be taken, he went into the pallayse of the kinges house, and set the kynges house a fire vpon him selfe, and there dyed, |
16:19 | for hys synnes whiche he synned in doynge wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and for walkynge in the waye of Ieroboam and in hys synnes whyche he dyd and made Israel synne. |
16:20 | The rest of the Actes of Zamri and the treason that he wrought, are wrytten in the boke of the chronicles of the kinges of Israel. |
16:21 | Moreouer that same ceason was Israel deuyded in twayn, for halfe the people folowed Thebni the sonne of Gineth, to make hym kynge. And the other halfe folowed Amri. |
16:22 | But the people that folowed Amri, preuayled against them that folowed Thebni the sonne of Gineth. And so Thebny dyed and Amri raygned. |
16:23 | The .xxxi. yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, beganne Amri to raygne ouer Israel .xij. yeare, and he ruled .vi. yeare in Therzah. |
16:24 | And he bought the hyl of Samaria of one Semar for two hundred talentes of syluer, and buylt in the hyl, & called the name of the cyty which he had built Samaria after the name of Semar the Lorde of the hyll. |
16:25 | And thys Amri wrought wyckednesse in the eyes of the Lord worsse then all that were before him, |
16:26 | and walked in all the wayes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat, and in hys synne wherwith he made Israell synne, to angre the Lorde God of Israel wyth their vanities. |
16:27 | The rest of the actes of Amri which he did, and his power that he vsed, are wrytten in the chronicles of the kynges of of Israel. |
16:28 | And Amri layde hym to rest with hys fathers, and was buryed in Samaria, & Ahab hys sonne raygned in his steade. |
16:29 | The .xxxviij. yeare of Asa kynge of Iuda, beganne Ahab the sonne of Amri to raygne ouer Israel, and raygned in Samaria .xxij. yeare. |
16:30 | And he displeased the Lord aboue all that were before him. |
16:31 | For it semed him a light thinge to walke in the synne of Ieroboam. But toke Iezabel the doughter of Ethbaal, kinge of the Sidonites to wyfe, and went & serued Baal and bowed vnto him. |
16:32 | And he rered an aultare to Baal in the house of Baal, whyche he had made in Samaria. |
16:33 | And Ahab made a groue, and proceded ferther in angerynge the Lorde God of Israell, then all the kynges of Israel that were before him. |
16:34 | In hys daies Hiel of Bethel buylt Iericho. And it coste him Amram his eldest sonne when he layde the foundacyon, and hys youngest sonne when he set vp the gates, agreyng vnto the worde of the Lorde whyche he spake by Iosua the sonne of Nun. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.