Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
18:1 | And at the last the worde of the Lorde came to Eliah the thyrde yeare sayinge: go, shewe thy self vnto Ahab, that I may sende raine vpon the earthe. |
18:2 | And Eliah went to shew him self vnto Ahab for there was a great famishement in Samaria. |
18:3 | Wherfore Ahab called Abdiah the gouerner of hys house: whyche Abdiah feared God greatlye: |
18:4 | in so muche that when Iezabel destroyed the Prophetes of the Lorde, he toke an hundred of the Prophetes and hyd them, fyftye in one caue, and fyftye in another, and prouyded breade and water for them. |
18:5 | And Ahab sayde vnto Abdiah: walke thorow the lande, vnto al fountaynes of water and vnto all brokes, to se whether any grasse maye be founde, that we maye saue the horses and the Mules, that we destroye not the beastes. |
18:6 | And they deuyded the lande betwene them to walke thorow it. Ahab went one way by hym selfe, and Abdiah went another by hym selfe. |
18:7 | And it chaunced as Abdiah went in the waye that Eliah met him. And Abdiah knew hym and fell on his face and sayde: arte not thou my Lorde Eliah. |
18:8 | And he said vnto him: I am he. Go, and tel Ahab that Eliah is here. |
18:9 | And the other answered: what haue I synned that thou wouldest delyuer me into the hande of Ahab, to sley me? |
18:10 | As surely as the Lorde thy God lyueth, there is no nacyon or kyngedome, whether my Lord hath not sent, to seke the. And when they saide thou wast not there he toke an othe of the kyngedome & nacyon, because he founde the not. |
18:11 | And now thou sayest: go and tell, thy Lord Eliah is here. |
18:12 | And as sone as I am gone from the, the spyryte of the Lorde shal cary the away, whether I shall not knowe, and then I haue gone and tolde Ahab, and then he can not fynde the, he shall sley me. And yet I thy seruaunt haue feared the Lorde from my younge age. |
18:13 | Was it not tolde my Lorde, what I dyd, when Iezabel slue the Prophetes of the Lorde how I hydde an hundred of the Lordes Prophetes, fyfty in one caue and as many in another, & prouyded them of breade and water? |
18:14 | And yet now thou sayest, go shewe thy Lorde, that Eliah is here, that he shoulde sley me. |
18:15 | Then Eliah sayde: as truly as the Lorde of Hostes lyueth, before whom I stande: I wil shewe my selfe vnto hym thys day. |
18:16 | And thervpon Abdiah went to Ahab and told him. And Ahab went agaynst Eliah. |
18:17 | And when Ahab sawe Eliah, he sayd vnto hym: art thou he that troubleth Israel? |
18:18 | And he sayde: it is not I that trouble Israel, but thou and thy fathers house, in that ye haue forsaken the commaundementes of the Lord, and hast folowed Baal. |
18:19 | But now sende and gather to me all Israel vnto mount Carmel and the Prophetes of Baal foure hundred and fyfty, and the Prophetes of the groues four hundred, which eate of Iezabels table. |
18:20 | And Ahab sent for all the children of Israel and gathered the prophetes vnto mount Carmel. |
18:21 | And Eliah came vnto all the people and sayde: why halte ye betwene two opinions? Yf the Lorde be very God, folowe him: or yf Baal be he, then folowe hym. And the people answered him not one worde. |
18:22 | Then sayde Eliah vnto the people: I only remayne of the Lordes Prophetes, & Baals Prophetes are foure hundred and fyftye. |
18:23 | Let two oxen be geuen vs, and let them chose the one and cutte hym in peces and lay him on wood, and put no fyre vnder. And I wyll dresse the other & put him on wood, and wil put no fyre vnder. |
18:24 | And call ye on the name of youre God, and I wil cal on the name of the Lorde. And then the God that answereth by fyre, he is the very God. And al the people sayde: it is wel spoken. |
18:25 | Then sayde Eliah vnto the Prophetes of Baal: chose you an oxe and dresse him fyrst (for ye are many) and call on the name of youre God, but put no fyre vnder. |
18:26 | And they toke the oxe that was geuen them and dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from mournynge to none sayinge: O Baal heare vs. But there was no voyce nor answere. And they lepte aboute the aulter that they had made. |
18:27 | And at none Eliah mocked them and sayd: call loud, (for he is a God: but he is talking or occupied or in the waye, or happely he slepeth) that he may awake. |
18:28 | And they cryed loud, and cut them selues, as their maner was, wyth knyues & launcers, tyl the bloude folowed on them. |
18:29 | And when midday was passed, they prophesyed vntil it was time to offer. But there was neyther voyce nor answere nor any that regarded them. |
18:30 | Then Eliah sayde to all the folke: come to me. And all the people came to hym. And he mended the aulter of the Lorde that was broken. |
18:31 | And he toke .xij. stones accordynge to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of the sonnes of Iacob, vnto whom the word of the lord came sayinge: Israel shalbe thy name. |
18:32 | And wyth the stones he made an aultare in the name of the Lord. And he made a gutter round about the aulter, able to receyue two peckes of corne. |
18:33 | And he put the wood in order, and hewed the oxe in peces, and put hym on the wood, and sayde: fyl foure pytchers with water, and powre it on the sacrifice and on the wood. |
18:34 | And he said: do so againe. And they dyd so againe. Then he sayde: do it the thyrde tyme. And they dyd so the thirde tyme. |
18:35 | And the water ranne round about the aultare, and the gutter was full of water also. |
18:36 | And when offeringe time was come, Eliah the prophete went to and sayde: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowen thys daye, that thou art the God in Israel, and that I am thy seruaunt, and that I do al these thinges at thy commaundement. |
18:37 | Heare me O lorde, heare me, that this people may know, that thou lord, art the God, and that thou hast turned their hertes backward. |
18:38 | And there fell fire from the Lorde, and consumed the sacryfice & the wood and the stones & the dust, & lycked vp the water that was in the gutter. |
18:39 | And when all the people sawe that, they fel on theyr faces & sayde: the Lorde he is God, the lord he is God. |
18:40 | Then sayd Eliah vnto them: lay handes on the Prophetes of Baal, let not one of them escape. And when they had taken them, Eliah brought them doune vnto the broke of Kison, and slue them there. |
18:41 | Then Eliah sayde vnto Ahab, get the vp, and eate and dryncke, for ther is a sound of muche rayne. |
18:42 | And when Ahab went vp to eate & to dryncke, Eliah went vp to the toppe of mount Carmel. And bowed hym selfe to the earthe, & put hys face betwene hys knees, |
18:43 | and sayd to hys seruaunt: go vp and loke towarde the sea. And he went vp and loked, and saide: here is nothing. And he sayd: go agayn .vij. tymes. |
18:44 | And the seuenth time he sayde: beholde, there aryseth a lytle cloude out of the sea, lyke the palme of a mannes hande. Then he sayde: go and saye to Ahab, put the horsses in the charet, and get the doune that the rayne stoppe the not. |
18:45 | And within a lytle whyle, heauen was blacke wyth cloudes and winde, and there was a great rayne. And Ahab rode and went to Iezrahel. |
18:46 | And the hande of the Lorde was on Eliah, and he gyrdled vp hys loynes and ranne before Ahab, tyl they came to Iezrahel. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.