
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


6:1And it came to passe the foure hundred and foure skore yeare after the chyldren of Israel were come out of the lande of Egypte, and the fourth yeare of the raigne of Salomon vpon Israell, and the second moneth called Zif that he beganne to buylde the temple vnto the Lorde.
6:2And the house whiche Salomon buylt for the Lorde, was thre skore cubytes longe and twentye broade & thyrtye cubytes hye.
6:3And the porche that was before the bodye of the temple, was twentye cubites longe after the measure of the bredeth of the house & .x. broade, euen at the very ende of the house.
6:4And he made vnto the house windowes to open and shut.
6:5And vnder the walles of the house he made galaryes rounde aboute, bothe rounde aboute the temple and also the quere. And so made sydes rounde aboute.
6:6And the neyther most galery was .v. cubytes broade & the mydle galeri .vi. And the third .vij. cubytes broad. For he made the walles wythout wheron the beames laye, euer thynner & thynner, so that they were not fastened in the walles of the house.
6:7And the house was built of stone made perfecte all ready yer it was brought thither, so that there was neyther hammer of axe eyther any tole of yron heard in the house, while it was in buyldynge.
6:8And the dore of the myddle galary was in the ende of the house on the ryghte syde. And men went vp wyth wyndyng steares into the myddle galarye, and out of the myddle into the thyrde.
6:9And so he buylte the house & finyshed it, and roufte it wyth beames of Cedar tymber made holowe and ioyned together.
6:10And then he buylt chambres ouer all the temple of fyue cubytes heyght, and coupled the house together wyth beames of Cedar.
6:11And the worde of the Lorde came to Salomon saying:
6:12concerning the house which thou arte in buyldynge, yf thou wylte walcke in myne ordynaunces and execute my lawes & kepe all my commaundementes, to walcke in them, then wyll I make good vnto the, my promes whiche I promysed Dauid thy father.
6:13And I wyll dwell amonge the chyldren of Israel, and wyll not forsake my people Israel.
6:14And so therfore Salomon buylt the house and fynyshed it,
6:15and syled the walles of the house wythin, wyth rybbes of Cedar tre: euen from the pauement vnto the rouffe dyd he syle it within, and borded the floore of the house wyth planckes of fyre.
6:16And he syled twentye cubytes in the ende of the temple both floore & walles wyth Cedar, and dressed it within to be the quere and place most holye.
6:17And the fyrste house, that is to saye, the bodye of the temple, was fourtye cubytes longe.
6:18And the Cedar of the house wythin was kerued with knoppes, & grauen wyth floures, and all was Cedar tymber, so that no stone was sene.
6:19And the quere that was wythin the temple, he prepared to set there the arcke of the appoyntmente of the Lorde.
6:20And the quere was twentye cubytes longe, and twentye in bredth & twentye in heyght. And he syled it wyth pure golde, & borded the aultare wyth Cedar.
6:21And Salomon syled the house wythin also with pure golde. And he made golden barres runne a longe the quere, which he had couered wyth golde.
6:22And the whole house he ouerlayde wyth golde vntyll he had ended it. And the aultar that was in the quere he ouerlayde wyth golde also.
6:23And within the quere he made two Cherubyns of olyue tree, ten cubytes hye a pece,
6:24and euery wynge fyue cubytes longe: so that from the vttermoste parte of the other were ten cubytes.
6:25And the other Cherub was ten cubytes hye also: so that bothe the Cherubes were of one measure and one syse.
6:26The heyghte of the one Cherub was ten cubytes, & so was it of the other. And he put the Cherubes in the midle of the ynner house.
6:27And the Cherubes stretched their wynges, so that the one winge of the one touched the one wall, and the one wynge of the other touched the other walle, And the other two wynges of them touched one another in the middes of the house.
6:28And he ouerlayde the Cherubes with golde.
6:29And all the walles of the house rounde aboute, he garneshed wyth worke of Cherubes and palme trees and grauen floures, both within in the quere and wythout in the temple.
6:30And the floure of the house he couered wyth golde both wythin in the quere and also wythout in the temple.
6:31And in the entering of the quere he made two dores of olyue tree, wyth the vpper and two syde postes fyue square.
6:32And the two dores of olyue tree, he graued wyth grauynge of Cherubes, and Palme trees and graued floures, and couered them wyth golde, and layde golde ouer the Cherubes and also the Palme trees.
6:33And in lyke maner vnto the doore of the temple he made postes of olyue tre .iiij. square,
6:34and two dores of fyre tree, and ether dore wyth two foldynge leues
6:35and graued theron Cherubes Palme trees and floures, and couered them with golde made plaine by a ruler.
6:36And then he buylte the ynner courte wyth thre rowes of hewed stone and one rowe of Cedar wode.
6:37In the fourth yere of his raygne was the foundacyon of the house of the Lorde layde,
6:38euen in the moneth Zif, & in the .xi. yeare in the moneth bul which is the .viij. moneth, it was full fynyshed in al that pertayned therto, and fashyoned as it shulde be in all poyntes: And so was he .vij. yeare in buyldyng of it.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.