Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
5:1 | And Hiram kynge of Tyre sente hys seruauntes vnto Salomon, for he had hearde that they had anoynted hym kyng in the roume of hys father. And therto Hiram was euer a louer of Dauids. |
5:2 | And Salomon sent agayne to Hiram, sayinge: |
5:3 | thou knowest of Dauid my father, howe he could not build an house vnto the name of the Lorde his god for warre which he had on euery syde, vntyll the Lorde had put them vnder hys fote. |
5:4 | But nowe the Lorde my God hath geuen me rest on euery syde, so that there is neyther aduersarye nor any euyll plage. |
5:5 | And therfore I am disposed to buylde an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God, as he promysed Dauid my father, saying: thy sonne which I wyl put vpon thy seate for the, he shal buylde an house vnto my name. |
5:6 | Nowe then commaunde that they hewe me Cedar trees in Libanon. And let my seruauntes be with thine, and I will geue the hire of the seruauntes in all soche thinges as thou shalt appoynte, for thou knowest that there are not among vs that can skyll to hewe tymber lyke vnto the Sidones. |
5:7 | When Hiram hearde the wordes of Salomon, he reioysed greatlye & sayde: Blessed be the Lorde this daye whiche hath set Dauid a wyse sonne ouer this myghtie people. |
5:8 | And Hiram sent agayne to Salomon saying: I haue accept the request whiche thou sentest to me for, & wyll satisfye all thy luste, concernynge tymbre of Cedar trees & fyre. |
5:9 | My seruauntes shall brynge them from Lybanon to the sea. And I wyll conueye them by shippe vnto the place that thou shalt sende me worde, & wyll cause them to be discharged there, that thou mayst receyue them. And thou shalt do me this pleasure agayne, to mynistre fode for myne house. |
5:10 | And so Hiram gaue Salomon Cedar trees & fyrre trees, as moche as he desyred. |
5:11 | And Salomon gaue Hiram twentie thousand quarters of wheate to fede his housholde wt al, & twentye buttes of pure oyle. And so moch gaue Salomon to Hiram yere by yere. |
5:12 | And the Lord gaue Salomon wisdome as he promysed hym. And there was peace betwene Hiram and Salomon and they were confedered together. |
5:13 | And kynge Salomon areysed a trybute thorowe out al Israel. And the trybute was thyrty thousand men, |
5:14 | which he sent to Lybanon, ten thousand a monethe by coursse, so that they were one moneth in Lybanon, and two monethes at home. And Adoniram was ouer the trybute. |
5:15 | And Salomon had thre skore & ten thousande that bare burdens, & threskore and ten thousande that hewed in the mountaynes |
5:16 | besydes the Lordes he had, to ouer se the worcke, in nombre thre thousande & thre hundred, whiche ruled people that wrought in the worcke. |
5:17 | And at the commaundemente of the kynge, they brought great stones and that fre stones, and hewed therto, to laye in the foundacyon of the house. |
5:18 | And Salomons masons and the masons of Hyram dyd hew them, with them of the borders. And so they prepared bothe tymbre and stone to buylde the house. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.