
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


7:1And Salomon buylt hys owne house in .xiij. yeare space and ful fynyshed it.
7:2And he buylte the house of the wood of Lybanon, an hundred cubytes long & fyftye broad, and thyrtye hye, foure square wyth rowes of Cedar pyllers, and Cedar beames a longe vpon the pyllers.
7:3And the rouffe was Cedar aboue an hye vpon the beames that lay an hye on the pyllers, whiche pyllers were fourtye & fyue in nombre, fyftene on a rowe,
7:4and the spaces betwene the pyllers were one agaynste another thre folde,
7:5And all the dores wyth the syde postes were foure square one agaynste another thre folde.
7:6And he made a porche of pyllers fyftye cubytes longe and thyrtye cubytes broade: and yet a porche before that wyth pyllers, and a thycke pyller before that.
7:7Then he made a porche to syt and iudge in, syled wyth Cedar thorow out al the pauementes.
7:8And his owne house where he kepte resydence in another courte wythoute that porche was of the same worcke. And then Salomon made an house for Pharaos doughter whiche he had taken to wyfe, lyke vnto that porche.
7:9And all these thinges were of ryche stones hewed after a measure & sawed with sawes within & wythout, euen from the foundacyon vnto that wheron the beames were layed, & on the out syde therto toward the great court.
7:10And the foundacyon was of ryche stones & the myghtye greate stones of ten cubytes and of eyght.
7:11And aboue were ryche stones hewed according to the same syse, and also with Cedar.
7:12And the great court round about was wyth thre rowes of hewed stone and one row of Cedar planckes. And lykewyse was it in the ynner courte of the house of the Lorde and of the porche of the temple.
7:13And kyng Salomon sent & fet one Hiram out of Tyre,
7:14a wedowes sonne of the trybe of Nephtalim, hys father beyng of Tyre. Which Hyram was a craftes man in brasse, & full of wysedome, vnderstandynge & connyng to worcke all maner of worcke in brasse. And he came to kyng Salomon and wrought all hys worcke.
7:15He caste two pyllers of brasse of .xviii. cubytes a pece hye and a strynge of .xij. cubytes myght compase eyther of them aboute.
7:16And he made two head peces of molten brasse to set on the toppes of the pyllers, of fyue cubytes long
7:17a pece wyth garlandes of brayded worcke and whopes of chayne worcke for the heade peces that were on the pillers .vij. for one and .vij. for the other.
7:18And he made the pyllers, & for eyther of the head peces a garland wyth two rowes of pomegranetes to couer them wyth al.
7:19And the head peces that were on the toppes of the pyllers were wrought wyth lylyes in the porche the space of foure cubytes of them.
7:20And the pomegranetes aboue & beneth on the wrethen chaynes that compased the mydle of the head peces were in nombre two hundred on eyther heade pece.
7:21And he set vp the pyllers in the porche of the temple, and when he had set vp the right pyller, he called the name therof Iachin, & when he had set vp the left pyller he called the name therof Boaz.
7:22And the toppes of the pyllers were thus wroughte wyth lylyes, and so was theyr worckemanshyp fynyshed.
7:23Then he caste a sea of brasse, ten cubytes wyde from brym to brym and rounde in compase, & fyue cubytes hye. And a strynge of .xxx. cubytes myghte compase it aboute,
7:24& vnder the brym of it as it were apples compased and embrased the sea of ten cubytes wyde in two rowes cast wyth it when it waste cast.
7:25And it stode on twelue oxen: of which thre loked North, thre West, thre South, & thre East & the sea on hye vpon them, and all theyr hynder partes were inwarde.
7:26And it was an hand breadeth thycke, and the brym wroughte lyke the brym of a cup with floures of lylyes. And it contayned two thousande Bathes.
7:27And he made ten botomes of brasse, foure cubytes long & foure cubytes broade a pece, & thre hye.
7:28And the workes of the botomes was on this maner that the sydes were as it were flat bordes betwene the ledges.
7:29And on the flat bordes betwene the ledges were lyons, oxen & Cherubes. And vpon the ledges that were aboue & beneth the lyons and oxen, was ioyned pendant worcke.
7:30And euery bottom had foure brasen wheles, whose axel trees were also of brasse. And in the .iiij. corners were vndersetters vnder the lauatorye caste eche ouer agaynst hys felowe.
7:31And the stalcke of the lauatorye was in the myddle of the bottome one cubyte hye, & a cubyte & an halfe round, & it had knoppes there on in the bare places which were four square not rounde.
7:32And vnder the sydes were foure whelles and theyr axeltrees ioyned fast to the bottome. And the heyght of euery whele was a cubyte and an halfe.
7:33And the wortkemanshyp of the wheles was lyke the worcke of a charet whele. And the axeltrees, the nauelles, spokes and shaftes were al moulten.
7:34And the foure vndersetters in the foure corners were of the verye bottomes.
7:35And vnder the stalcke of the lauatorye in the myddes of the bottome was there a rounde fote of halfe a cubyte hye.
7:36And thereon plaine places and ledges of the selfe. And he graued in the playne and also on the ledges, Cherubes, lyons, and paulmetrees, euery were round aboute.
7:37And on thys maner he made the ten bottoms cast worcke: all of one measure and one syse.
7:38Then he made ten lauers of brasse contaynynge fourtye Bathes a pece, and they were of foure cubytes a pece, for euerye one of the bottomes a lauer.
7:39And he put fiue of those bottomes on the ryght corner of the temple, and other fyue on the lefte: And put the sea on the ryght corner of the temple Eastewarde & towarde the South.
7:40And Hiram made pottes, shouelles and basons, and so fynyshed all the worcke that he made kynge Salomon for the house of the Lorde:
7:41that is to saye, two pyllers & two skalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the two pyllers,
7:42and foure hundred pomegranetes vpon two wrethes, two rowes on eyther wrethe, to couer the two skalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the two pyllers:
7:43And the ten bottomes of brasse wyth ten lauers vpon them: & a sea
7:44with twelue oxen vnder it:
7:45& pottes, shouels & basens. And al these vesselles whiche Hiram made to kyng Salomon for the house of the Lorde were of bright brasse.
7:46And in the playne of Iordan dyd the kynge cast them; euen in the claye of the earth betwene Socoh and Zarthan.
7:47And Salomon left all the vesselles vnwayed, for the excedinge abundaunce of brasse that was in them.
7:48And Salomon made all the vesselles that pertayned vnto the house of the Lord: the aultare of goulde, and the table of goulde wheron the shewe bread was put:
7:49And fyue candelstickes, for the ryghte syde, and as manye for the left, before the quere, of pure goulde: wyth floures,
7:50lampes, and snoffers of goulde: and Bolles, Psalteries, basons, spones and fyre pannes of pure goulde: and hynges of gould bothe for the dores of the quere, the place most holye, and for the dores of the temple also.
7:51And so was ended all the worcke that kynge Salomon made for the house of the Lorde. And then Salomon brought in the thynges which Dauid hys father had dedicated in siluer, goulde and other vesselles, & put them to the treasure of the house of the Lorde.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.