Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
9:1 | And when Salomon had fynyshed the buyldynge of the house of the Lorde, and of the kynges palace, and of all that hys desyre & luste was to make: |
9:2 | the Lord appered vnto him agayne, as he appered to him at Gabaon. |
9:3 | And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: I haue hearde thy prayer and intercessyon that thou madest before me, & haue halowed thys house which thou hast buylt, to put my name there for euer, and myne eyes and myne herte shalbe there perpetuallye. |
9:4 | And yf thou wylte walcke before me, as Dauid thy father walcked, in purenesse of herte & playnesse, to do all that I haue commaunded the, and shalt kepe myne ordynaunces & customes: |
9:5 | then I wil stablyshe the seate of thy kyngdome vpon Israell for euer, as I promysed to Dauid thy father, sayinge: Thou shalt not be wythoute one or other vp on the seate of Israell. |
9:6 | But and yf ye and youre chyldren shall turne away from after me, and shall not kepe myne ordynaunces whiche I haue set before you, but shall go, & serue other Goddes and bowe youre selues vnto them: |
9:7 | then I wyll weede Israel oute of the lande whiche I haue geuen them. And this house which I haue halowed for my name, I wyll put out of my syghte, And Israell shall be a prouerbe and a fable vnto all nacyons. |
9:8 | And hys house which is so hye, al that passeth by it, shalbe astonyed, & shall hysse, & saye: why hath the Lord dealt on hys maner with this land & wyth thys house? |
9:9 | And it shalbe aunswered them, because they forsoke the Lord theyr God which broughte theyr fathers out of the lande of Egipt, & haue taken holde vpon other Goddes and haue stouped vnto hym, & serued them: therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them al thys euil. |
9:10 | Then at the ende of twentye yeares in which Salomon had buylte the two houses, that is to wete, the house of the Lorde & the kinges pallayce: |
9:11 | because Hyram the kynge of Tyre had supported hym with Cedar, fyre & gould, as much as he desyred: therfore Salomon gaue Hiram .xx. cytyes in the lande of Galyle. |
9:12 | And when Hiram was come from Tyre to se the cytyes which Salomon had geuen him, they pleased hym not. |
9:13 | Wherfore he sayd: what cytyes are these whiche thou hast geuen me, my brother? and he called them the land of Cabul vnto thys daye. |
9:14 | This Hiram had sent the kyng .vi. skore hundred wayght of gould. |
9:15 | And thys is the summe of the trybute, whiche kyng Salomon raysed, to buylde the house of the lord and hys owne house, and Melo and the walles of Ierusalem and Hezer, and Magedo, and Gazer. |
9:16 | For Pharao kyng of Egypt went vp and toke Gazer, and burnte it wyth fyre, and slue the Cananites that dwelt in the cytye, & gaue it for a presente vnto hys doughter that was Salomons wyfe. |
9:17 | And Salomon buylte Gazer and Beth Horon the nether: |
9:18 | and Baalath & Thamar in the wyldernesse that is in the lande: |
9:19 | and all the store cities that Salomon had, & cyties for hys charettes, & cytyes for his horsemen & all that hys luste was to buylde in Ierusalem and Lybanon, and in all the lande of hys Kyngdome. |
9:20 | And all the people that were lefte of the Amorites, Hethites, Pheresites, Heuytes and Iebusites, whiche were not of the chyldren of Israel, |
9:21 | the chyldren of the sayde nacyons that were lefte in the lande, because the chyldren of Israel were not able to destroy them, dyd Salomon make trybutaryes vnto thys day. |
9:22 | And of the chyldren of Israel dyd Salomon make no bond men. But they were men of warre & hys seruauntes, and hys lordes and Captaynes and rulars of hys charettes and of hys horsemen. |
9:23 | And these manye lordes that ouersawe the worcke had Salomon, fyue hundred and fyfty, which ruled the people that wrought in the worcke. |
9:24 | And Pharaos doughter came vp oute of the cytye of Dauid vnto the house which Salomon had buylt for her. And after that he buylt Melo. |
9:25 | And thryse a yeare dyd Salomon offer burntofferynges & peaceofferinges vpon the aultare which he had buylt vnto the Lorde, to burne the fat thereon: whiche aultare is before the Lord. And when kyng Salomon had made the house perfecte, |
9:26 | he made shyppes in Azion Gaber which is besyde Eloth, on the bryncke of the read sea, in the lande of Edom. |
9:27 | And Hiram sent by shyppe also of hys seruauntes, that were shypmen and expert in the sea, wyth the seruauntes of Salomon. |
9:28 | And they went to Ophir, & fet from thence gould, to the summe of .iiij. hundred and .xxij. talentes, and brought it to Salomon. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.