
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


16:1Then came he to Derba and to Lystra. And beholde a certayne disciple was there named Timotheus, a womans sonne whiche was a Ieweas and beleued: but hys father was a Greke.
16:2Of whom reported well, the brethren of Lystra and Iconium.
16:3The same Paule woulde that he shoulde go forthe with hym, and toke and circumcysed him, because of the Iewes whiche were in those quarters: for they knewe all, that hys father was a Greke.
16:4As they went through the cities, they delyuered them the decrees for to kepe, ordeyned of the Apostles and elders, whiche were at Ierusalem.
16:5And so were the congregacions stablysheth in the fayth, and encreased in noumbre daylye.
16:6When they had gone through oute Phrygia, and the regyon of Galacia, and were forbidden of the holy ghost to preache the worde in Asia
16:7they came to Misia, and sought to go into Bethinia. But the spirite suffered them not.
16:8Then they went ouer Misia, and came doune to Troada.
16:9And a visyon appeared to Paule in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia, and prayed hym, saiynge: come into Macedonia, and helpe vs.
16:10After he had sene the vysyon, certifyed that the Lorde had called vs for to preache the Gospell vnto them.
16:11Then loused we forth from Troada, and with a strayght course came to Samothracia, and the nexte daye to Neapolym,
16:12and from thence to Phylyppos, which is the chiefe citie in the partes of Macedonia, and a fre citie. We were in that citie abydynge certayne dayes.
16:13And on the Saboth dayes we wente out of the citie besydes a ryuer, where men were wonte to praye. And we sate doune, and spake vnto the women which resorted thyther.
16:14And a certayne woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the citie of Thiatyra, which worshypped God, gaue vs audience. Whose hart the Lorde opened, that she attended vnto the thynges whiche Paul spake.
16:15When she was baptysed and her housholde, she besoughte vs saiyng: Yf ye thynke that I beleue on the Lord come into my house, and abyde there. And she constrayned vs.
16:16And it fortuned as we went to prayer, a certayne damsell possessed with a spirite that prophesyeth, met vs, which brought her mayster and maysters muche vauntage with prophesiynge.
16:17The same folowed Paul and vs, & cryed, saiynge: These men are the seruauntes of the moste hye God, which shew vnto vs that waye of saluacyon.
16:18And thys dyd she manye dayes. But Paule not content turned aboute, and sayed to the spirite: I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christe, that thou come oute of her. And he came out the same houre.
16:19And when her maister and maysters saw, that the hope of theyr gaynes was gone, they caughte Paule and Sylas, and drue them into the market place vnto the rulars,
16:20& brought them to the offycers saiynges: These men trouble oure citie, whiche are Iewes,
16:21and preache ordinaunces whiche are not laufull for vs to receyue, neyther to obserue, seynge we are Romayns.
16:22And the people came on them, and the offycers rent theyr clothes, and commaunded them to be beaten with roddes.
16:23And when thei had beaten them sore, they caste them into pryson, commaundynge the iayler to kepe them surelye.
16:24Which iaylar when he had receyued such commaundemente thruste them into the ynner pryson, and made theyr fete fast in the stockes.
16:25At mydnyght Paule and Sylas prayed, & lauded God. And the prysoners hearde them.
16:26And sodenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundacion of the pryson was shaken, and by and by all the dores opened, and euery mannes bondes were loused.
16:27When the keper of the pryson waked oute of hys slepe, and sawe the pryson dores open, he drue oute hys swearde, and woulde haue kylled hym selfe, supposynge the prysoners had bene fled.
16:28But Paule cryed with a lowde voyce, saiyng: do thy selfe no harme, for we are all here.
16:29Then he called for a lyght, and sprang in, and came tremblyng, and fell doune before Paule and Sylas,
16:30and brought them out and sayde: Syr what muste I do to be saued?
16:31And they sayd: beleue on the Lord Iesus & thou shalt be saued & thy housholde.
16:32And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lorde, & to all that were in hys house.
16:33And he toke them the same houre of the nyght, and washed theyr woundes, and was baptysed with all that belonged vnto him strayght waye.
16:34When he had broughte them into hys house: he set meate before them, and ioyed that he with all hys housholde beleued on God.
16:35And when it was daye, the offycers sente the ministers sayinge: Let those men go.
16:36The keper of the pryson tolde this saiyng to Paul: the officers haue sent word to loose you. Now therfore get you hence, and go in peace.
16:37Then sayde Paule vnto them. They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned, for all that we are Romaynes, and haue caste vs into pryson: & now woulde they sende vs awaye priuely? Naye not so, but let them come them selues, and set vs out.
16:38When the ministers tolde these wordes vnto the offycers, they feared when they hearde that they were Romaynes,
16:39and came and besought them, and brought them oute, & desyered them to departe out of the cytie.
16:40And they went oute of the pryson, and entred into the housse, of Lydya, and when they had sene the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.