
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


5:1And Hiram kinge of Tire sent his seruauntes vnto Salomon, for he had heard, that they had anoynted hym kynge in the rowme of hys father. For Hiram was euer a louer of Dauid.
5:2And Salomon sent to Hiram, saying:
5:3thou knowest how that Dauid my father coulde not builde an house vnto the name of the Lorde hys God, for the warres which were aboute him on euery side, vntyll the Lorde putt them vnder the soles of hys fete.
5:4But nowe the Lorde my God hath geuen me rest on euery syde, so that there is nether aduersarye, nor anye euyll plage.
5:5And behold, I am determined to buyld an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God, as the Lorde spake vnto Dauid my father sayinge: thy sonne whom I wyll set vpon thy seate for the, he shall buylde an house vnto my name.
5:6Nowe therfore, commaunde thou that they hewe me Cedar trees out of Libanon. And my seruauntes shalbe with thyne, and vnto the, wyll I geue the hyre for thy seruauntes, accordynge to all soche thynges as thou shalt appoynte, for thou knowest that ther are not amonge vs, that can skyll to hewe tymber, lyke vnto the Sidones.
5:7Whan Hiram heard the wordes of Salomon, he reioysed greatly, & sayd. Blessed be the Lord this daye which hath geuen vnto dauid a wyse sonne ouer this myghty people.
5:8And Hiram sent to Salomon, saying: I haue consydred the thynges which thou sentest to me for: & will accomplysh all thy desyre, concerning tymbre of Cedar trees and fyrre.
5:9My seruauntes shall bryng them from Libanon to the see. And I will conuey them by ship vnto the place that thou shalt shewe me: & wyll cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receaue them. And thou shalt do me a pleasure agayne yf thou minystre fode for myne house.
5:10And so Hiram gaue Salomon cedar trees & firre trees, accordyng to all hys desyre.
5:11And Salomon gaue Hiram .xx.M. quarters of whete for fode to his housholde, and twentye buttes of pure oyle. Thus much gaue Salomon to Hiram yeare by yeare.
5:12And the Lorde gaue Salomon wisdome as he promised him. And ther was peace betwene Hiram and Salomon: & they two were confedered together.
5:13And king Salomon reysed a some out of all Israel. And the some was thirtye thousande men,
5:14whom he sent to Libanon .x.M. a moneth by coursse, so that when they had bene one moneth in Libanon, they abode two monethes at home. And Adoniram was ouer the some.
5:15And Salomon had thre score and ten thousande that bare burthens, and foure score thousand masons in the mountaynes,
5:16besydes the lordes, whom Salomon appoynted to ouer se the worke, euen thre thousand and thre hundred, which ruled the people that wrought in the worke.
5:17And the kynge commaunded them to bryng great stones, weighty stones and hewed stones for the foundacion of the house.
5:18And Salomons masons and the masons of Hiram dyd hewe them, wt the workmen of the corners. And so they prepared both tymbre & stones for the buildyng of the house.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."