
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


22:1And Dauid spake the wordes of this songe vnto the Lord, what tyme the Lorde delyuered hym out of the handes of al his enemies, & out of the handes of Saul.
22:2And he sayde: the Lord is my rocke, my castel and my delyuerer.
22:3God is my strength & in him will I truste: my shylde & the horne that defendth me: mine hye holde and refuge: O my sauer, saue me from wronge.
22:4I wil prayse and calle on the Lorde, and so shalbe saued from myne enemies.
22:5For the waues of death haue closed me aboute, and the flodes of Belial haue feared me.
22:6The cordes of hel haue compased me about, and the snares of death haue ouertake me.
22:7In my trybulacyon I called to the Lorde, and cryed to my God. And he hearde my voyce out of his temple, and my crye entered into hys eares.
22:8And the earth trimbled and quoke, and the foundacions of heauen moued and shoke, because he was angry.
22:9Smoke went vp out of his nostrelles, and consuminge fyre out of hys mouth, that coles were kendled of him.
22:10And he bowed heuen and came doune, and darcknesse vnder nethe hys fete.
22:11And he rode vpon Cherub and flew: and appered vpon the wynges of the winde.
22:12And he made darkenesse a tabernacle round about him, with water gathered together in thycke cloudes.
22:13Of the brightnesse, that was before him, coles were set on fyre.
22:14The Lorde thundred from heauen, and the most hye put out his voyce.
22:15And he shotte arowes and skatered them, and hurled lyghtenynge and turmoyled them.
22:16And the bottome of the sea appeared, and the foundacyons of the worlde were sene, by the reason of the rebukinge of the Lord, and thorow the blasting of the breath of his nostrelles.
22:17He sent from an hye & fet me, and plucked me out of mightye waters.
22:18He delyuered me from my mighty enemy & from them that hated me and were to strong for me.
22:19When they had compased me in the daye of my trybulacion, the Lorde stayed me vp.
22:20And he brought me out into roumeth, and delyuered me, because he delyted me.
22:21The Lorde rewarded me accordyng to my ryghteousnesse, & accordinge to the purenesse of my handes he dealt with me.
22:22For I kept the wayes of the lorde, and dyd no wyckednesse forsakynge my God.
22:23But I had all hys lawes in my syght, and turned my face from none of hys ordinaunces.
22:24But was pure vnto him ward, & kept my self from wyckednesse.
22:25And the Lorde dyd to me agayne, accordynge to my ryghteousnes, and after my purenesse that I had in hys sight.
22:26With the holy thou shalt be holy, and with the man that is vncorrupt, thou shalte be vncorrupt.
22:27Wyth the pure thou shalte be pure, and wyth the froward thou shalt be froward also.
22:28And the people that are in aduersite, thou shalt helpe. And on the proude shalt thou cast thyne eyes.
22:29Thou art my light O Lorde, and the Lorde shall light my darcknesse.
22:30Wyth thy helpe I wyll runne thorow an Hoste of men, and by the ayde of my God will springe ouer a walle.
22:31The waye of God is vndefyled, and the worde of the Lorde fyned as golde, and he a shylde to all that trust in him.
22:32Who is a God saue the Lorde, and who mightye saue our God?
22:33God is my strength in warre, and ryddith the waye cleare before me,
22:34& maketh my fete as swyfte as an hinde and setteth me fast vpon my hye holde.
22:35And teacheth my handes to fyght, that a bowe of brasse is to weake for myne armes.
22:36And thou hast saued me with thy shylde, and kepest me euer in meakenes.
22:37And thou madest me space to walke in, that my fete should not stomble.
22:38I folowed myne enemyes and destroyed them, and turned not agayne vntil I had consumed them.
22:39I wasted them and so clouted them, that they coulde not aryse: but fell vnder my fete.
22:40And thou compasedest me about wt might to battel, & madest them that rose agaynste me to stoupe vnder me.
22:41And thou madest myne enemyes to turne their backes to me, and them that hated me, & I destroyed them.
22:42They loked for helpe: But none came to saue them: vnto the Lorde they cryed, but he hearde them not.
22:43And I wyl beate them as smalle as the duste of the earth, and wil stampe them as the dyrte of the strete, and wil spreade them abroade.
22:44And thou delyueredst me from the dissencyon of my people, & kepest me to be an heade ouer nacyons, for the people whiche I knew not, became my seruauntes.
22:45And the alyentes crouched vnto me, and obeyed me at a worde.
22:46And the alyentes that shryncke away shal tremble for feare in their defenced places.
22:47The Lorde lyue, and blessed be he that is my strength, and exalted be God the strength that saueth me.
22:48It is God that aduengeth me, and bryngeth doune the people vnder me.
22:49And delyuereth me from myne enemies, thou lyftest me vp on hye from them that ryse against me, & delyuerest me from the wycked men.
22:50And therfore I wyll prayse the O Lorde amonge the Hethen, and wyll synge vnto thy name.
22:51For thy great & manyfolde sauing of thy kyng, & shewynge mercy vnto thyne anointed, euen to Dauid, & his seede for euer.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.