
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1Then came all the trybes of Israel to Dauid to Hebron & sayde: se, we are thy bones & thy flesh.
5:2And therto in tyme paste when Saul was kyng ouer vs, thou leddest Israel in and oute. And the Lord hath sayd to the: thou shalt fede my people Israel, and thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel.
5:3And so all the elders of Israell came to the kynge to Hebron. And Kynge Dauid made a couenaunt wyth them in Hebron before the Lord. And they anoynted Dauid Kynge ouer Israell.
5:4Dauid was thyrtye yeare olde when he began to raygne, and he raygned fourty yeare.
5:5In Hebron he raygned ouer Iuda seuen yere & syxe monethes. And in Ierusalem he raygned thyrtye & thre yeares ouer all Israell and Iuda.
5:6Then went the Kynge and hys men to Ierusalem, vnto the Iebusytes the enhabyters of the lande. And they sayde vnto Dauid: excepte thou take awaye the blynde & the lame thou shalt not come in hyther, meanyng therby that Dauid shulde not haue come in thyther.
5:7Neuerthelesse Dauid toke the holde of Syon, which is in the cytye of Dauid.
5:8Then sayde Dauid the same day. Whosoeuer wynneth the walles and the lame & the blinde hated of Dauids soule. Wherfore the blynd & the lame shall not come into the house.
5:9And Dauid dwelte in the toure and called it the cytye of Dauid. And Dauid buylt round aboute it from Mello inwarde.
5:10And Dauid waxed great and the Lorde God of hostes was with him.
5:11And Hiram Kynge of Tyre sent messengers to Dauid wyth Cedar trees and carpenters & Masons, to buyld Dauid an house.
5:12Wherby Dauid perceyued that the Lord had stablished him Kynge ouer Israel, and had exalted his kingdom for his people Israels sake.
5:13And Dauid toke hym mo concubynes and wyues out of Ierusalem, after he was come from Hebron, and mo sonnes and doughters were yet borne to Dauid.
5:14And these be the names of the sonnes that were borne hym in Ierusalem: Samua, Sobab, Nathan, Salamon,
5:15Iebahar, Elisua, Nepheg, Iaphia,
5:16Elisama, Eliada, & Eliphalet.
5:17But when the Philistines heard that they had anoynted Dauid King ouer Israel, they came al vp to seke Dauid. And as sone as Dauid hearde of it, he gat hym to an hold.
5:18And the Philistines came and layd them a long in the valeye of Raphaim.
5:19And Dauid asked of the Lorde sayinge: shal I go to the Philistines? & wilt thou delyuer them into my handes? And the Lorde sayde vnto Dauid: go for I wyll delyuer the Philistines into thy handes.
5:20And Dauid cam to Baal Pharazim & smote them there & sayd: the Lorde hath deuyded myne enemyes a sondre before me, as a man wold deuyde water. And therfore he called the name of the sayd place, Baal Pharazim.
5:21And there they lefte theyr Images and Dauid & his men toke them vp.
5:22And the Philistines came yet agayne & layde them in the valeye Raphaim.
5:23And Dauid asked the Lorde, & he sayd go not But compasse them on the backsyde & come vpon them from the Peretrees.
5:24And when thou hearest the noyse of a thyng goyng in the toppes of the Peretrees, then moue. For then the Lord is gone out before the, to smyte the host of the Philistines.
5:25And Dauid dyd as the Lord commaunded hym and smote the Philistines from Gabaah to Gezer.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.