
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


2:1After thys Dauid asked the Lorde saying: shal I go vp into any of the cytyes of Iuda? And the Lord sayde: go. And Dauid aunswered: Whyther shall I go? He aunswered: vnto Hebron.
2:2And so Dauid went thyther wyth hys two wyues also. Ahinoam the Israelyte and Abigail Nabals wyfe the carmelyte.
2:3And the men that were wyth him, dyd Dauid carye vp also, euerye man with hys house. And they dwelte in the tounes of Hebron.
2:4And the men of Iuda came and there anoynted Dauid kynge ouer the house of Iuda. When it was tolde Dauid, howe the men of Iabes in Galaad had buryed Saule,
2:5he sent messengers vnto them & said vnto them: blessed are ye vnto the Lorde, that ye haue shewed suche kyndnesse vnto youre Lorde Saule, and haue buryed hym.
2:6Wherfore the Lorde shewe you mercye and truthe agayne. And I wil do you good also, because ye haue done thys thynge.
2:7And now let your handes stere them & playe ye the men, though your mayster Saule be deade. And finallye vnderstande that the house of Iuda haue anointed me kyng ouer them.
2:8But Abner the sonne of Ner that was captayne of Sauls hoste, toke Isboseth the sonne of Saul and brought hym to Mahanaim
2:9and made hym kyng ouer Galaad and ouer the Assurites, & ouer Iesrahel: and ouer Ephraim and Beniamin, and ouer all Israel.
2:10And Isboseth Saules sonne was fourtye yeare olde when he began to raygne ouer Israel, and rayned two yeare. But the house of Iuda onely folowed Dauid.
2:11And the tyme whiche Dauid raygned in Hebron ouer the house of Iuda, was .vij. yere & syxe monethes.
2:12And Abner the sonne of Ner & the seruauntes of Isboseth the sonne of Saul went out of Mahanaim, to Gabaon.
2:13And Ioab the sonne of Zaruiah and the seruauntes of Dauid went out, and mette them by the Pole of Gabaon. And they sat doune, the one part on the one syde the Pole & the other on the other syde.
2:14And Abner sayde to Ioab: let the young men aryse and playe before vs. And Ioab aunswered: be it.
2:15Then there arose and went ouer, twelue of Beniamin by nombre which pertayned to Isboseth the sonne of Saul, and twelue of the seruauntes of Dauid.
2:16And they caught eche hys felow that came agaynst hym, by the head and thrust hys swerde in hys syde, and so fell doune al at once. Wherfore the place was called Helath Zurim which is in Gabaon.
2:17And there beganne an excedyng cruel battell that same daye. But Abner and the men of Israel were put to the worsse of the seruauntes of Dauid.
2:18And there was thre sonnes of Zaruiah there: Ioab, Abisai and Asahel: whiche Asahel was as swyfte of fote as a wylde Roo,
2:19& folowed after Abner and turned neyther to the ryght hande nor to the lefte from Abner.
2:20Then Abner loked behynde him, and sayd: art thou Asahel? And he sayde ye.
2:21Then sayde Abner: turne the eyther to the ryghte hande or to the lefte, and catche one of the younge men, and take the hys spoyle. But Asahel wolde not depart from hym.
2:22And Abner sayde agayne to Asahel: turne from me, for I were loth to smyte the to the ground. For then how shuld I hold vp my face before Ioab thy brother?
2:23howbeit he wolde in no wyse departe. Then Aner wyth the hynder ende of the speare smote hym vnder the short rybbes, that the speare came oute behynde hym: that he fell doune in the same place & dyed there. And as many as came to the place where Asahell fell doune and dyed, stode styll.
2:24But Ioab & Abisai folowed Abner tyll the sunne went doune. And when they were come to the hyll Amah that lyeth before Giah in the waye that goeth thorow the wyldernesse of Gabaon,
2:25the chyldren of Beniamin gathered them selues together after Abner on a plumpe, and stode styll on the toppe of an hyll.
2:26Then Abner called to Ioab, and sayde: shal the swerd deuoure without ende? knowest thou not that bytternesse is wont to come in the latter ende? howe longe shall it be, yer thou bydde the people returne from folowynge theyr brethren?
2:27And Ioab aunswered: as truely as God lyueth, yf thou haddest so sayde, then euen in the mornynge had the people departed, eche from folowing hys brother.
2:28And therwyth Ioab blew a trompet, and all the people stode styll & pursued after Israel no more nor fought no more.
2:29And Abner and hys men walked al that nyght by the wylde feldes, and went ouer Iordan, and past thorow all Bethhoron and came to Mahanaim.
2:30And Ioab returned from after Abner and gathered all the people together. And there lacked of Dauid seruauntes nyntene persons and Asahel.
2:31But the seruauntes of Dauid had slayne of Beniamin and of Abners men, thre hundred and thre skore men.
2:32And they toke vp Asahel, and buryed hym in the sepulchre of hys father in Bethlehem. And Ioab and hys men went all nyght, and came in the dauning to Hebron.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.