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Textus Receptus Bibles

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876



22:1And David will speak to Jehovah the words of this song in the day Jehovah delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul:
22:2And he will say, Jehovah my rock and my fastness and my deliverer;
22:3The God of my rock; I will trust in him: My shield and the horn of my salvation, my height and my refuge; My saviour; thou wilt save me from violence.
22:4Praising, I will call Jehovah and shall be saved from mine enemies.
22:5For the breakers of death surrounded me The torrents of Beilal will terrify me;
22:6The pangs of hades surrounded me; The snares of death anticipated me;
22:7In straits to me I will call Jehovah, And to God will I call, And he will hear my voice from his temple, And my cry in his ears.
22:8And the earth will shake and tremble, The foundation of the heavens will be disturbed, And they will shake, for it kindled to him.
22:9Smoke went up in his anger, And fire from his mouth shall consume: Coals were kindled from it
22:10He will incline the heavens and come down; And darkness under his feet
22:11And he will ride upon a cherub and fly: And he will be seen upon the wings of the wind.
22:12And he will set darkness round about him for booths, The gatherings of waters the darkness of clouds.
22:13From the shining before him were coals of fire kindled:
22:14Jehovah will thunder from the heavens, And the Most High will give his voice.
22:15He will send arrows and scatter them lightning, and put them in commotion.
22:16The torrents of the sea will be seen, The foundations of the habitable globe will be uncovered, In the rebuke of Jehovah, from the breath of the spirit of his anger.
22:17He will send from height, he will take me; He will draw me out of many waters:
22:18He will deliver me from my strong enemy, From them hating me, for they were strong above me.
22:19They will anticipate me in the day of misfortune, And Jehovah will be a support to me:
22:20And he will bring me forth to a wide place; He will deliver me for he delighted in me.
22:21Jehovah will recompense me according to my justice: According to the cleanness of my hands he turned back to me.
22:22For I have watched the ways of Jehovah, And I acted not wickedly away from my God.
22:23For all his judgments before me, And his laws I will not depart from them.
22:24And I will be blameless to him, and I shall be washed from mine iniquity.
22:25Jehovah will turn back to me according to my justice: According to my cleanness before his eyes.
22:26With the merciful thou wilt be merciful, With the perfect man thou wilt be perfect
22:27With the chosen thou wilt be chosen, And with the perverse thou wilt be unseasoned.
22:28And the people of affliction thou wilt save: And thine eyes upon the lifted-up, thou wilt humble.
22:29For thou my light, O Jehovah: And Jehovah will enlighten my darkness.
22:30For in thee will I run, being pressed In my God will I leap over a wall.
22:31The Strong One, blameless his way The saying of Jehovah purified, A shield to all trusting in him.
22:32For who God besides Jehovah? And who a rock besides our God?
22:33The Strong One strengthening me with strength: And he will leave his way blameless.
22:34Setting my feet as the hinds: And upon the heights will he cause me to stand.
22:35Teaching my hands to the war, And bringing down the brazen bow by mine arm.
22:36And thou wilt give to me the shield of thy salvation, and thine answer will multiply me.
22:37Thou wilt enlarge my steps under me, And my joints were not unsteady.
22:38I will pursue mine enemies and destroy them I will not turn back even to finishing them.
22:39And I will consume them and crush them, and they shall not be raised up.
22:40Thou wilt fasten me together with strength for the war, Thou wilt subdue under me him rising up against me.
22:41And the neck of mine enemies wilt thou give to me Those hating me, and I will cut them oft
22:42They will look, and no saviour To Jehovah, and he answered them not
22:43And I will rub them as the dust of the earth: As the mire of the streets I will stamp them, I will beat them:
22:44And thou wilt save me from the strifes of my people, Thou wilt watch me for the head of nations: The people I have not known shall serve me.
22:45The sons of the stranger will lie to me: For the hearing of the ear they will hear to me.
22:46The sons of the stranger shall fail, and be girded from their enclosings.
22:47Jehovah living; and praised my rock: And God shall be lifted up, the rock of my salvation.
22:48The Strong One giving vengeance to me, And bringing down peoples under me.
22:49And bringing me out from mine enemies lifting me up from them rising up against me: From the man of violence thou wilt deliver me.
22:50For this will I praise thee, O Jehovah, in the nations, to thy name will I play on the harp.
22:51Magnifying the salvation of his king: And he has done mercy to his Messiah To David and to his seed even to forever
Julia Smith and her sister

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876

The Julia Evelina Smith Parker Translation is considered the first complete translation of the Bible into English by a woman. The Bible was titled The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally from the Original Tongues, and was published in 1876.

Julia Smith, of Glastonbury, Connecticut had a working knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Her father had been a Congregationalist minister before he became a lawyer. Having read the Bible in its original languages, she set about creating her own translation, which she completed in 1855, after a number of drafts. The work is a strictly literal rendering, always translating a Greek or Hebrew word with the same word wherever possible. Smith accomplished this work on her own in the span of eight years (1847 to 1855). She had sought out no help in the venture, even writing, "I do not see that anybody can know more about it than I do." Smith's insistence on complete literalness, plus an effort to translate each original word with the same English word, combined with an odd notion of Hebrew tenses (often translating the Hebrew imperfect tense with the English future) results in a translation that is mechanical and often nonsensical. However, such a translation if overly literal might be valuable to consult in checking the meaning of some individual verse. One notable feature of this translation was the prominent use of the Divine Name, Jehovah, throughout the Old Testament of this Bible version.

In 1876, at 84 years of age some 21 years after completing her work, she finally sought publication. The publication costs ($4,000) were personally funded by Julia and her sister Abby Smith. The 1,000 copies printed were offered for $2.50 each, but her household auction in 1884 sold about 50 remaining copies.

The translation fell into obscurity as it was for the most part too literal and lacked any flow. For example, Jer. 22:23 was given as follows: "Thou dwelling in Lebanon, building as nest in the cedars, how being compassionated in pangs coming to thee the pain as in her bringing forth." However, the translation was the only Contemporary English translation out of the original languages available to English readers until the publication of The British Revised Version in 1881-1894.(The New testament was published in 1881, the Old in 1884, and the Apocrypha in 1894.) This makes it an invaluable Bible for its period.