
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

John Wycliffe Bible 1382



22:1Forsothe Dauid spak to the Lord the wordis of this song, in the dai in which the Lord delyuerede hym fro the hond of alle hise enemyes, and fro the hond of Saul.
22:2And Dauid seide, The Lord is my stoon, and my strengthe, and my sauyour;
22:3my God, my stronge, I schal hope in to hym; my scheeld, and the horn of myn helthe, `my reisere, and my refuyt; my sauyour, thou schalt delyuere me fro wickidnesse.
22:4Y schal inwardly clepe the Lord worthi to be preisid; and Y schal be saaf fro myn enemyes.
22:5For the sorewis of deeth cumpasside me; the strondis of Belial maden me aferd.
22:6The coordis of helle cumpassiden me; the snaris of deeth camen bifor me.
22:7In tribulacioun Y schal clepe, `that is, Y clepide thee, Lord, and Y schal crie to my God; and he herd fro his holi temple my vois, and my crye schal come to hise eeris.
22:8The erthe was mouyd, and tremblide; the foundementis of hillis weren smytun and schakun togidere, for the Lord was wrooth to hem.
22:9Smoke stiede fro hise nosethirlis, and fier of his mouth schal deuoure; colis weren kyndlid of it.
22:10And he bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and myist vndur hise feet.
22:11And he stiede on cherubyn, and fliy; and he slood on the pennys of wynd.
22:12He puttide derknessis hidyng place in his cumpas, and riddlide watris fro the cloudis of heuenes;
22:13for briytnesse in his siyt colis of fier weren kyndelid.
22:14The Lord schal thundur fro heuene; and hiy God schal yyue his vois.
22:15He sente hise arowis, and scateride hem; he sente leitis, and wastide hem.
22:16And the schedyngis out of the see apperiden, and the foundementis of the world weren schewid; fro the blamyng of the Lord, fro the brething of the spirit of his strong veniaunce.
22:17He sente fro heuene, and took me; and drow me out of manye watris.
22:18He delyuerede me fro my myytiest enemy, and fro hem that hatiden me; for thei weren strongere than Y.
22:19Thei camen bifore me in the dai of my turmentyng; and the Lord was maad my stidfastnesse.
22:20And he ledde me out in to largenesse, and he delyuerede me; for Y pleside hym.
22:21The Lord schal yelde to me vp my riytfulnesse; and he schal yelde to me vp, `ethir aftir, the clennesse of myn hondis.
22:22For Y kepte the weies of the Lord; and Y dide not wickidli fro my God.
22:23For alle hise domes weren in my siyt; and Y dide not awei fro me hise heestis.
22:24And Y schal be perfit with hym; and Y schal kepe me fro my wickidnesse.
22:25And the Lord schal restore to me vpe my riytfulnesse; and vp the clennesse of myn hondis in the siyt of hise iyen.
22:26With the hooli thou schalt be hooli, and with the stronge, `that is, to suffre aduersitees pacientli, thou schalt be perfit;
22:27and with a chosun man `to blis thou schalt be chosun, and with a weiward man thou schalt be maad weiward, `that is, in yeldynge iustli peyne to hym vpe his weiwardnesse.
22:28And thou schalt make saaf a pore puple; and with thin iyen thou schalt make lowe hem that ben hiye.
22:29For thou, Lord, art my lanterne, and thou, Lord, schalt liytne my derknessis.
22:30For Y gird, `that is, maad redi to batel, schal renne in thee, `that is, in thi vertu; and in my God Y schal `scippe ouer the wal.
22:31`God his weie is `with out wem; the speche of the Lord is examynyd bi fier, `that is, is pure and clene as metal preuyd in the furneys; he is a scheeld of alle men hopynge in hym.
22:32For who is God, outakun the Lord; and who is strong, outakun oure God?
22:33God, that hath gird me with strengthe, and hath maad pleyn my perfit weie;
22:34and he made euene my feet with hertis, and settide me on myn hiye thingis;
22:35and he tauyte myn hondis to batel, and made myn armes as a brasun bouwe.
22:36Thou hast youe to me the sheeld of thin heelthe; and my myldenesse multipliede me.
22:37Thou schalt alarge my steppis vndur me; and myn heelis schulen not faile.
22:38Y schal pursue myn enemyes, and Y schal al to-breke hem; and Y schal not turne ayen, til Y waste hem.
22:39Y schal waste hem, and Y schal breke, that thei rise not; thei schulen falle vndur my feet.
22:40Thou hast gird me with strengthe to batel; thou hast bowid vnder me hem that ayenstoden me.
22:41Thou hast youe myn enemyes abac to me, men hatynge me; and Y schal distrie hem.
22:42Thei schulen crye, `that is, to ydols ether to mennus help, and noon schal be that schal saue; `thei schulen crie to the Lord, and he schal not here hem.
22:43Y schal do awei hem as the dust of erthe; Y schal `powne hem, and Y schal do awei as the clei of stretis.
22:44Thou schalt saue me fro ayenseiyngis of my puple; thou schalt kepe me in to the heed of folkis; the puple, whom Y knowe not, schal serue me.
22:45Alien sones schulen ayenstonde me; bi heryng of eere thei schulen obeie to me.
22:46Alien sones fletiden awei; and thei schulen be drawun togidere in her angwischis.
22:47The Lord lyueth, and my God is blessid; and the stronge God of myn helthe schal be enhaunsid.
22:48God, that yyuest veniauncis to me; and hast cast doun puplis vndur me.
22:49Which ledist me out fro myn enemyes, and reisist me fro men ayenstondinge me; thou schalt deliuere me fro the wickid man.
22:50Therfor, Lord, Y schal knowleche to thee in hethene men; and Y schal synge to thi name.
22:51And he magnyfieth the helthis of his kyng; and doith mercyes to his crist Dauid, and to his seed til in to withouten ende.
John Wycliffe Bible 1382

John Wycliffe Bible 1382

The Wycliffe Bible is the only Bible here that was not translated from the Textus Receptus. Its inclusion here is for the Bible's historic value and for comparison in the English language.

John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor produced the first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts in the 1380's. While it is doubtful Wycliffe himself translated the versions that bear his name, he certainly can be considered the driving force behind the project. He strongly believed in having the scriptures available to the people.

Wycliffe, was well-known throughout Europe for his opposition to the teaching of the organized Church, which he believed to be contrary to the Bible. With the help of his followers (called Lollards), Wycliffe produced dozens of English language manuscript copies of the scriptures. They were translated out of the Latin Vulgate, which was the only source text available to Wycliffe. The Pope was so infuriated by his teachings and his translation of the Bible into English, that 44 years after Wycliffe died, he ordered the bones to be dug-up, crushed, and scattered in the river.