Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
19:1 | And there came .ij. angels to Sodome at euen. And Lot sat at the gate of the cyte. And Lot sawe them, & rose vp to mete them, & he bowed hym self to the ground with hys face. |
19:2 | And he sayde: Se Lordes, turne in I praye you in to youre seruauntes house and tary all nyghte and wash youre fete and ryse vp earlye and go on your wayes. And they sayde: nay, but we wyll byde in the streates all nyghte. |
19:3 | And he compelled them excedingly. And they turned in vnto him & entred in to hys house, and he made them a feaste & dyd bake swete cakes, and they ate. |
19:4 | But before they went to rest, the men of the cyte of Sodome compassed the house rounde about both olde and yonge, al the people from all quarters. |
19:5 | And they called vnto Lot & sayd vnto him: where are the men which came in to thy house to nyght? brynge them oute vnto vs that we maye do our lust with them. |
19:6 | And Lot went out at doores vnto them and shut the dore after hym |
19:7 | & sayd: nay for goddes sake brethren, do not so wickedly. |
19:8 | Behold I haue two doughters whych haue knowne no man, them wyll I brynge out vnto you: do wyth them as it semeth you good: Onlye vnto these men do nothyng, for therfore cam thei vnder the shadowe of my rose. |
19:9 | And they sayde: come hyther. And they sayde: camest thou not into soiourne, and wylt thou be nowe a iudge? we wyl suerly deale worse with the than wyth them. And as they preased sore vpon Lot and beganne to breake vp the doore, |
19:10 | the men put forth their handes and pulled Lot in to the house to them & shut to the doore. |
19:11 | And the men that were at the doore of the house, they smotte wyth blyndnesse both small and greate: so that they coulde not fynde the doore. |
19:12 | And the men sayde moreouer vnto Lot: If thou haue yet here any sonne in law or sonnes or doughters or what so euer thou haste in the cytie, brynge it out of thys place: |
19:13 | for we must destroy thys place, because the crye of them is great before the Lorde. Wherfore he hath sent vs to destroy it. |
19:14 | And Lot went out & spake vnto hys sonnes in lawe which shuld haue maryed his doughters, & sayde: stonde vp & get you out of thys place, for the Lord wyl destroy the cyte. But he semed as though he had mocked, vnto his sonnes in lawe. |
19:15 | And as the mornynge arose the angels caused Lot to spede him sayinge: Stonde vp, take thy wyfe & thy two doughters & that that is at hande, lest thou peryshe in the synne of the cyte. |
19:16 | And as he prolonged the tyme, the men caught both him, his wyfe & his two doughters by the handes, because the Lord was mercyfull vnto him, and they brought hym forth & sette hym wythout the cyte. |
19:17 | When they had brought them out, they sayde: Saue thy lyfe & loke not behynde the nether tary thou in any place of the countre, but saue thy selfe in the mountayn, lest thou perysshe. |
19:18 | Than sayde Lot vnto them: Oh naye my Lord: |
19:19 | behold, in as moch as thy seruaunt hath founde grace in thy syghte, nowe make thy mercy great, whyche thou shewest vnto me in sauing my lyfe. For I can not saue my selfe in the mountayns, lest some misfortune fall vpon me and I dye. |
19:20 | Beholde, here is a cite by, to flee vnto, and it is a lytle one: let me saue my selfe therin: is it not a lytle one, that my soule may lyue? |
19:21 | And he sayd to him: se, I haue receiued thy request as concerning thys thyng, that I wyl not ouerthrowe thys cytie for the which thou hast spoken. |
19:22 | Haste the, and saue thy selfe there, for I can do nothyng tyl thou be come in thyther. And therfore the name of the cyte is called Zoar. |
19:23 | And the sunne was vpon the erth when Lot was entred in to Zoar. |
19:24 | Than the Lorde rayned vpon Sodome and Gomorra, brymstone and fyre from the Lord out of heauen, |
19:25 | & ouerthrewe those cites and al the region, and all that dwelled in the cytes, and that that grewe vpon the erth. |
19:26 | And Lots wyfe loked behynde her, and was turned into a pyllar of salte. |
19:27 | Abraham rose vp early and got hym to the place where he stode before the Lorde, |
19:28 | and loked toward Sodome and Gomorra and towarde all the lande of that contre. And as he loked: behold the smoke of the countre arose as it had bene the smoke of a fornace. |
19:29 | But yet when God destroyed the cyties of the region, he thought vpon Abraham: & sent Lot out from the danger of the ouerthrowinge, when he ouerthrewe the cyties where Lot dwelled. |
19:30 | And Lot departed out of Zoar & dwelled in the mountayns & his .ij. doughters wt hym for he feared to tary in Zoar: he dwelled therfore in a caue, bothe he & his two doughters also. |
19:31 | Than sayd the elder vnto the yonger: our father is olde, and there are no moo men in the erth to come in vnto vs after the maner of al the worlde. |
19:32 | Come therfore, let vs geue our father wyne to dryncke, and let vs lye wt hym that we maye saue seed of oure father. |
19:33 | And they gaue their father wyne to drynke that same nyghte. And the elder doughter went and laye with her father. And he perceyued it not, nether when she lay doune, nether when she rose vp. |
19:34 | And on the morowe the elder sayd vnto the yonger: beholde yesternyght laye I with my father. Let vs geue him wyne to drynke this nyght also, and go thou and lye wyth hym, & let vs saue seed of oure father. |
19:35 | And they gaue their father wyne to dryncke that nyght also. And the yonger arose & laye with hym: and he perceyued it not: nether when she lay doune, nether when she rose vp. |
19:36 | Thus were both the doughters of Lot with chylde by their father. |
19:37 | And the elder bare a sonne, and called hym Moab, whych is the father of the Moabytes vnto thys daye. |
19:38 | And the yonger bare a sonne, & called hym Ben Ammi, whyche is the father of the chyldren of Ammon vnto thys daye. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.