
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


8:1And God remembred Noe & al the beastes & al the catel that were with him in the arck. And God made a wynde to blowe vpon the erth, & the waters ceased:
8:2& the fountaynes of the depe & the wyndowes of heauen were stopte, & the rayne of heauen was forbydden,
8:3& the waters returned from of the erth, & abated after the end of an hundred and .l. dayes.
8:4And the arcke rested vpon the mountains of Ararat, the .xvij. daye of the .vij. moneth.
8:5And the waters went awaye, & decreased vntyll the .x. moneth. And the fyrst day of the .x. moneth, the toppes of the mounteyns appered.
8:6And after the ende of .xl. dayes Noe opened the window of the arck which he had made,
8:7and sent forth a rauen, which went out, euer goynge & commynge agayne, vntyl the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth.
8:8Then sent he forth a doue from him, to wete whether the waters were fallen from of the earth.
8:9And when the doue could finde no restyng place for hyr fote, she returned to him agayne vnto the arcke, for the waters were vpon the face of al the earth. And he put out hys hande, and toke hyr, and pulled hyr to hym into the Arcke.
8:10And he abode yet seuen daies more, & sent out the doue agayne oute of the arcke,
8:11& the doue came to him agayne about euentyde, & beholde, there was in hyr mouth a lefe of an olyue tre whyche she had plucked: whereby Noe perceiued that the waters were abated vpon the earth.
8:12And he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, whyche from thence forth came no more agayne to hym.
8:13And it came to passe, the sixe hundred and one yere & the fyrst day of the fyrste moneth, that the waters were dried vp vpon the earth. And Noe toke of the hatches of the arcke, & loked: and beholde, the face of the earth was drye.
8:14So by the .xxvij. day of the second moneth the earth was drye.
8:15And God spake vnto Noe, saying.
8:16Come out of the arcke, boeth thou & thy wyfe & thy sons & thy sonnes wyues with the.
8:17And al the beastes that are wt the whatsoeuer fleshe it be, both foule & catel, & all maner wormes that crepe on the earth bringe oute wyth the & let them moue, grow & multiply vpon the erth.
8:18And Noe came out, & hys sonnes, & his wyfe, and hys sonnes wiues wyth him.
8:19And all the beastes, and all the wormes, and all the foules and all that moued vpon the erth, came also out of the arcke, all of one kynde togyther.
8:20And Noe made an aulter vnto the Lord, & toke of all maner of cleane beastes, & all maner of clene foules, & offred sacrifice vpon the aultare.
8:21And the Lorde smelled a swete sauour, & sayd in his hert: I wyll henceforth no more cursse the earthe for mans sake, for the imagination of mans herte is euyll, euen from the very youth of him. Moreouer I wyl not destroy from henceforthe all that lyueth as I haue done.
8:22Neyther shal sowynge time and heruest, cold and hete, somer, and wynter, daye and nyghte ceasse, as longe as the earth endureth.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.