
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1The sonnes of Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel: for he was the eldest. But because he defyled his fathers beed, his byrthryght was geuen vnto the sonnes of Ioseph the sonne of Israel, and so he is not rekened vnto the byrthe ryght.
5:2For vnto Iuda whych was mightie amonge hys brethren, was geuen the principalitye before hym. But the byrthryght was geuen Ioseph.
5:3The sonnes then of Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel, were Henoch, Phalu, Hezron and Carmi.
5:4The sonnes of Ioel: Samaiah, and hys sonne Gog, and hys sonne Semei,
5:5and hys sonne Micah, and the sonne of hym was Reaiah, and hys sonne was Baal,
5:6and Beerah was hys sonne. Whyche Beerah Thiglath Phalneser, Kynge of Assyria caryed awaye: for he was a great Lorde amonge the Rubenites.
5:7But vnto hys brethren in theyr kynredes, when they are rekened after theyr byrthe, were Ieiel and Zachariah the chefe heades.
5:8And Bala the sonne of Azan the sonne of Sema the sonne of Ioel, dwelt in Aroer and so forthvnto Nebo and Baalmaon.
5:9And eastwarde he enhabyted vntyll the wyldernesse, euen vpon the ryuer Euphrates, for theyr catell was moche in the lande of Galaad.
5:10And in the dayes of Saul they warred wyth the Hagarites whyche were ouerthrowen by theyre handes. And they dwelt in theyr tentes thorowe out all the eastlande of Galaad.
5:11And the Chyldren of Gad dwelt ouer agaynste them in the lande of Basan, euen vnto Selcah.
5:12And in Basan Ioel was the chefest and Sapham the next, then Iaanai and Saphat.
5:13And theyr brethren in the auncyent housholdes of them, were Michel, Mosolam, Seba, Iorai, Ioacan, Zia, Eber and Seuen.
5:14These were the chyldren of Abihail the sonne of Huri the sonne of Ieroah Galaad the sonne of Michael the sonne of Iesisai the sonne of Iahado the sonne of Buz.
5:15Ahi was the sonne of Abdiel the sonne of Guni the head of an auncyent housholde amonge them.
5:16And they dwelt in Galaad & in Basan and her townes, and in all the Suburbes of Saron, euen vnto the ende of theyr borders.
5:17And they were all rekened by kynreddes in the dayes of Iotham kynge of Iuda, and in the dayes of Ieroboam kynge of Israel.
5:18The sonnes of Ruben of Gad and of halfe the trybe of Manasseh, euen of fyghtynge men able to beare shylde and swerde, & shott with bowe, and taught to make warre, were foure and fourtye thousande seuen hundred & threskore that went out to battell.
5:19And they fought wyth the Hagarites and wyth Ietur, Naphas and Nodab.
5:20And they were holpe agaynst them, and the Hagarites were delyuered into theyr handes with all that were wyth the Hagarites. For they cryed to God in the battell, and he hearde them, because they trusted to hym.
5:21And they toke of theyr cattell fyftye thousande camelles, and two hundred and fyftye thousand shepe, and two thousande asses, & of the people an hundreth thousand:
5:22for there fell manye deed because the warre was of God. And they dwelt ther in theyr steades vntyll the tyme that they were caryed awaye.
5:23And the chyldren of halfe the trybe of Manasseh dwelt in the lande, from Basan vnto Baal Hermon and Samir and vnto mount Hermon,
5:24and they were manye. And these were the heades of the auncyent housholdes of them: Epher, Iesi, Eliel, Azriel, Ieremiah, Hodaiah, Iehadiel, men of great power, men of name and heades of the auncient housholdes of them.
5:25But when they had transgressed agaynst the God of theyr fathers and had gone a whorynge after the Gods of the people of the lande, which God destroyed before them,
5:26God stered vp the spyryte of Phul Kynge of Assyria and the spyryte of Thiglath Phalneser Kynge of Assyria, and caryed awaye the Rubenites, the Gaddites and the halfe trybe of Manasseh, and brought them vnto Helah, Habor, Hara and to the Ryuer Gozan, wher they remayne vnto thys daye.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.