
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


18:1After processe of many dayes the worde of the Lord came to Elia in the thyrde yeare, sayinge: go shewe thy selfe vnto Ahab, and I wyll sende rayne vpon the erth.
18:2And Elia went to shewe hym selfe vnto Ahab, & ther was a great famyshement in Schomron.
18:3And Ahab called Obadia, whych was the gouerner of hys house: & Obadia feared God greatlye:
18:4For when Iezabell destroyed the prophetes of the Lord, he toke an hundred prophetes and hyd them, fiftie men in one caue & fyftie in another, & prouyded bred & water for them.
18:5And Ahab sayde vnto Obadia: Go into the lande, vnto all fountaynes of water, & vnto all brokes, yf happlye we maye fynde grasse, to saue the horses and the mules, & that we destroye not some of the beastes.
18:6And so they deuyded the lande betwene them, to walke thorow it. Ahab went one waye by hym selfe, and Obadia went another waye by hym selfe.
18:7And it chaunced that as Obadia was in the waye, Elia mett him. And Obadia knewe hym, & fell on hys face, & sayde: art not thou my Lord Elia?
18:8And he answered hym: I am he. Go and tell thy Lorde: beholde, Elia is here.
18:9He sayde: what haue I synned, that thou woldest delyuer thy seruaunt into the hand of Ahab, to sley me?
18:10As trulie as the Lord thy God lyueth, there is no nacyon or kyngdome, whether my Lorde hath not sent, to seke the. And when they sayde: he is not there, he tooke an othe of the kyngdome & nacyon, whan he founde the not.
18:11And nowe thowe sayest: goo & tell thy Lorde, that Elia is here.
18:12And as sone as I am gone from the, the sprete of the Lord shall carie the into some place that I do not knowe. and so when I come and tell Ahab, & he canne not finde the, he shall sley me. But I thy seruaunt feare the Lorde from my youth vp.
18:13Was it not tolde my Lorde, what I dyd, when Iezabell slue the prophetes of the Lorde howe I hydde an hundred men of the Lordes prophetes, fyftie men in one caue and fyftie in another, and prouyded them of breed and water?
18:14And nowe thou sayest, goo thou nowe and shewe thy Lorde. Beholde, Elia is here, that he maye sley me?
18:15And Elia sayde: as truly as the Lorde of Hostes lyueth, before whom I stande, I wyll shew my selfe vnto him this daye.
18:16So Obadia went to mete Ahab, and tolde hym. And Ahab went to mete Elia.
18:17And it fortuned that whan Ahab sawe Elia, he sayde vnto him: art thou he that troubleth Israel?
18:18He answered: it is not I that haue troubled Israel, but thou, and thy fathers house, in that ye haue forsaken the commaundementes of the Lorde, and thou hast folowed Baal.
18:19Nowe therfore sende and geather to me all Israel vnto mount Carmel, and the prophetes of Baal foure hundred and fyftie, and the prophetes of the Idols groues foure hundred, which eate of Iezabels table.
18:20So Ahab sent vnto all the chyldren of Israel, & gathered the prophetes togeather vnto mount Carmel.
18:21And Elia came vnto all the people, and sayde: howe longe halte ye betwene two opynions? If the Lord be God, folowe hym: but yf Baal be he, then go after hym. And the people answered hym not one worde.
18:22Then sayde Elia vnto the people agayne. I onely remayne a prophete of the Lorde: but Baals prophetes are foure hundred and fyftie.
18:23Let them therfore geue vs two oxen, & let them chose the one, & cut hym in peces, & laye hym on wodd, and put no fyre vnder: and I will dresse the other oxe, & laye him on wodd, and will put no fyre vnder.
18:24And call ye on the name of youre God, & I wyll call on the name of the Lorde: and then the God that answereth by fyre, let him be God. And all the people answered & sayde. yt is well spoken.
18:25And Elia sayd vnto the prophetes of Baal: chose you an oxe, and dresse hym fyrst (for ye are many) and call on the name of your goddes, but put no fyre vnder.
18:26And they toke the one oxe that he dyd geue them, & they dressed it & called on the name of Baal from mornynge to noone: sayeng: O Baal heare vs. But there was no voyce nor one to answere. And they lepte vpon the aulter that they had made.
18:27And at none it fortuned, that Elia mocked them, and sayde: crye lowde, for he is a God: peraduenture he is talkinge or occupyed (in folowinge vpon his enemyes) or is in his iourneye, or happely he slepeth, & must be awaked withe youre crye.
18:28And they cryed lowde, and cut them selues, as their maner was, wt knyues & launcers, tyll the bloude folowed on them.
18:29And it chaunsed, that when myddaye was passed they prophesyed vntill the tyme of the euenyng sacrifyce. But there was nether voyce ner one to answere, ner any that regarded them.
18:30And Elia sayde vnto all the folke: come to me. And all the people came to hym. And he repayred the aulter of the Lord, that was broken.
18:31And Elia toke .xij. stones according to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of the sonnes of Iacob (vnto whom the worde of the Lorde came, sayeng. Israel shalbe thy name.
18:32And with the stones he made an aultare in the name of the Lorde. And he made a dyche rounde about the aulter, as brode as two forowes of the corne felde.
18:33And he put the wodd in order, & hewed the oxe in peces, & layed hym on the wodd, and sayde: fyll foure barels wt water, and powre it on the burntsacrifyce & on the wodd.
18:34And he sayd: do so agayne. And they dyd so the seconde tyme. And he sayde agayne: do it the thyrde tyme. And they dyd it the thyrde tyme.
18:35And the water ranne rounde about the aulter, and he fylled the pitte wyth water also.
18:36And it fortuned when the tyme came (wherin the burntsacrifyce of the eueninge vsed to be offred) Elia the prophete came & sayd: Lord God of Abraham, Isahac & of Israel, it shalbe knowen this daye, that thou art the God in Israel, & that I am thy seruaunt, & that I haue done all these thynges at thy commaundement.
18:37Heare me (O Lorde) heare me, that this people maye knowe, that thou art the Lorde God, & thou hast turned theyr herte agayne now at the last.
18:38And the fyre of the Lord fell, & consumed the burntsacrifyce & the wodd, the stones & the dust, & lycked vp the water that was in the pitte.
18:39And when all the people sawe it, they fell on their faces, & sayd. The Lord, he is God, the Lord, he is God.
18:40And Elia sayde vnto them. Take the prophetes of Baal, & let not one of them escape. And they toke them, and Elia brought them vnto the brooke Kison, & slue them there.
18:41And Elia sayd vnto Ahab: gett the vp, eate and drinck, for ther is a sounde of moche rayne.
18:42And so Ahab went vp to eate and to drinck, & Elia went vp to the toppe of Carmel. And he layed him selfe flatt vpon the erth, & put his face betwene his knees,
18:43& sayd to his seruaunt: go vp (I praye the) & looke towarde the waye of the see. And he went vp & loked, & sayde: there is nothyng. And he sayde: go agayne .vij. tymes.
18:44And it fortuned, that at the seuenth tyme he sayd: behold, there ariseth a little clowde of the see, lyke a mannes hande. He sayde: go, & saye vnto Ahab, Make fast thy charet, & gett the downe, that the rayne stoppe the not.
18:45And it came to passe, that in the meane while, the heuen was blacke wt clowdes & winde, & there was a great rayne. And Ahab gatt vp & came to Iezreel.
18:46And the hand of the Lord was on Elia, & he gyrded vp hys loynes, & ranne before Ahab, tyll he came to Iezreel.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."