
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


6:1Take hede to your almes, that ye geue it not in the sight of men, to the intent that ye would be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father whyche is in heauen.
6:2Whensoeuer therfore thou geuest thime almes, thou shalt not make a trompet to be blowen before the, as the hypocrytes do in the synagoges and in the stretes, for to be praised of men. Verely I saye vnto you, they haue their rewarde.
6:3But when thou doest thine almes, let not thy lyft hande knowe what thy ryght hande doth,
6:4that thyne almes may be secrete: and thy father whiche seeth in secrete, shall rewarde the openly.
6:5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hipocrites are. For they loue to stande and praye in the sinagoges, and in the corners of the stretes, and because they wolde be seane of men. Verely I say vnto you, they haue their rewarde.
6:6But when thou prayest, entre into thy chamber, & shut thy dore to the, & praie to thi father which is in secrete: & thy father which seeth in secrete, shall rewarde the openlye.
6:7But when ye praye, bable not much as the Heathen do: for they thinke that they shalbe herde, for their muche bablynge sake.
6:8Be ye not lyke them therfore. For your father knoweth wherof ye haue neade, before ye axe of him
6:9after this manner therfore pray ye. Our father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.
6:10Let thy kingdome come. Thy wyll be fulfylled, as well in earth, as it is in heauen.
6:11Geue vs this daye our daylye breade.
6:12And forgeue vs our trespases, euen as we forgeue oure trespasers.
6:13And lead vs not into temptaciou. But delyuer vs from euyll. For thyne is the kingdome and the power, and the glorye for euer Amen.
6:14For and if ye shall forgeue other men their trespases, your heauenlye father shall also forgeue you.
6:15But and ye wyll not forgeue men theyr trespases, no more shall your father forgeue your trespases.
6:16Moreouer when ye fast, be not sad as the hipocrites are. For they disfygure their faces, that they myght be sene of men how they fast. Verely I say vnto you, they haue their rewarde.
6:17But thou, when thou fastest, annoint thine head, & wash thy face
6:18that it appeare not vnto men howe that thou fastest but vnto thy father which is in secrete: & thy father which seth in secret shal reward the openly.
6:19Se that ye gater you not treasure vpon the earth, where ruste & mothes corrupte, & wher theues breake throughe & steale.
6:20But gather ye treasure together in heauen, where neither rust nor mothes corrupt, & where theues neyther breake vp nor yet steale.
6:21For wher soeuer your treasur is, ther wyl your hertes be also.
6:22The lyght of thy body is thine eye. Wherfore if thine eye be single, al thy bodye shalbe full of light.
6:23But and if thyne eye be wycked then al thy bodye shalbe ful of darkenes. Wherfore if the light that is in the, be darkenes: how great is that darckenes?
6:24No man can serue two maysters. For eyther he shall hate the one & loue the other: yea or eles he shall leane to the one & dispise the other. Ye cannot serue God & Mammon.
6:25Therfore I saie vnto you, be not tareful for you life what ye shall eate or what ye shall dryncke, nor yet for your bodye, what ye shall put on, is not the lyfe more worthe then meate, and the body more of value then rayment?
6:26Behold the foules of the ayer: for the sowe not, neyther reape, nor yet cary into the barnes: and yet your heauenlye father fedethe them. Are ye not muche better then they?
6:27Whych of you (though he toke thoughte therfore) coulde put one cubit vnto hys statuture?
6:28And why care ye then for rayment? Considre the lylies of the filde, howe they growe. They laboureth not nether spynne.
6:29And yet for all that I saye vnto you that euen Solomon in all hys royaltie was not arayed lyke vnto one of these.
6:30Wherfore if God so clothe the grasse, which is to day in the felde, and to morowe shall be cast in to the fournace: shall he not much more do the same vnto you, o ye of lytle fayth?
6:31Therfore take no thought saiynge: what shall we eate, or what shall we dryncke, or wherewith shal we be clothed?
6:32After all these thynges seke the gentils. For your heauenlye father knoweth that ye haue neade of all these thynges.
6:33But rather seke ye first the kyngdome of heauen and the rightuousnes therof, & all these thynge shalbe ministred vnto you.
6:34Care not then for the morow, but let the morow care for itself: for the day present hath euer ynough of his owne trouble.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.