
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1O thou sonne of man, take the then a sharpe knyfe, namely, a rasoure. Take that, & shaue the hearre of thy head and beerd: Then take the scoales and the waight, and deuyde the hearre a sunder.
5:2And burne the thirde parte therof in the fyre in the myddest of the cytie, & cut the other thirde parte in peces with a knyfe. As for the thirde parte that remayneth, cast it in the wynde, & then shewe the bare knyfe.
5:3Yet afterwarde take a lytle of the same, and bynde it in thy cote lappe.
5:4Then take a curtesy of it, and cast it in the myddest of the fyre: & burne it in the fyre. Out of the same fyre shall there goo a flame, vpon the whole house of Israell.
5:5Morouer, thus sayde the Lorde God: This same is Ierusalem. I sett her in the myddest of the Heathen & nacions: that are rounde aboute her,
5:6but she hath despysed my iudgmentes more then the Gentiles them selues, and broken my commaundementes more then the nacyons, that lye round aboute her: For they haue cast out myne ordinaunces, & not walcked in my lawes.
5:7Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: For so moch as ye with youre wickednesse farre exceade the Heathen, that dwell rounde aboute you: (For ye haue not walcked in my lawes, nether haue ye kepte myne ordinaunces)
5:8Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God. I wyll also come vpon the, for in the myddest of the wyll I syt in iudgment, in the syght of the Heathen,
5:9and wyll handle the of soch a fashion, as I neuer dyd before, and as I neuer will do from that tyme forth, and that because of all thyne abhominacyons.
5:10For in the fathers shall be fayne to eate their owne sonnes, and the sonnes their owne fathers. Soch a courte will I kepe in the, & the whole remnaunt will I scatre in to all the wyndes.
5:11Wherfore as trulye as I lyue (sayeth the Lord God) seyng thou hast defiled my Sanctuary, with all maner of abhominacyons and with al thy shameful offences: For this cause will I also destroye the. Myne eye shall not ouer se the, nether will I spare the.
5:12One thirde parte within the, shall dye of the pestilence and of honger: Another thirde parte shall be slayne downe rounde aboute the, with the swearde: The other thirde parte that remayneth, will I scatre abroade towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out the swearde after them.
5:13Thus I wyll perfourme my indignacion & set my wrath agaynst them, and ease my selfe. So that when I haue fulfylled myne anger agaynst them, they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, whiche with a feruent glousye haue spoken it.
5:14Moreouer I wyll make the waste and abhorred, befor all the Heathen that dwell aboute the, & in the syght of all them, that go by the:
5:15so that when I punishe the in my wrath, in myne anger, & with the plage of my whote displeasure: thou shalt be a very abhominacion, shame, a gasynge & wondrynge stocke, amonge the Heathen that lye aboute the. Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it, and it shall come to passe,
5:16when I shute amonge them the perlous dartes of honger, which shalbe but death: Yee therfore shall I shute them, because I wyll destroye you I will encrease hunger, & mynishe all the prouisyon of bred amonge you.
5:17Plages and mysery wyll I sende you, yee and wylde beastes also to destroye you Pestilence & bloudshedynge shall come vpon you, and the swearde will I bringe ouer you. Euen I the Lorde, haue sayde it.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.